PaintingImagesRepliesLast activityActivity
Anyone here interested in a study group on becoming better painters?
I currently purchased I would like to go over the concepts with someone to get abetter understanding
2 days ago
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
hi i am new in the plataform, I´ve been practicing my watercolor technique, and I´d like if someone could give me some feedback about it, every comment it is welcome I want to know your point of view :)
4 days ago
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
Tiger , turtle and rhino watercolor, Feedback :)
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
1 week ago
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
Looking for critique on a couple of paintings I did digitally
Help me please, I really need a feedback for my value painting practicce
Hello, I just finished a painting exercise using only 3 values: black, middle gray and white. Do you guys have any suggestions for the results of my practice so that my abilities improve?
2 weeks ago
Help me please, I really need a feedback for my value painting practicce
Help me please, I really need a feedback for my value painting practicce
Help me please, I really need a feedback for my value painting practicce
Help me please, I really need a feedback for my value painting practicce
Gouache Studies
I've been wanting to put some more time into painting with gouache lately so I'm starting a study thread, feel free to join in! Here are two pieces from this weekend's attempts. The first is a Dean Cornwell study done along with a livestream from Jeff Watts. Clear reference was tough to find, so I just went along with the process I saw Jeff work though in the video. I spent about 3 hours on the Cornwell study and then applied the same process to an original sketch I did of Norman Rockwell from a black and white photo, which also took about 3 hours. Still getting the hang of organizing values on the palette, I feel like my palette gets crazy and disorganized quickly, so by the end of the Rockwell piece I was hunting and mixing a lot more to get back to the appropriate values. I'd love any feedback, suggestions, notes or revelations you've had during your own gouache adventures! Tools- Palette - Winsor & Newton Permanent White, and Ivory Black, Holbein Permanent Yellow Deep, and Flame Red Robert Simmons 785 Round #4 Arches Aquarelle Watercolor Cold Pressed Paper Livestream-
3 weeks ago
Gouache Studies
Gouache Studies
Gouache Studies
Gouache Studies
Oil Painting for beginners
Hi fellow artists, can somebody recommend a basic oil painting course for beginners? Specifically interested in portraiture. thanks! Michael
3 weeks ago
How and why would you choose certain color palette for a digital painting
I just started with painting and wondering how to improve my skill in painting any advice would be helpful.
3 weeks ago
How to do a art study on various paintings?
Ok so I decided to do a study on various painters and artist. I was wondering how to do that properly so I get the most out of it.
3 weeks ago
Digital painting
Hello everyone I just made this digital painting to brush up my painting
4 weeks ago
Digital painting
Alex Ross Kingdom Come master study.
I've been working on this one for a little while. This is a gouache study of an Alex Ross painting. I'm trying to follow along with what I know about his process. In this book, "Mythology" he does a demonstration of his process where he does a black wash underpainting before he adds color. I'm just about done with the underpainting and will start on the color probably tomorrow.
4 weeks ago
Alex Ross Kingdom Come master study.
Best Online Oil Painting Course?
Hi, I'm looking for an online oil painting course for beginners, and would be interested to hear any thoughts or recommendations. I've tried finding one on my own, and the ones I'm thinking about taking are on New Masters Academy (Charles Hu's "Oil painting for beginners" and Joseph Todorovitch's courses) and on youtube (SIMPLIFY Drawing and Painting). Do you have any thoughts about these? Are there other courses you would rather recommend? I studied Alla Prima II thoroughly this spring and I have been trying to apply that knowledge during the summer. But I feel like I need someone showing me the basic procedures step by step. I want to be able to paint realisticly, to faithfully capture what I see. Some artists that I like are: Anders Zorn, Richard Schmid, Joaquin Sorolla and Kazuo Oga Thanks in advance!
1 month ago
Critique Requested!
Hello there, thanks for clicking on this! I was wondering what critiques you might have for a painting I did. I wanted to capture a moody scene, and even though it didn't match my vision in terms of contrast, I think I'm quite pleased with the result, although there are definitely spots to improve. Thank you for your time!
1 month ago
Critique Requested!
Can anyone give me feedback
Hello everyone with the following I wanted to copy the coloring style of image from the right one *how to do painting in the style of image on the right I did the coloring on the left
1 month ago
Can anyone give me feedback
Can anyone give me feedback
Stuck - Seeking Critique
Hello! Just started a course here, but I’m hoping someone can help in-stick me in a painting I’ve already put well over 20 hours into. I’m trying to angle my art toward illustration and concept design, and this one in particular is intended to be an illustration. There are parts of this I absolutely love (the arms and hands around the gun), but there are three things I just can’t seem to fix. 1) His face. I’ve repainted it probably five times and just can’t seem to get it past the uncanny valley. Am I putting too much highlight in it? Are his eye whites too bright? Help! I also see her arms are probably a little short… 2) Landscape. I’m pretty new to attempting landscapes and full backgrounds, and somehow I can’t seem to suggest patchy desert scrub without making it look like a scribbled mess. 3) Marrying the characters and setting. I can’t seem to avoid either 1) the characters disappearing into the background or 2) the characters feeling slapped on top like a bad photoshop job. Any suggestion for helping them feel more like part of the scene without hiding them in it would be welcome. Thanks in advance for any input. I’ll try to go offer some critiques to folks in trade. :D
1 month ago
Stuck - Seeking Critique
Landscape studies
Hello, these are some landscape studies from recently, I can’t post the actual paintings because of the file size so I took screenshots. I obviously need to keep studying the fundamentals I’m learning but was wondering if anything sticks out that I could do better. I spent the least amount of time on the rocky beach one and it was the most difficult for me because of the water so it’s definitely more messy than the other two.
1 month ago
Landscape studies
Landscape studies
Landscape studies
Hello everyone, so I'm working on this piece and would love to get some suggestions and advises on how to improve it. Main things that I would love to get feedback on: 1. how to better render the mirror that the younger one is holding in her hand 2. the dress on the older girl 3. what light shape to make around the hand that holds the mirror
1 month ago
My first attempt at digital art critiques please.
1 month ago
My first attempt at digital art critiques please.
Forrest digital painting
Looking for critique on this painting as well
1 month ago
Forrest digital painting
digital Bruches for Ghibli or anime painting
Where can I make or find custom brushes to do anime or high quality art like studio Ghibli.
2 months ago
Draw the Head from Any Angle
Drawing the head from any angle can be challenging but rewarding. Here's a general step-by-step guide: Start with Basic Shapes: Begin by sketching a simple circle to represent the cranium and an oval or egg shape for the jawline. These basic shapes will serve as the foundation for the head. Establish the Angle: Determine the angle from which you are drawing the head. This will influence the placement and proportions of facial features. Add Guidelines: Draw guidelines to help you position the facial features accurately. These guidelines can include a horizontal line to indicate the eye level and vertical lines to mark the center of the face and the sides of the head. Position the Features: Place the features relative to the guidelines. The eyes typically sit halfway between the top of the head and the chin, with one eye-width of space between them. The nose can be positioned between the eyes, and the mouth is usually located halfway between the nose and the chin. Consider Perspective: Pay attention to how perspective affects the appearance of the head. Features that are closer to the viewer will appear larger, while those farther away will appear smaller. Add Detail: Once you have the basic proportions and positioning of the features, start adding detail. Define the shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, paying attention to their individual characteristics. Refine the Drawing: Refine your drawing by adding shading and texture to give the head dimension and depth. Pay attention to light and shadow to create a three-dimensional appearance. Practice: Drawing heads from different angles takes practice, so don't be discouraged if your first attempts don't turn out exactly as you'd like. Keep practicing and experimenting with different angles to improve your skills. Remember, drawing is a skill that improves with practice, so don't be afraid to make mistakes and keep learning from them. Experiment with different angles and techniques to find what works best for you. Click Hare:
2 months ago
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