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Dennis Yeary
added comment inWarmup - Clean Shading
Asked for help
will this work in procreate on a tablet?
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Interesting I didn’t notice the different circles and want not. Can’t wait for the next lesson
Man I’m excited this the last hurdle I need to fix besides perspective.
also can some explain what he meant by color relationship near the beginning of the video?
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Here some drawings I did. I'm hoping this course will help me improve
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How to create concept art for a tvshow and or videogame?20d
I wondering what it take to make one before you start production on a project?
Oh here some my inked drawings
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what are the rules for inking a sketch in procreate?1mo
basically I'm wanting to learn to ink a drawing so I can improve my skills as a illustrator.
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looking for a critique on few paintings.1mo
I'm trying to find the right colors and to blend them together. I'm using procreate program
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a painting I did.2mo
I been out of commission due to an arm injury. but finally back to work