Marshall Vandruff
Marshall Vandruff
Laguna Hills, California
I Write, I Draw, I Teach
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Marshall Vandruff
Marshall Vandruffadded a new premium lesson
Marshall Vandruff
Marshall Vandruffadded a new premium lesson
Marshall Vandruff
Marshall Vandruffadded a new premium lesson
Michael Giff
Thank you so, so much. It's hard to put into words how much I appreciate live/real time demos. The big thing that inspired me to get back into drawing was watching comic book artist Jim Lee do art demos on Youtube. An industry pro that would legit turn his camera on and have strangers like me watch him for 6 hours as he drew a comic page. Seeing someone who has been drawing professionally for about as long as I've been alive, in real time, as they: work-shopped, erased, re-drew, erased and drew again, opened my eyes to the fact that drawing was not a magic trick, it's hard work and stubbornness that gets art done. I personally would of love to see the unedited video for all 7 demos but I'm grateful for the 3 and look forward to following along line by line and then seeing if I can transfer that knowledge without copying. Great big thanks again.
Marshall Vandruff
Choosing masters like Jim Lee and others of his ilk, and taking the time to watch them work all the way through a drawing or a page, is perhaps the best possible "nutrition" for your drafting input. It both inspires and offers reality checks.
Andreas Kra
Here, I followed along with the demos. The inked ones were done earlier on my own before watching the demo.
Marshall Vandruff
It looks to me like you are sooooo getting it!
Maria Bygrove
After watching the demos, I drew some more planes from memory. I agree with @Michael Giff , watching real-time demos is both super helpful and a good reality check. I keep falling for the trick of sped-up process videos, and then berate myself that drawing doesn't come easy to me, while it clearly comes so easy to all the amazing artists posting on youtube or instagram ;) Having said that, I feel like something 'clicked' for me during Marshall's demos and these last drawings came, well, almost easy :D
Marshall Vandruff
I just find it fascinating how accurate these guesses are
Marshall Vandruff
Well, thank you for catching me doing something right. For all the off-guesses, I apologize. For the accurate ones, I'll vacillate between pride and fear.
Marshall Vandruff
Marshall Vandruffadded a new premium lesson
Thanks again for access to this brilliant perspective course. There are so many creative folk on this course. I've been practicing to draw Freehand, some simple items as instructed in an earlier topic. First in 45 degree view and then repositioned (imagined), as you explained. I'd like to better understand how to think this imagined view through manually first. Are there more lessons coming with this thought in mind before using such a tool? The Zolly app looks amazing Marshall. Are you saying Zolly's an essential tool to continuing in your course moving forward?
Marshall Vandruff
An essential tool? Not at all! Artists have been mastering perspective long before the Zolly App! But for the past six months, we have worked to create an app we wished for. If it seems to you like it will help, it probably will. We put a lot into making it easy to use. Regarding your question about "how to think this imagined view through manually first", it may help to review the reminders: One is that if you are having trouble, begin simply with blobs. Another is that precise positioning will be found in the three axes of a block. Soon. Another is that for most students, it requires work to conjure a new position. Take time to envision. Understanding is important, but so is the ability to "see" what isn't there — a skill worth practicing. Perhaps the most important reminder is the answer to your final question: not only are there more lessons to come about this, the whole course is about this! Drawing what you imagine... I hope this helps, Dermot; Zolly App or No Zolly App.
Randy Pontillo
Groups of artists are hard to find, glad Im part of this huge one!
Marshall Vandruff
I'm smiling regularly and bragging to colleagues about the fact that you all are doing this thing!
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