Drawing FundamentalsImagesRepliesLast activityActivity
Level 2 simplification (before demo)
Feeling defeated on this one. Realistic proportions are a weak point for me but I feel I’m understanding it better with simplifying. Any tips/critiques please? I’d appreciate it a lot. Thank you.
9 hours ago
Level 2 simplification (before demo)
Level 2 simplification (before demo)
Level 2 simplification (before demo)
Confused about the bean method
Maybe I'm stuck in a mentality there's only one right way to do it, but how common is proko's bean method? Like it's different from how I've glanced up on vilppu or steve huston and while they don't explicitly bring up the bean method, do they have anything in common with it? It's confusing me which ideas to follow and which ideas to discord.
10 hours ago
#240212 Practice / study drawings. RSB sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Various refs. among them Loomis, Woodward and Michael Hampton.
1 day ago
Screenless Tablet Ergonomics for a beginner?
Hi there, I've been trying to learn how to draw for about a month now and I am learning using a screenless drawing tablet for digital drawing. I'm having fun generally, but my motor skills with drawing still feel very poor, and I wouldn't say that I've noticed any improvements in terms of general comfort with my tablet or my ability to draw without very noticeably wobbling or missing target, even after a month of consistent practice. I understand that mileage is ultimately key and a month isn't that long; I don't expect to be "good," by this point. I can't help but feel like I am missing something or doing something wrong in terms of actually using my tablet, however. I find it really hard to even feel "comfortable," when sitting and using it, and when trying to draw with my shoulder. I'm trying to be conscious of keeping decent posture, I've tried the tablet both flat and propped up at a slight angle, and I've tried different heights for my chair to change the angle of my arm/hand in relation to the tablet. I also don't really know what to do with my hand, I keep it lightly rested on the tablet for support and I wear a glove, but there is still a very noticeable amount of friction I need to actively fight against to try and pull clean lines. Do I just need to learn how to draw without any support for my hand at all? I have also completely ditched using a mouse in favor the tablet in order to get mileage out of it even outside of drawing. Sorry if this is kind of an annoying post, this has just been the one big frustration point in an otherwise really fun and exciting experience. Its like I am trying to learn how to run with a limp. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated from those with similar experiences!
1 day ago
One point perspective
Decided to do some one point perspective with my gesture drawing practices. Critique appreciated.
2 days ago
One point perspective
One point perspective
Before and after the pear demo
Can everyone critique the seeds out of these pears please ty :)
3 days ago
Before and after the pear demo
Before and after the pear demo
Before and after the pear demo
Daily Sketches (Critiques are welcome)
I create this topic to share my daily sketches (apart from assignments drawings). This will be a motivation for me to have a daily practice and to fill my sketchbooks. Critiques are welcome. Thank you very much!
3 days ago
Daily Sketches (Critiques are welcome)
Help with perspective!
Hi friends, I have been commissioned to create an image for a mural for a museum exhibition that is of a 1900s general store. I've drawn it out, but my understanding of perspective isn't concrete yet (though I just signed up for Marshall Vandruff's perspective course which I am SUPER excited for. Could someone please help me understand where I am going wrong in this drawing? The composition has already been approved by the client so I can't change that, but I need to make sure the drawing is solid because it will be blown up to a 12ftx12ft(ish) wall. Thank you for your help!
4 days ago
Help with perspective!
Robo bean critique
need feedback
4 days ago
Robo bean critique
Robo bean critique
Robo bean critique
Trouble with understanding the instructions
I have a general question - I have some trouble understanding the instructions in the very first projects - simplifying the pear and mushroom warm up. Specifically, sometimes a phrase is used like "imagine a line here", "imagine the ellipsis before drawing", "be intentional", etc, but there is no instructions telling how to do that, which kinda tells me that this is something so obvious that it doesn't require any explanation, but i'ts not obvious for me. Can someone explain how to do it?
6 days ago
Please can anyone critique
Can anyone give their feedback
1 week ago
Please can anyone critique
Please can anyone critique
Looking for Accountability Art Buddies
Looking for people that are interested in building habits to be consistent in drawing/painting on the weekends. My time zone is EST and do this from 8:30am to 12:30. If you are interested, please leave me a DM or just reply to this post! I started this 2 years ago, only putting 1hour on Sundays and I'm pretty proud that after so much effort I draw/paint for 7hours consistently on the weekends. Programs/website needed: - Discord and Magma (it's like a website base "photoshop" where you draw along with other people).
1 week ago
Study Buddy
Hello! I would love to find someone who would like to get together over zoom or chat at least once a week to work through exercises together even if we are on different lessons and critique each other. I'm in Jacksonville if you want to meet up in person but either way it would be nice to have a study buddy!
1 week ago
Have i understood this?
Hello i just started reading "How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments From Your Imagination". And i did some of the exercises that where recommended by the book. However i am not sure if i did them correctly. I also did a ground plain just to try and see if i could get it right. Dont know if i got it tho. Any feedback is welcome.
1 week ago
Have i understood this?
Have i understood this?
Have i understood this?
Have i understood this?
Have i understood this?
Have i understood this?
Female figure
Hi, I justified finished this figure drawing . I tried to make it as accurate as possible without pushing the details and the shadows too far. Do you have any feedback for me ?
1 week ago
Female figure
Female figure
Pear- light values lack definition
I am unhappy with the muddiness of the light values. I was trying to avoid an outline mark darker then the surrounding values but instead it just got "mashed potatoe"-y. I dont think it shows 3 light values. Maybe 2 at best. Any critique would be very helpful. Thank you for your time.
1 week ago
Pear- light values lack definition
Tips on where to go on from here as a beginner.
Hello! Since the Drawing Fundamentals course is still ongoing, I'm curious about where one can dip their artistic toes in between new lesson releases. I'm particularly interested in the figure drawing, anatomy, and portrait drawing courses. Ultimately, I plan to complete all of them. Would it be optimal to wait and complete the entire Drawing Fundamentals course first, or would it be okay to explore other courses in the meantime? If so, what would be the most logical order to go through them? I'm concerned that I might easily become overwhelmed as a beginner.
1 week ago
Figure drawing/shading in pen and ink, feedback greatly appreciated!
I was working on breaking down figures into forms and got carried away and decided to work on inking once the pencil drawing was completed. Curious about any feedback you might have regarding the figure aspect, proportions, inking or anything else? I’m still very much a beginner so any advice/pointers are helpful! Thank you!
1 week ago
Figure drawing/shading in pen and ink, feedback greatly appreciated!
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
These are my first 65 gesture sketches I’ve drawn over the first 2 weeks. Most of them are 2-min drawings, but there’s also some 30-sec and 1-min sketches then and there occasionally. I've been experimenting with how I draw gestures because I feel like during the middle of the first 2 weeks, I keep making the torsos too long, so I decided to have a very simplified ribcage and pelvis model as reference for my drawings. The poses are definitely stiff on most of these, but regardless, I’d like to be given feedback so that I can improve and draw people very well! (I’ll attach the reference images in this thread.)
2 weeks ago
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
Need of Criticism with My Gesture Drawings
First in person Figure Drawing session
Hey y’all, I just attended my first live model session last night, I wasn’t able to attend til the 7-10 minute poses. These are on 18x24 with charcoal (never used before). And I want to improve my line and gestures! If you have any advice for my next session next week please feel free to share! thanks for your time! aaron
2 weeks ago
First in person Figure Drawing session
First in person Figure Drawing session
First in person Figure Drawing session
First in person Figure Drawing session
First in person Figure Drawing session
First in person Figure Drawing session
First in person Figure Drawing session
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