maciek szczech
#240212 Practice / study drawings. RSB sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Various refs. among them Loomis, Woodward and Michael Hampton.
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Narayani S
Asked for help
can you guys please help me!. How to improve from this?I am interested in all medium and its hard for me to choose one but i really like to go for anime art style but I don't know what to i have to know how to draw skull without reference . here i am having hard time for positioning guideline circle
Good for you for putting your stuff out there I know that takes courage. In my opinion and hopefully this is helpful to you. Something that stood out to me in the last drawing is that it looks like you are adjusting image elements to make them more semetrical from what they actually are. I think as humans we tend to prefer semetry but it if you look closer at the photo you can see that there's actually alot of asemetry. For example. You have centered the pupils of the eyes, but in the photo they are only half circles and much more cut off at the top, this seems to make a much stronger expression. Also, the lips in your drawing are much more mirrored in the actual photo. Asymetry can give an image much more movement where as symetry tends to make it more static. I know it can seem counterintuitive but I'd encourage you to give it a try.
Art Stark
Sketchbook Silliness.
Art Stark
And then there's a panel
Art Stark
Still working, one sketch at a time.
Art Stark
I'm working on things. Like this…
Art Stark
I've put away my moleskine and started taking notes with my sketchbook.
Maria Gaitan
I can’t express how much I love sketching with blue pencil.
Maria Gaitan
Maria Gaitan
Practicing my CSI lines
Art Stark
These sketches have life.
Shivender Singh sketching
Give some tips
Dip tama
ignore the hand
Maria Gaitan
I’m taking the Drawing Basics course, and I’m trying to get into the habit of drawing as often as possible. I’ll try to do my best to organize my time better so I can at least do 1 sketch per day. When in doubt of what to draw to practice, I choose cats.
Art Stark
Very confident lines and wonderful shape designs. Thanks for posting!
Melanie Scearce
I've been neglecting my sketchbook recently but did some heads today.
Art Stark
The mix of C curves with sharp edges is very cool. Thanks for posting.
Amu Noor
Love the shapes!
Art Stark
Asked for help
Yes, there are Loomis Heads. These, however, are Nolan Heads. I've attached the cover of Bill Nolan's book along with my attempts at inking with a brush pen.
Art Stark
Asked for help
MiniSketchbook p03: 3.5"x5.0". Trying to figure out watercolor pencils.
Aubrey Norseworthy
Wow! These colors are great!! And the eye looks so cool! Water colored pencils have been a tough one for me but a technique I like to have fun with is dipping the pencil tip in the water before putting it to the paper, it gives it a thick and very pigmented line
Art Stark
Asked for help
OddEnds p18 Mech Assembly
Art Stark
Asked for help
OddEnds p17. Still trying to figure out ink.
Aubrey Norseworthy
If your still looking for some ink inspiration kerby Roseanne's is a really fun artists to look into as far as ink lines, he doesn't do much value work with the ink but his line work and detail with it is very inspirational
Melanie Scearce
Cool experimentation, I really like that bird!
Art Stark
Asked for help
MiniSketchbook p02: 3.5"x5.0". Trying to figure out ink with Winsor McCay.
Art Stark
Asked for help
MiniSketchbook p01: 3.5"x5.0". Trying to figure out ink.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Art Stark
Asked for help
Sketch Journal pages 6 & 7. I'm sure glad this thread exists because I like to post now and then, but getting through some of the tutorial videos takes me a while (I'm presently working my way through Drawing Basics' Draw Any Pose From Any Angle). Anyway, still working out the whole Ink Thing. Page 6 is messing with a few extremes. Page 7 is a drawing from life highly idealized.
Siv Nilsen
Those are some nice head shapes on page six! If I should try and find something to critique I think maybe you can look out for some snowman effect on the page 7 figure! Great job!
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