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Dani Torres
added comment inProject - Dynamic Shapes
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I made these with references, any critiques? 😊
The gesture on the seal at the bottom on the second page looks great!
Day 12
Had a couple of days in a row that were rough and I felt like all the daily sketches turned out awful, but today made a page of whales that I really really like, so wanted to share it here
Thank you
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One studio ghibli inspired sketch for good luck.
James Delacroix
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I messed up :( I’ll go watch the demo and try to visualize and see shapes better
You gave it a great try! The shape of the pear looks great. I agree that you can design the value shapes a bit better. Remember the structure of shadows when you're designing -- the core shadow will be the darkest value because it receives the least amount of light. The far edge in shadow will in general receive a bit of bounce light from the light source.
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In addition to the three required assignments I decided to practice drawing from observation with some additional references. I slowed down and realized that I don't need to go fast which improved my line quality. Seeing Stan's demo's really helped me recognize the importance of accuracy still.
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I feel like a dummy for saying this but I for the life of me dont understand how to physically do a tapered line. Ive filled sheets with lines trying to do it and its just not clicking.
Nonetheless I wanted to truck forward with the projects and just add the line exercises to my daily warmups. I tried going really loose and light for these and for a first attempt am decently happy with the results . The entire time I worked on the hand I thought it was a mess until near the end when it started to come together. Definitely lots Ill do different next time I try it but I think (I hope) I at least captured the energy of the source. I was running out of time whole doing the VR girl so my lines there are definitely hairier and more rushed. Im excited to try her again.
It's really muscle memory. Try your best and keep doing those drills, they will pay off! If you've ever tried to learn a choreographed dance or a skateboard trick, you know how many times you have to repeat for it to become ingrained 🔁 I think you're in a good place with your lines, so keep it up!
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I decided to give the level 2 assignment a go.
I never quite realized just how ungainly an animal a camel is
I saw one at a zoo recently. I was pretty taken aback to be honest. I still can't quite figure out how they work...
This looks great! You used a good variety of CSI lines. Keep practicing the tapered strokes and try to stay really light with them until you're happy with the line, then start to put pressure on your pencil. Helps avoid the hairy lines.
Kathryn Kerr
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First attempt at CSI photos. I need to learn how to simplify the lines more for the boots.
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i think these came out good? I’m not great at values so I normally skip them (a truly terrible loop) but I feel like it isn’t too bad. I’d really appreciate any critiques though!
Luca Vigani
Asked for help
I made my first attempt about 20 days ago and it was made before watching the critique video. After that, I started to understand better the assignment and I tried a new approach, these time with the pear/image number 2.
In digital, with Procreate, I've made a study of the different planes that defines the volume of the pear. It isn't a real drawing because it was made tracing the real image put on a layer below. I don't know if it is cheating but it helped my eye to analyze the planes defined by the different tones and gave me a way to define my own interpretation (by the way, following these steps on my own I've reached almost the same result suggested by this tool: Then, I've drown the pencil version, that is a further interpretation based on the digital one.
The posted images show the entire process.
I hope this time the result is more aligned with the purpose of the project.
As always, any critique/feedback is welcome.
Thanks to everyone.