Amu Noor
Amu Noor
Hi, I'm 15 years old and learning to draw!
Activity Feed
Amu Noor
The blob really helped visualize the angles more easily but I had some trouble keeping the convergence consistent. Is there a way to make sure that some angles don’t converge faster than other angles that are in the same axis?
Been fighting a similar problem. Line accuracy is my interpretation of what is going on in my case, not sure if it is the same for you. I'll draw the lines slightly lopsided and not parallel to existing ones and find that I've got weird shrinkage happening in places. I just sigh, and try to draw the line again. ghosting along the preplaced ones trying to cement the angle to memory, and then moving my hand out to where I need that line and trying the pre-practiced movement there. It's not the most accurate, but It has been helping me clean up lines a bit. I've been trying not to worry about it too much, but making a note to keep practicing my straight and parallel line exercises from earlier in the course. Not sure if this helps any? I hope so. I love your use of varying line thicknesses and the white marker outlines. They make the studies feel like finished pieces and I've been enjoying admiring them greatly. :D
Not a helpful answer but: the shading looks so pretty
Amu Noor
Asked for help
Allen Gordon
Your work is genuinely inspiring. How well your able to take what you know and put it back on the paper
Amu Noor
Asked for help
Loved the demo! Any critique on eye placement or general proportion would be appreciated. I couldn’t tell if something was off.
Melanie Scearce
Incredible as always! I made a couple of changes to see what it would look like -- moved the left eye over a touch, and rotated the mouth downwards. Very minor adjustments and I'm not sure if they are quite necessary. Really beautiful work here, I love the texture of the hair!
Amu Noor
I tried to draw Galinda and Elphaba since I couldn't think of my own characters. The blobs made it way easier to draw in perspective!
Patrick Bosworth
This was as fun as it was challenging! I really tried to focus on simplification with the markers. Working through multiple iterations of the comp really reinforced shapes and designs so moving on to the larger thumb I felt more confident about the start of the sketch. Going to keep 3 value markers handy from here on out!
Amu Noor
Wow! The shape design is so cool!
Amu Noor
I tried following along with the demo.
Amu Noor
This was a super helpful lesson and I had fun drawing eyes from different angles! I had some trouble with drawing #3. My reference was lit very softly but I didn’t really know how to place the halftones. Any advice on that would be appreciated.
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