Sita Rabeling
Sita Rabeling
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Sita Rabeling
Escher... I just found a photo of a (once) close friend of mine (we studied together psychology, comparative religion, education at a university) He had already finished the art academy and as an artist he was always fascinated with Escher's work. Here he's holding his sculpture 'Upside Down', 1985. And look, what else he made: His name is Matthieu Hamaekers. So proud of him.
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Sita Rabeling
Hi Marshall 😃 All I want is to be able to express my ideas in a way that I can be content with. (Can one ever enough ..) When a story comes to me I want to be able to illustrate it. When I see people in the street I want to take a picture in my mind and draw them later in a way that one can see how they feel, what history they carry with them and to draw the surroundings that fit the atmosphere.  What more can I say. I don’t think in words, I’m (once was) a dancer, choreographer (among other things). Music gives everything. Maybe I want to make theatre, poetry on paper, I don’t know exactly. I have so many interests. But what I do know is that I need to learn more about perspective and much more will become possible. Yin Yang balance.  Like dreaming away on the piano with Debussy and practice discipline with Bach. I’m looking forward! Love your teachings.
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Sita Rabeling
To complete the assignment... Here are some favourite artists - Chabaud, d'Ospina, Dufy, Eckmair, F. Childe hassam, Fan Ho, Feininger, Hockney, J. Metzinger, Nikolai Lakov, Norman Cornish (!!), Mario Sironi, Maurice de Vlaminck, Webb, Wyeth.
Sarah NP
Looking forward to starting! I began my art journey when I retired. I've found the Proko courses and YT freebies to be so helpful. My intent is toward fine art and illustration although I have a long journey ahead of me. I see others, too, are influenced by Jean Girard (Moebius), M.C. Escher, Thomas Schaller. I'm adding: 1 Frank Frazetta; 2 Jeremy Mann; 3 L.S. Lowry; 4 Maxfield Parrish; and 5 Roger Dean.
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Sita Rabeling
Lowry ❤️
Sita Rabeling
Torso/pelvis boxes combined with some timed sessions. Those are great for practice; so many good models there.
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Andreas Kra
I thought of coming back to this lesson... The picture by Kim Jung Gi appeals to me a lot, so I tried to use his linear style. However, over time I drifted a bit away from the initial goal and started adding color.
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Sita Rabeling
Sita Rabeling
Recent exercises. In the first two I made a quick sketch first, then lay tracing paper over it to help me for the final box drawing of the reference.
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Sita Rabeling
Monstertruck wheels…. I did not see how to approach the construction of those fat wheel ellipses. There is something I still don’t see and I don’t know what - but I think I solved a little bit of the puzzle.
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Sita Rabeling
Just some practice.
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I like your line quality and that you’re using the side of the pencil. Great job simplifying those pesky feet too. I think that including some cross contour lines might help you think in terms of the form instead of the contour. Think about the roundness of the form, and if it’s coming towards you or going away, and then show it with the cross contour.
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Sita Rabeling
Thank you! Definitely a good tip 👌- at the moment I'm practicing that in gestural perspective (basic course). There's so much to work on. Time pressure in life drawing reveals the weak points, so that's good. Happy with your reply 🙏
Sita Rabeling
It has been a while and I realise that I don't practice this enough. I see that feet need work, the second drawing too much contour lines, still have to learn what to leave out - the 2 minute poses I love to draw; not much time to think or fuzz. I keep learning/repeating anatomy. Hopefully it will show in the drawings over time. (And that there will be no stage fright anymore in the future, before I start a new drawing.) Gesture, structure, so much to work on. I love it.
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