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Rachel Dawn Owens
A quick tip for this melted pancake assignment:
One thing that really confuses me about this please, shouldn’t your blue and orange lines be converging towards the horizon lines since (1) the pancakes are flat, not turning, and the lines parallel to each other and (2) matching the ground plane? Right now each set of two lines, for each pancake, they sort of look just parallel to each other, not converging at all. Or is it only the horizontal lines that converge? (i know the horizontal ones do for sure)
Kevin Thon
I shameful to ask a question without submitting any work, but hey - Marshall seems to be a nice/forgiving guy:) I know we will be delving more into the line systems, but for now we are only using true verticals right, i.,e the blobs are not “tilted” ? Also chatgpt says .. :) Yes, there seems to be an inconsistency in vertical convergence that doesn't fully align with strict perspective rules. If this were a casual drawing, it wouldn’t be a big deal, but since it's a perspective course, it might be worth questioning.
This is a question I initially had too. After some drawing and observing, I think the only true verticals exist when the (1) the edge is facing the viewer directly or close to it, or (2) the object is on the horizon level or in 2 point perspective. As you start looking down or up on something, lines begin to converge more and more - sometimes subtly if the object is further and sometimes very radically with lots of distortion if the object is close to the viewer. Because when it’s close to the viewer the VPs move closer together so you get lots of distortion. I think it was d’amelio’s perspective book which basically said some simplify to complete verticals but stuff looks weird when you do that, and I tend to agree (which is why I went down this rabbit hole myself trying the blob to boxes exercise, something felt off and it was that doing true verticals was ruining the angles of the boxes which are 90 degrees but of course in perspective.) In the screencap above you can see the lines are subtly converging and not true verticals. You can test this out for yourself with the zolly app which is really helpful with confusions to remind how things change when it’s really subtle. As for tilting it, it’s up to you how much you’re comfortable with!
More studies and paintings :3
Okay, after a fair bunch of these over the last three days I can say I feel more comfortable with the xyz axes although I’m still not getting the convergences and right angles quite correct yet. These are 15-20 second boxes, just trying to feel space out. Excited to go into more precision as the lessons advance.
I feel embarrassed that it didn’t click til yesterday that xyz is perpendicular (and also the corners of the boxes). I *knew* it at the back of my brain, but I wasn’t applying it for some reason, just focusing on converging. Did a bunch of these and even though they were converging reasonably they felt wrong and melty. 🫠 And I realized it was the angles. And then space started making a little more sense. I guess this is the value of repetition and practice vs theory. Love this class.
I did this one with just fun and intuition before seeing the demonstration next lesson, so I could make my mistakes thus they are not great (and proportions are all over). but when I started this exercise yesterday I could not rotate from imagination (only one train is based on an object rest are made up) and I’m proud of myself for figuring it out. after a few failed attempts, I think I am starting to get it. How cross contours on the blobs can be the plane lines dividing boxes in half, how they tell us the three axes if we look carefully, and they even show how foreshortened the boxes should be. And I’m starting to see things less as lines and more as objects with fronts, backs, tops, bottoms and sides. This was very illuminating. I knew some of the theory, but it didn’t make proper sense until now. (it’s hard to explain haha). Still need mileage because my vps are off in a lot of places. Going to head into the demonstration next to see if I was right :3
Head painting
More figure drawing practice :3
Blade of Miquella
10 month progress! :D
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