I love to draw - I mostly work digitally because I am so messy. I'm looking to level up my skills, and hope to get to a point where I can sell prints!
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Just joined a couple days ago. I'm trying to get better at basically everything, but my favorite things to draw are people and animals. My main focuses are ink and digital paint. I'm also working on improving my animation skills which currently don't really exist. I'm trying to get better at portraits, too, but I have a lot of trouble creating a likeness. (ignore the hand on the 6th image, it looks worse to me each time I see it lol) If anyone has any advice/critiques on anything, I'd love to hear it.
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Welcome! I love those mice 😁 very cute
Holly Laing
Here are my assignments for the upper back muscles. Any feedback would be much appreciated.   Great lessons as always! :) 
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Forms are great! Really reading as 3d congrats
Centrina Tamala
08/01/2022. Hello, I’ve done a few mannequins with a bit of landmarks. I found myself struggling to find the perspective of the torso, especially if it’s twisting. Any feedback is welcome, thanks!
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These look really strong to me! Congrats 👏
This is a great drawing! I definitely think you have caught the likeness, so well done. I would check your plum lines for the edges of the mouth. In the photo they are roughly under the pupils. I think your centre line of the face is at slightly the wrong angle as you've tried to undo the tilt of the head which hasn't helped you. You could mark these out at the beginning of the drawing to help you check everything is planned out right before you put in all the detail work you've done because it's so frustrating having to undo hard work, and your detailing looks great! Congrats on a good attempt though, it looks like a lovely drawing.
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I dont know if anyone already posted this but Feng zhu is awesome:
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Thank you so much! I'll take a look
Rex Mogee
Aaron Blaise’s Website has a story boarding course. I found it really helpful when I was making a comic. It’s called “The Art of the Storyboard by Lyndon Ruddy”. Also, Robotpencil has a YouTube video on his storyboard for a video game. It’s pretty recent, just incase you want to see something with a lot of energy in it. I also think moderndayJames made a tutorial on storyboarding, also on YouTube. Things to keep in mind: - Use the close-ups sparingly. They’re for a punch, impact. Too many and you lose the impact. - Storyboarding means using camera angles and knowing which works for what scene and your emotional intentions for that scene. - The Rule of Thirds still applies. - Anatomy matters. It doesn’t need to be perfect. But it needs to be there. Have fun :)
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Thanks for all the advice! I've been looking into camera angles and shot types - it's a lot to take in but hopefully I'll get there in the end. Thanks for all your suggestions!
Rebecca Shay
I just came across this. Second the Schoolism class if you have the subscription, or it's worth investing in one month to take that course, it's a good one. I'm sure there are tons you can find on YouTube too.
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I'll check it out, I didn't realise they had a storyboarding one! Thank you!
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Thanks for all the links! I'll have a look - very helpful thank you!!
Christopher Beaven
I don't know anything about storyboarding but I do know that Schoolism is amazing and they have a course for storyboarding feature animation. The other suggestion is YouTube it has a ton of videos that could help. Most of their courses are fantastic. This may help.
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Fab thanks so much! I'll definitely check that out
Hi guys! Basically my friend is producing and directing a short film approx 5 minutes and has asked me to do the storyboarding for her. I have 0 experience of anything like this - I tend to spend lots of time on one drawing/painting, and have no knowledge of film anything! I have until mid September to get it done before filling starts and it's unpaid but I want to do a good job. Is there anything you might recommend I read up on before I get into it or does anyone have any advice for me? I am planning on doing it digitally, and black and white - is this pretty standard? Thanks for any advice!
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