Charlie Nicholson
Charlie Nicholson
San Diego
One o' them PROKO peeps... gotta watch out fer them.
Activity Feed
Nia Kovalevski
If I already accomplished several perspective courses and am somewhat experienced with perspective, would it make sense to take only the second part of the course? Just not to repeat everything like kinds of perspective ect. from the very beginning. Not that I wouldn't want to buy both parts, but am unfortunately limited on budget. :)
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Charlie Nicholson
The only way to really gauge if that's the right choice for you is to watch some of the free episodes as they start to release (once October comes around). If the subjects seem like things you want to dive deeper into, then you have your answer.
Samantha Garcia
Confused… how many lessons and how long is this course?
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Charlie Nicholson
We can only give estimates at this point because the course is still in production- that's why it says 100 lessons (estimated) and 20h (estimated). While a majority of the course has already been produced, we'll still be working on the course as it releases. Like all of our ongoing courses, it will have weekly releases, it won't all drop at once.
i can see that there's 2 parts, what is the difference between the 2?
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Charlie Nicholson
Here's a look at what the course covers- these are lesson groups that contain multiple videos
Siv Nilsen
Nice to see more from behind the scenes at Proko! @SLEW just wondering where we can find the video you mentioned about Watt's Atelier?
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Charlie Nicholson
You can find that on Slew's youtube channel,
Thank you Stan. I quite like doing this exercise, it's been something that I practiced almost since the beginning on my own. This and ribbons is really important to understand movement and to teach you how to think on your construction of an object. On a side not. I haven't received a notification on this lesson and the Ginger Root people critique, was it just me?
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Charlie Nicholson
I let the web developers know about the notification issue, hopefully it's an easy fix! @Juice @nathan_the_phaneuf
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Charlie Nicholson
love the little critters!
Here's a preliminary pass on the assignment. I feel like I'm way too stiff while doing these and it all looks flat. Tomorrow I'll break down my subjects into forms more, I really struggle with it. Any feedback, suggestion or hint is welcome.
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Charlie Nicholson
Love your creature choices for this. Good critters!
Logan H
Fell off the wagon for a few weeks, I realized I was following the course a bit too rigorously, without drawing some stuff I enjoy every now and then. Been drawing cats to get back into the groove of drawing from observation and having a blast, looking forward to level 2 of this lesson!
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Charlie Nicholson
Very pleasing simplifications of form, cute stuff!
Hi @Stan, could we get a rough timeline of when the section on values will be ready? I've been using your drawing basics course for my students and it's been really helpful.
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Charlie Nicholson
The next section of the course is Intuitive Perspective, and Values will follow that. Considering past experience with previous sections, we probably won't finish Intuitive Perspective until mid-summer at the earliest
Daniel Lucas Nizari
Interesting topic! Apologies if this had been asked a million times: is there an estimation on when the perspective course will be released? :). I really enjoy the logic/science/magic of it! And Marshall is an inspiring teacher!
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Charlie Nicholson
This year is looking good. Stay tuned for more info!
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