It’s time for critiques! Let’s take a look through your master studies and see how much of their line work you were able to absorb.
Jeffrey Powers
I tried another master study by David Malan. I am realizing the key for me to improve my lines is to improve my drawing from my elbow and shoulder. I am practicing exercises to gain control with that. :0)
Tommy Pinedo
The artist I studied is Akihito Yoshitomi who is a professional manga artist in japan. I found him earlier this year on YoutTube, which showcases a lot of him drawing. I was drawn to his style and line weight that I decided to study it. In the last practice, I went into shading territory which I was not planning to but its ok lol.
What do you guys think?
Tommy Pinedo
Also I decided to pull out pieces of his art to study. This allowed me to take my time and study better than being overwhelmed by the whole picture. :D
Shane Ledbetter
Bernie Wrightson study
Shane Ledbetter
Dave Malan studies

After watching the demo and critique, I finally understand what a "master study" means. I found some references my master likely used and created studies based on notes, trying to recreate six of his works. After this, I found my own references featuring the character my master drew (but in different poses/expressions, etc.), and at the end, I drew another character, trying to capture my master's style. I think I’ve managed to capture his line style but not the shapes yet, though I haven’t studied shapes yet, so I think that’s okay?

Attempted this master study after Claire Wendling, after watching the critique video. Tried my best to imitate every line with the correct line weight. It was really tough. Enjoyed doing it!
Any critique would be helpful.
Hugo Schittly
Hello ! Here are some studies of Kim Jung Gi and Glenn Vilppu and Roberto De La Torre. Would love to hear some advice! Take care

Heyo :)
I tried doing some line studies from art works that I really liked. These separate attempts were done over the span of several months as I continued along with Prokos course quietly and performed the other projects (currently in the perspective section).
As I go along, I keep trying to cycle through the different exercises that are picked up throughout (line studies, portrait drawings, gesture drawings, perspective projects etc).
The names of the artists are Hyunji Lee, Sonya Agafonova, Roman Razumovskii, Sabin Boykinov and Peng Zhou.
Any criticism is appreciated and thank you once again for the valuable resources on this website :)

I tried some studies on the Master Kentaro Miura, probably should try someone with an easier line, but he was the one who inspired me to start drawing.
trying to engage more, heres some of mine. female faces are my comfort zone so i should really try to push myself harder to do somethings thats not faces.
Christopher Lebreault
These are great!

Jack H
Did another study from Claire Wendling. This time, I focused less on replicating the line exactly and instead tried to think about what the technique was to produce each line. It was more challenging than expected and I still am not sure how to get the more "grainy" looking lines in the original image. Maybe using a softer pencil will help.
Anyway, on to shapes!

Istudied from Davemalan
He draws his lines in a way, where it raps around the form, wich gives it a 3 dimensional feel.
He uses Zicksacky lines to indigate Shadow, which I think i didnt quite got right.
Like always it would be nice to get some feedback on what I've missed and what I could've done better :)
Jack Mills
I did another study of Matías Bergara work but, this time I tried to also do my own pieces of artwork in his style as well. This was a lot of fun trying to emulate Matías line quality into my work.

Some studies of Claire Wendling and from my country Uruguay Federico Saéz
Giovanni Mackie
So these are the from the demo I followed along. And this is from what artist I simply did.
Maurizio Leo
Did this after Dave Malan—a huge inspiration of mine for a long while. I learned a lot about how he uses his lines to indicate volume, planes, and mass. I've watched videos of him do this and it's so instinctual and effortless. After I mimicked his lines, I took a step back, squinted, and it was an a ha moment for me—how they all play together to subtly show volume.
It's also amazing just how confident his lines are. You can see my lack thereof, especially in the hair.
Anyways, amazing exercise and I will try his work again. My goal is to get to this level one day 🙂
Remade a favorite scene of mine from a manga. Looking at it now I can tell the face is so much skinnier but oh well I think the lines came out close to his original ones.
Stefan Sharkov
I chose to replicate two drawings from Jiří Trnka and one drawing from Glen Keane. I got carried away with the man in the hat drawing from Trnka. I tried to capture the gesture and momentum of Keane's lines but I worry I didn't capture the darkest darks and the texture of my pencil is throwing me off. Critiques would be appreciated.
Wow I actually like your sketches more than theirs 💀

Studied after Glen Keane
Stefan Sharkov
Good execution. Glean Keane shades his sketches with what seems to be a side stroke of his pencil. Your shading lines are too clear and precise. But that is a minor critique, overall your studies are successful.

Dave Malan copy
Stefan Sharkov
Great work with placement of shapes and features of the face and hands. With the cross hatching from the original, the lines are designed appropriately to match the flow of the forms and anatomy. Your cross-hatching lines feel more sporadic and random, while several draw too much attention to themselves by being more dark and precise. With a keener attention to the subtly of the hand shading, I believe you are moving at a strong pace. Good work.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.