Christopher Lebreault
Christopher Lebreault
Activity Feed
Christopher Lebreault
I found the snail to be leagues easier than the boots 😭
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Christopher Lebreault
Hey everyone! Enjoyed doing this. Any crits would be great! Also wondering how to avoide smudging all over the place while drawing? Tyia!
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Christopher Lebreault
My first attempt at the pear. Generally happy with it, def see some spot that can be improved on
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Sol Art!
Hi all, my covid got so bad I had to be hospitalized today (asthma = owch), but I've gotten out of the hospital now and should be able to do a video for tomorrow! Life throws funny things at me, haha. At least my arm still works!
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Christopher Lebreault
oh no! I am sorry to hear this! Glad to see you are okay, most important thing!
Christopher Lebreault
Meant to post this some time ago. On to Landmarks next.
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Christopher Lebreault
More animals in shapes. I decided to give myself a goal and move on once I get there. I am on 6 out of 20 Animals.
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Christopher Lebreault
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Christopher Lebreault
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Christopher Lebreault
First assignment of structure: Boxes form observation and imagination. I started with look at some 3d cubes from SketchFab as reference, then Boxy furniture from Pinterest, and finally imagination.
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MJ Nixon
Hey Christopher! Nice work on completing some gesture drawings. One suggestion I might make is to use a darker pencil next time or maybe scan your images in. As they are, it is a bit difficult to see the drawings, in my opinion. Another suggestion I might make is to simplify your lines. Try to confidently use as few lines as necessary to describe the figure and resist the temptation to go back in over the lines over and over again. A confident line that is a little bit off usually looks better than many scratchy lines. Hope this helps!
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Christopher Lebreault
that helps alot! Part of the messyness is that the lines were too light even for me and I was trying to darken (i'd 25% blame goes to that) but I notice when under pressure I do that as well. I will try to leave the line alone once placed down. Maybe Ill make things I like dark after my session
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