Warmups to Improve Line Quality

Course In Progress

Warmups to Improve Line Quality

Course In Progress

Fill at least one page for each of these warmups.

  • Page Skating
  • Light, Medium, Dark Lines
  • Straight Taper
  • Trace the Ruler
  • Connect the Dots

Remember the key is consistency, these are not meant to be done just once. Don’t be afraid to fill up a lot of paper. As you go through this course, do a page of warm-ups before you start drawing.

I liked the 2 points exercise a lot. I can see how these would be useful for warmups, my forearm is feeling it!
I think your raccoons a great!
I tried warmups!
Martha Muniz
Nice work! :D
Page skating was my favorite.
Sean MacNair
My warmup
Zander Schmer-Lalama
So I’ve been on here for a bit. I’ve been doing the line quality exercises consistently. Last month I made an improvement at making my lines straight. Now for some reason line aren’t straight…no matter what they always curve at the middle or end. Not sure why this is happening. It’s making me sad to be honest. I need some advice and some help. Thank you
Drawabox veterans RISE!!! These warmups were both making me feel at peace, and also like every line was a battle. I started with the page skipping, and for some reason my brain kept trying to draw very big swoopy S shapes, so I was trying to brand out a bit. Then I tried to do the different line variations from light to dark. The straight tapers were my biggest challenge for real, I notice that many times when I try and draw a straight line, it’ll start out with this weird divot that droops down before straightening itself. I’m gonna be working on that and figuring out why it’s even doing that anyway lol. Then I did some connect the dots! Overall these were some fun exercises that warmed me up both mentally and physically because I have really cold hands.
Came to say that, lol
Tyre Blackshire
I did the beginning of Drawabox a few years ago so I have a little experience with these warmups.
Elijah R
Pretty self explanatory, nice warm ups, I really enjoyed the page skating it felt so freeing and I also liked the straight taper and the connect the dots exercise, it’s the swift movement.
(Top left to bottom right) 1st. Connect the dots 2nd (top center). Trace the ruler 3rd. Tapered straight lines 4th. Light, medium, and dark lines 5th. Page skating
I really enjoy the page skating. For the lines I tried a mix of different lengths and angles, and alternated the direction I moved my hand, moving right to left, left to right, etc to get used to different motions.
Definitly going to be doing these before my drawing sessions
I'm definitely more comfortable with straight lines after the 250 box challenge from draw a box In contrast - fluid lines are painfully hard for me at the moment. My mind and muscle seems to be super rigid.
There is my practice! Hope I got the idea correctly, because ngl I surprised myself with how well my short straight lines came out. Next time I do the exercises probably going to make my straights longer
I've noticed my lines end off slanting down. Any advice how to fix that?
This is probably going to sound like a broken record but it really comes down to muscle memory. The more lines you draw, the better they get.
Gara María Carrillo Alonso
Hi everyone! These exercises transported me to the art school! It was fun! The "connect the dots" exercise was challenging for me. That's because I tried to draw the lines on different directions, and I usually draw with the sketchbook rotated, I am not able to draw with the sketchbook vertically, or even write. :'')
A couple of years ago I tried the draw a box lessons for fun and found these warmup exercises nostalgic.
Oh my, same here. All those pages and pages and pages...
This was fun! I feel like I have done this so much that I needed to spice it up some. I think I have good control built up but I know that I need to slow down more in projects to utilize it. Exercises like this help show how much you should pace yourself well. One extra thing I think that is good is writing in all caps! That has shown me over time that you can absolutely fix your bad hand writing if you have good line control.
Melanie Scearce
So true! Slowing down and putting conscious thought into your lines is a great way to train your dexterity. Keep it up 👍
good exercises! Trace the ruler was especially helpful by providing the immediate feedback. I can see how these would be good daily’s to improve line confidence & quality.
oh, they were quite fun to do! sure gonna do them before drawing!
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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