It’s time for level 2 critiques! Let’s take a look through your “Learning to Sketch from Imagination” projects and talk about some of the common mistakes.
Márta Kovács
In my first attempt I skipped the studies, so I tried again after watching the demo and critiques.
I have studies on one page, and exploration on the other, but I haven't picked one for step three; hopefully I'll add a final drawing too.
I'm a bit lost with how their feet work, if anyone could help with that I'd appriceate it.

Tyna Gomez
The first photo is sketch from observation, the second one the first is from observation and the kung fu one is from imagination as well as the two last chicken drawings.
Tommy Pinedo
Here is my attempt for learning how to draw from imagination project. I chose an otter for this project and I need feedback on my attempt. I feel like Im still in the perfection mindset even in sketching. I am trying my best to be loose when I am attempting to draw the otter from memory which is the image on the far right. Stan mentioned a lot in the critique video of being loose and exploring and I hope I show that in the image far right. I will upload my final attempt on the otter soon! :)
Tommy Pinedo
Here is the final sketch for "chubbs" the otter. lol
Christopher Lebreault
Hey! Here is my 2nd attempted at this assignment (technicality 2nd and 3rd) I am have a hard time grasping the "messy" line part of this project. I draw through, look for rhythms and shapes, etc. but i have a strong habit of drawing "clean lines" if I see a mistake (line not where they are supposed to go or got a shape wrong, a proportion error i noticed) I will go in and correct it. Maybe I am misunderstanding and my sketches are what the assignment is looking for or maybe I am not getting something.
the first two rabbit pages are studying refs, the 3rd it exploring and the last rabbit is my final. the two jackal pages are self explanatory. In this assignment I tried my hardest to be messy/exploratory and not concerned with rightness so I included a "sketch" i did while having fun with level 1 to show what my usual sketches look like
Hello! I understand the urge to be "careful" with your lines, but for this exercise the point is to be exploratory and sketch a lot. Your drawings demonstrate that you did just that! You found some really cool shapes, especially with the rabbits. Great job!
The point of keeping loose and messy is to help you find the gesture and movement of the pose, so I think you could benefit from working more on the military jackal. He is very stiff -- which, makes sense for his character, but maybe you could find a really cool curve that conveys the same stiffness in a more complex, dynamic pose? Just a suggestion, I think you did an awesome job with these.
For this exercise, I think it's okay to play with proportions -- push them until they break, and if they do, you can try another sketch, another idea :) Have fun!

Tried on a Pangolin after watching the demo and critique. Looked for the main feature and the idea it was giving. I think I'm happy with the results. Would appreciate any help or advice given.
Edit: spelling

Tried to make Indiana Jones but I thought he was too much of a scared animal so made beni gabor
👋🙂 Watched the critiques, refined the approach🙌.

Love em too great job!
I love it! Again a great job!

I did another sketch from imagination exercise after watching the critique and realizing some of the mistakes I made in the initial practice! Fun exercise! Larger creature on final page is the final sketch
Jack Mills
This is probably my favourite imagination drawing so far. I had fun playing around with this cowboy snake concept.

This was the hardest exercise for me so far. Actually, it's the reason why I bought this course. I always drew from observation, but when I tried to draw from imagination, I felt paralyzed. I just couldn't do it and didn't know what to do. After watching the demo and critique, I finally understood that I just had the wrong approach. It's still difficult, but I feel like I'm on the right path. Proko's words that drawing from imagination is actually drawing from memory really helped me.

Jack H
3rd try of drawing from imagination. Decided to do a scorpion, which has more structure and easier to tackle than something like a koala, which is more difficult, in my opinion. I kept in mind the advice of staying loose and exploring the different shapes, and hopefully the results show that.
I'm quite happy about how the final scorpion turned out. I'd probably would've never came up with a round body like that if I didn't let my mind wander and explore the possibilities. It was a fun and challenging exercise!

Love it! I can feel loose energy in your lines! Keep going

Some exploration of the peacock!

Chauncey Holder
After Criqutue
Stefan Sharkov
Great sketches. your explorations are solid, just keep your line more loose.
Here is my second attempt at the level 2 assignment
Stefan Sharkov
Your combination is very creative. My only critique would lie in your linework. Try keeping you lines more loose; it is a sketch after all. Great work so far.
Here is my first attempt at the level 2 assighnment
Stefan Sharkov
These sketches look great, and I love your story-telling with the octopus chef as well as seeing your process. Nice work so far.
Giovanni Mackie
Here what did and what I can improve of what could have drawing Rabbit. How do fine shape of the body and the head of the rabbit?
Stefan Sharkov
These are good sketches. The shapes you used are fairly close; I would have used a rounded triangle for the head. One thing to look out for when drawing the fur is the "saw-blade problem, where your fur looks like the teeth of a saw rather than fur. Try keeping the fur pointing toward the direction it is flowing, as well as varying the sizes of the triangles to avoid symmetry. Nice work so far.
Stefan Sharkov
I made two attempts with this assignment. First, I tried to create my own owl character, then I tried a rooster. I think I did a good job on keeping loose during the exploration phase, but I did go back and put a final graphite linework on the owl design. Feedback would be appreciated.
These are great sketches Stefan! I really love how you exaggerated the rooster crowing! Excellent sense of movement and a great expression! Keep up the great explorations!
Chantel Brockmann
Got a little unhinged
Stefan Sharkov
Very fun design. I can also see your loose sketch underneath the finals lines. I would like to see the reference for this drawing. Nice job.

I had fun exploring but also found it challenging. Will add this assignment to my daily routine.
Stefan Sharkov
Great exploration and final design. I'd say try to be more loose with your sketches, but your doing a good job already.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.