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Warmup - Mushrooms
Before we get into learning about lines, I want to give you an exercise to help you warm up your hands and draw nice fluid lines.
This warmup is a fun way to help you practice drawing ellipses.
3 minutes ago
Project - Value Composition Thumbnails
In this project, we’ll practice value composition by creating thumbnail sketches from reference photos. You’ll simplify images into three values in small thumbnails, focusing on capturing the main idea without details. We’ll also cover techniques for effective thumbnails, including simplifying, iterating with multiple variations, and experimenting with value groupings.
6 minutes ago
Project - Learning to Sketch from Observation
Now that you know about the tapered stroke and simple CSI lines, it's time to learn how to sketch! Here's your next project.
19 minutes ago
How to Think About Gesture
Let's break down the nebulous concept of gesture—it's about conveying ideas and emotions through abstract lines and shapes in your drawings.
19 minutes ago
Project - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
Alright level two-ers...Since you've already got some experience with sketching, I want to give you a bit more of a challenge to start practicing sketching from Imagination!
31 minutes ago
2 Week Drawing Challenge
Challenge yourself to draw every day for 2 weeks! See if you can get into the routine of drawing daily.
1 hour ago
Bryce Kho’s Approach to Professional Illustration
By Proko
Bryce Kho breaks down his Sea of Stars illustration process, focusing on clarity, iteration, and client collaboration.
2 hours ago
Materials Overview Brushes and Paint
One of the things people ask about most are questions related to my materials. In this lesson I go through exactly what I use and why.
If you have any questions about my materials, please ask them here.
2 hours ago
Project - Simplify from Observation
The first project of the Drawing Basics course is to challenge yourself to simplify the shapes, edges, and values of a pear or portrait from observation. I provide you two photo options over in the downloads tab. Being able to simplify is a very useful skill to be able to communicate clearly in your drawings.
2 hours ago
How to Draw Cross Contour on 3D Forms
If you’ve ever struggled drawing things that feel 3 dimensional, cross contours can be a game changer for you. They're super helpful for constructing forms, shading details, and they help you get better at visualizing your drawings in 3D. In this lesson I'll explain what they are, how to control the spacing and curviness accurately, and common mistakes to avoid.
4 hours ago
Project - Mannequin Hands
Let's make drawing boxes fun by imagining constructing mannequin hands. This method is great for practicing perspective, breaking down hands and fingers into 16 boxy segments. The goal is to improve perspective skills, not perfect anatomy. Level 2 will take it a few steps further and draw the same hands from different angles.
5 hours ago
Project - Blob to Box
If you struggle imagining boxes and drawing the angles correctly, it might help you to start with a blob! Here's a project that will help you improve your visualization skills, making it easier to draw forms in perspective.
5 hours ago
Project - Organizing Line Weight
For this project, we're going to design our line quality to be more interesting by practicing organizing the line weight.
6 hours ago
Art of Caricature
By Court Jones
In this course, you’ll learn the core concepts of caricature. You’ll use concepts like exaggeration and abstraction to take a rough sketch to a fully developed caricature drawing. The exercises we’ve created will help improve your visual memory and even trick you into drawing stronger exaggerations.
7 hours ago
Demo - Mannequin Hands - Level 1
In this level 1 demo, I’ll show you how to draw mannequin hands to practice tumbling boxes. Check back next week for level 2!
7 hours ago
Anatomy Tracing Assignment Example 2
Doing tracings over photographs is a great way to tests your knowledge of the muscles. Check out our new lesson to learn how.
7 hours ago
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Been studying some new 3D modeling tools, any suggestions?critiques? what can i do to improve it? i havent put any texture since im just tring to adjust the model and get some shadow and lighting studies.I took the opportunity to study a little bit of Maya,Inca and Aztec archtecture, could add more details later.
7 hours ago
From Blobs to Airplanes
Learn how to draw airplanes starting with rough blobs and refining them into structured forms.
8 hours ago
Project - Rhythms
It’s time to draw the figure! This project is all about capturing the action of a pose through rhythms.
8 hours ago
Gesture Drawing From Comics
Big goal this year is to get better at figure drawing and not get discouraged working through the gesture stage... as you can see there is a lot to be discouraged about XD. My goal is to spend an hour with it a day. Typically I burn out after a week. But New Year! New me! ... hopefully.
9 hours ago
It's time for the week 2 assignment. I'll show you what we're gonna be doing and then it’s your turn to give it a try.
10 hours ago
Critique - Simplify to CSI
Let's take a look at your "Simplify to CSI" submissions! I decided to combine both level 1 & 2 students for this critique since I saw very similar mistakes at both levels.
11 hours ago
Project - Simple Animal Portraits
Alright guys, this is going to be a fun one! In this project, we’ll be constructing animal portraits using basic shapes.
11 hours ago
Demo - Blob to Box
It’s time for the blob to box demo! In this one, I’ll show you a few examples of how to turn your blobs into boxes.
12 hours ago
Demo - Simplify Pear from Observation
Now that you’ve all had some time to try the first project on your own, you can watch how I do it and figure out what areas you are exceeding and struggling with.
Here is my step-by-step demo on how to properly execute the first project for level 1 students.
12 hours ago
Project - Measure Proportions
In this project, we'll practice measuring accurate proportions with a portrait. Using our measuring toolkit we'll break down the face into basic shapes, starting with the biggest shapes and working towards smaller details.
13 hours ago
Daily Drawing With Timer Challenge
I enjoyed the habit of drawing everyday during the 12 Days of Proko. The timer tool is great and there are lots of professional photos to work from. I took one day off from it and got right back on it. Now the habit is a fixture in my daily routine.
I've been posting the images in the two week challenge thread in the Drawing Fundamentals Course, but since a.) this will be a longer habit than two weeks and b.) not everyone on Proko is enrolled in that course, I'm starting a thread here.
Anyone inclined, feel free to join in. Use the timer and whatever photos you have packs for, or are freely available.
Here are a few two minute sketches from me--mostly from the Viking Volume 2 Pack.
22nd Day of Proko and counting.
14 hours ago
Project - 4 Step Method
It’s time for some practice! Use the four step method we’ve learned to practice drawing some heads.
14 hours ago
Gesso'ing a Canvas
This lesson is covering how I gesso a canvas to use for oil painting.
If you have any questions about the process, or for other materials you want to try and use ask here.
15 hours ago
Demo - Wheels on Vehicles - Level 1
Let’s draw a monster truck! In this level 1 demo, I’ll show you how I would approach drawing wheels on vehicles.
15 hours ago
Critiques - Drawing Environments
By Marvel
Use rulers and simplify shapes to improve environments. Focus on perspective, storytelling, and practice daily to get better.
16 hours ago
Gesture drawing help / critique please...
Hi guys, what do you think about this gesture. I found it difficult to find rythms and flow in this pose, specially in the legs, I think.
17 hours ago
Digital Painting Fundamentals
By Proko
I'm excited to share this course with you all! If you're interested in learning the ins-and-outs of digital painting, I'm here to help.
17 hours ago
Critique - Value Scales
Let’s take a look through your value scales!
When you're working on your value scales, it's common to have trouble seeing the subtle differences in mid-tones. One big mistake I saw in a lot of your work was not going dark enough with your values. Make sure to stretch your range all the way to black and get comfortable using darker tones. Also, don’t jump too quickly from your darkest value to the next one. That compresses your mid-tones and makes it harder to see the steps clearly.
18 hours ago
Demo - Rhythms - Level 1
In this level 1 demo, I show you my process for finding rhythms with quick figure sketches.
Check back next week for the level 2 demo!
18 hours ago
Drawing any Head with the 4 Steps - Demos
We learned the theory last time, now we’ll put it into practice trying the four steps on a variety of reference photos.
18 hours ago
The Gesture Course
Gesture drawing is a fundamental skill and one that many artists find difficult to approach, but in this course, I'll be showing you how I tackle this subject and give you everything you need to draw gestures with ease.
18 hours ago
Ultimate Guide to Pencils and Erasers
A beginner's guide to pencils and erasers! A breakdown of the many different pencil and eraser options out there. I’ll go over the different types, how they each differ from one another, the best way to hold them, and the most effective way to use them.
18 hours ago
Project - Line Master Studies
It’s time to inherit some power from the masters! In this project, we’re continuing to improve your line quality by choosing a master drawing that excites you and studying the artist's use of lines.
19 hours ago
Portrait Drawings Started
By Jake
I'm doing Proko's Portrait course, trying to go in open minded with no assumptions but it's proving tricky.
So far I have just covered the videos on the Loomis method.
Are the drawing exercises meant to be done of random heads (minus features) from your imagination, say, just a featureless head pointing in random directions? That might be where I am going wrong.
I think I find the size/shape of the chin tricky as well. I know my drawings aren't great, they'll need repetition. I would just appreciate being told anything glaringly obvious, with respect to the course that I am following.
Lastly, is it ok if I keep updating this thread as I progress through the course?
20 hours ago
Demo - Measure Proportions
Time for a portrait drawing demo! I'll show you how to approach a drawing to get accurate proportions and then check your own accuracy in Procreate.
21 hours ago
Zolly: The Ultimate Perspective Tool
I launched a new FREE app with the help of the team behind the Skelly app! The app is called ZOLLY and is designed to help you practice perspective.
1 day ago
Demo - Line Master Studies - Jeff Watts
Master Studies are one of the most effective methods for improving your art. Let’s take a look at a drawing from my instructor, Jeff Watts, and see what we can learn.
1 day ago
Three-Point Perspective - The Y Trick
Three-point perspective offers complete freedom to rotate objects in any direction. I'll break down the basics for you and introduce the "Y trick," a simple technique that makes drawing objects in 3-point perspective a lot easier.
1 day ago
Demo - Simplify Camel and Skull to CSI
Level 1 demos are done and it's time to move on to level 2! In this lesson, I show you how I would approach the level 2 CSI project.
1 day ago
Project - Portraits in Perspective
Let's apply what we've learned so far about 2-point perspective to something more organic. In this project we’ll be constructing 3D heads by imagining them as boxes.
1 day ago
Demo - Simplify Snail and Boots to CSI
It’s time to simplify those snails and boots! I show you how I would do it in these step-by-step demos for the level 1 CSI project. Make sure to check back tomorrow for my level 2 demonstrations!
1 day ago
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth "Frey and Odin" Study
Here's my attempt at a study of one of my favorite peices from Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth called "Frey and Odin". I really enjoyed trying to recreate the same shapes and softness in her work. I would still want to try to improve a bit on my proportions as I feel I may have drawn the bottom dogs head a bit too short compared to the original. May do a second study later on to compare improvment. Is there anything else you guys recommend that I should improve on?
1 day ago
Grayscale Assignment Example 3
By Proko
In this demo, you'll see how I approach painting a costumed portrait in grayscale.
1 day ago
Project - Dynamic Shapes
In this project, we’ll continue working on improving our shape design by applying the concepts we learned from the last lesson. You’ll be working on identifying the gesture of your subject and then designing dynamic and interesting shapes that support that gesture.
1 day ago
Objects and Environments
Learn to use blobs, grids, and perspective techniques to draw diggers and scenes with depth, even when combining multiple perspective systems.
1 day ago
Assignment - The Secret of Simple Forms
Simplify complex forms into basic shapes to master drawing objects and environments from any angle.
1 day ago
Hand strain/fatigue
Hey guys! It’s Tommy again. So recently I’ve been noticing that I have been having some pain and fatigue in my drawing hand (right hand) for maybe the past month or so. I’ve been worried because I’ve done some research and it could be signs of carpal tunnel or RSI. I think I’ve been holding my pencil wrong with the death grip like they say and I might be drawing more with my wrists than my whole arm.
Any advice or suggestions on how to avoid this issue or help with this issue? I’ve seen videos of artist drawing very lightly and hold it further back on the pencil and I tried it today and it feels like I don’t have “control” on my art compared to gripping it harder and I don’t want to draw to light where you can’t see it lol. I’ve been really worried about this because I’ve been enjoy art the past year and I don’t want this to stop me…or end my art journey :(.
1 day ago
Project - Simplify to CSI
Here’s a project to help you avoid chicken scratch. We’re going to simplify our drawings to C curves, S curves, and straight lines.
1 day ago
Demo - Dynamic Shapes from Memory
It’s time to bring it up a notch and draw some seals from MEMORY and IMAGINATION!
In this demo, I'll get ques from my memory of my level 1 sketches, while inventing new poses and pushing the shapes to make them more interesting.
1 day ago
Critique - 4 Step Method
I got a ton of great submissions for the 4 Step Method project! In this critique, I’ll review some of the more common mistakes, which include jaw length, brow line placement, and neck connections.
2 days ago
Project - Facial Features
Let's draw some portraits from start to finish! In this project, you'll take the steps we've learned so far and draw some portraits from scratch.
2 days ago
Potion 3 - Exotic Faces
Create fantasy characters by adjusting facial features for unique expressions and personalities.
2 days ago
Shading After Construction
Let’s move from line drawings to adding light and shadow by viewing the head's features as basic forms: boxes, cylinders, and spheres. Each form has a corresponding edge quality—soft for spheres, firm for cylinders, and hard for boxes. By linking these edges with light and shadow, we create a more natural and realistic look. The key is to map core shadows and edges, then replace lines with edges to guide the viewer's eye, enhancing depth and realism.
2 days ago
Calf Assignment Example 1
Time to flex those leg muscles! Let’s draw one of the assignment examples from the calf anatomy lesson. I explain each part of the process, from establishing a dynamic gesture, to constructing the anatomical forms, to refining and shading the drawing.
2 days ago
Demo - Depth and Form Line Weight
It’s time to switch our brain over to think more three-dimensionally for the Depth and Form method. In this demo I'll show you how you can primarily use one method, but not be strict with it. So, I sprinkle some influence from the light direction method.
2 days ago
Set Your Intention
By Dorian Iten
What is your intention for this course? Be as specific as you can!
2 days ago
Critique - The Secret of Simple Forms
Great job turning blobs into boxes! I'll take a look through your submissions focusing on simplifying forms, foreshortening, and depth. Key takeaways include using basic planes, leveraging overlap, and refining structure without stressing about proportions too soon.
2 days ago
Drawing Basics
It’s here! The Draw Basics course is now available. A true beginners course aimed at teaching you core drawing fundamentals.
2 days ago
How to Draw Feet with Structure – Foot Bone Anatomy
The foot is challenging to draw because it’s flexible, asymmetrical, and should usually look like it’s on the ground (perspective). Since the foot is so bony, knowing the inside anatomy directly helps you draw the outside surface. This lesson will focus on the overall design of the foot, along with the form, proportion, and mobility of the individual bones.
2 days ago
Draw Any Pose From Any Angle - Rhythms
Introducing Rhythms! A system to help you capture any dynamic pose from any angle. With rhythms we find visual alignments that capture a flow between the forms, making the pose feel more connected and convincing.
We've kind of been doing similar things to this in other lessons in this course. But now I specifically want to apply these concepts to figure drawing. Most of us will want to include some kind of people or humanoid-like characters in our art. I think it's really important to start applying a lot of these fundamental concepts to draw people.
It might feel harder for some of you, but thats only because you're very good at seeing mistakes in drawings of people. I mention some anatomy in the video, but very little anatomy knowledge is needed to use rhythms as a concept. Initially it's about learning to see visual connections.
I'll go over head, torso, and limbs, one at a time to give you a template of sorts.. to make this as approachable as possible for you.
2 days ago
Introduction to Figure Construction
This course is an introduction to figure construction. I go through the basics of drawing lines, building basic shapes, and using those tools to create complex anatomical forms.
2 days ago
Character Design Critique
By Caleb
Hello, I'm trying to improve my visual character design and make characters for the comic I'm working on. I was looking for critique and advice for this character. I plan to create an illustration/splash art for her and use her in a comic later down the line.
The theme of this character is a Fashionable Field Scouter who's secretly a bug queen. This character is planned to have a human and bug form. I wanted to give off the feeling if you look long enough you'll notice minor details that she is an insectoid.
So I was wondering if the shrug jacket and skirt are too bland?
With the clothes, I wanted to portray her expressing herself even with the straight-edge uniform. I was thinking of adding a pattern to the shrug jacket but I feel like it would become the focal point of the character when I really want the eyes to be that and the first thing people see when they look at this character. I decided not to go crazy with the render yet to see if I could add something to them before adding the material.
I wanted to ensure the human form was decent enough before I started working on the bug form. Any other critique or advice is welcomed. Thank you.
2 days ago
Draw ANY Head Type with the Loomis Method – Part 2
Adjust the Loomis Head to draw ANY head type!
2 days ago
Weekly watercolor thread
I wish I could commit to painting in watercolor daily, but I think that's a bit unrealistic. Nevertheless, I want to paint more and I am starting this thread with the intent of posting to it at least once a week with watercolor paintings and sketches.
Here are a few of my recent efforts. The first two floral paintings were demos I followed out of Julie Pollard's book, "Watercolor Unleashed", and the last two were studies done from the same photograph.
This is a community thread, so let's exert some positive peer pressure on each other and sling some paint!
2 days ago
Bryce Kho’s Approach to Personal Illustration
By Proko
Bryce Kho explains his illustration process, from research to final rendering, emphasizing study, color control, and storytelling.
2 days ago
Building Out The Sculpture
Learning how to build out your sculpture can be tough, which is why I'm here to help!
2 days ago
Project - Wheels on Vehicles
Alright, it’s time to start practicing your cylinders! For this project, we’re going to draw wheels on vehicles from various angles.
3 days ago
Critique - Mannequin Hands
Let’s take a look at your Mannequin Hands! In this critique, I’ll be looking through both level 1 and level 2 submissions and giving feedback on common mistakes.
3 days ago
Simplifying Complex Perspective
When drawing in perspective, I begin by sketching small thumbnails without focusing on accuracy, identifying potential problems along the way. This preliminary work, though unseen, is crucial for getting started. It allows me to establish a solid foundation in perspective before addressing more complex issues. Like any skill, drawing involves various stages of learning—some lessons may be straightforward, while others are challenging, but each is invaluable. Armed with knowledge and practice, solving perspective problems becomes manageable.
3 days ago
Project - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 2
Alright, level 2.. let's take it up a notch and draw an arcade room using 1-point perspective. The challenge here is to draw the front planes as complex shapes instead of rectangles and then extrude those toward the vanishing point. Arcade cabinets are a fun way to practice this.
3 days ago
Sculpting Gesture with an Armature
Your sculptures may be inanimate, but they don’t need to be lifeless! Let's talk about how you can capture gesture with your wire armatures.
3 days ago
Sculpting a Simplified Head - Part 1
In this lesson you’ll learn how to sculpt the head as an abstraction with an extra layer of complexity and form.
3 days ago
Figure Drawing Critiques – The Bean
Critiques of students’ drawings based on the Bean lesson.
3 days ago
Capturing Likeness - Celebrity Sculptures
In this lesson, I steps out of my comfort zone and takes on the challenge of sculpting a portrait of Scarlett Johansson, the iconic Black Widow from the Avengers.
3 days ago