Andrew Joseph Keith
Andrew Joseph Keith
Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Andrew Joseph Keithadded a new premium lesson
dalleen jackson
Ive been wearing these ears for decades and had no idea I had such a big ear lobe! So, how did I do?
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done! a great study! If I had to give a critique It looks like it might be a little flat (though I haven't seen the references and some people do have flatter ears) but pulling some of the features out in space might help make the ear feel more natural. Keep it up!
John Tollefsen
A try at a selfie profile
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey nice job! Great photo reference to work from! You might want to take the sculpture and hold it up to the reference on a screen just to double check the proportions and silhouette (for example the shape of the nose might be slightly different in the photo reference) Keep up the good work and I hope to see more!
Sculpting a child from imagination
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey looking good! I really like the facial features! remember that a small child will have an even larger cranial mass at the back of the head compared to the facial mass. So you might see if you can observe the reference from the side and add some more mass to the back of the head. Keep it up!
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey nicely done! great studies!
Hope you can match the references to the pancakes... 😅
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey super fun profile sculptures! I can definitely tell which is which. If I had to give a critique it looks like the facial features might be just a tad large compared to the back of the head so I would watch out for that mistake in future sculptures. I look forward to seeing more! On to the next assignment!
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey these are looking great! I can see all the anatomical forms. If I was going to give a suggestion it might be to try to vary the transitions between the forms. For example the "y" shape inside the ear will have some areas where the transition is a sharp crease and other areas where it is very soft as it moves to the other forms. These subtleties can help take your sculpture to the next level. Keep it up!
I’m jumping around a bit. Hope that’s ok? How long do we have access to the course?
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Andrew Joseph Keith
Once purchased forever! follow at your own pace.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Andrew Joseph Keithadded a new premium lesson
Andrew Joseph Keith
Andrew Joseph Keithadded a new premium lesson
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