Jeremy Vickery
Jeremy Vickery
Jeremy teaches Light and Color and has worked for over 25 years in the animation, film and games industry, most notably at Pixar Animation Studios
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Martin Vrkljan
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Well, layers and blenders definitely helped a lot here! The nuances and the reflections on the glass sphere were a fun time sink, ha! You can really get lost in the detail.
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Jeremy Vickery
These are looking really great! Yes, I love getting lost in the subtle details too
Wolf, bear and beaver.
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Jeremy Vickery
Nicely done!
Chi-chi has finally achieved her dream of flying among other birds.
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Jeremy Vickery
I love it! So imaginative
Aiba Miller
Still got a lot to work on with composition and all that, but this was nice to get scribbled out, I've barely drawn animals ever, so it was interesting. Hope we colour them down the line. Asian Vine Snake Walrus Red Fox ALSO OWL! I didn't write that on there.
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Jeremy Vickery
So very cool!
Wooti An
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Jeremy Vickery
This is amazing!
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Jeremy Vickery
So cute! I love it
mostafa deif
Bat-owl-chimp or the bat chimpowl 😆
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Jeremy Vickery
That's so cool! Would hate to see one of those in a dark forest
Linus Lehmann
A mixture of a tiger and a fox.
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Jeremy Vickery
I love this!
Arman Jucutan
I used a randomizer and this creature is a mix of a squirrel, dugong, and a mynah bird!
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Jeremy Vickery
Wild! So fun!
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