Project - Value Composition Thumbnails

Course In Progress

Project - Value Composition Thumbnails

Course In Progress

Level 1

Let's practice what we've learned about value composition by creating exploring several thumbnail sketches from the provided reference photos. Simplify each image into just three values in small thumbnails (between the size of your thumbnail and palm). Create at least five variations for each photo. 

Some tips:

  • Keep It Simple: Start small, capture the main big shapes and avoid adding details. If you overcomplicate, try again and simplify.
  • Explore Multiple Ideas: Experiment by modifying value groupings and rearranging value shapes. Don't settle on your first idea. Often, initial concepts aren't the best.
  • Ask "What If?": Experiment with backgrounds, clothing values, and cropping. You have the freedom to adjust these elements.

You can use pencils or markers. Choose whichever tool you're comfortable with, or try both for their unique benefits.


  • Use a dull pencil to draw larger value masses and avoid details.
  • Pencils allow erasing and adjusting shapes and values. 


  • Markers are faster allowing you to do more quick variations.
  • Markers provide predefined values for easy value separation.
  • They encourage simplification due to their thick tips.

Level 2

After warming up with the first photos, move on to the Level 2 images. These are more complex and offer more exploration and room for error.

After several iterations, select a favorite thumbnail to refine. Create a slightly larger sketch with a little more details and up to five values.


  • Prioritize Simplicity and Clarity: Don't worry about perfect proportions or details.
  • Focus on Values: Make deliberate decisions about value groups and execute them confidently.
  • Guide the Viewer: Simplify, control your value range, and create a clear hierarchy.

Deadline - submit by Jan 31, 2025 for a chance to be in the critique video!

hi guys,those are my level 1 assignments attempts. Idon t know exactly how I can make them a little more interesting, I think I went very safely and didn't think outside the box enough.
Yevhen Syrchin
3rd is my favorite
Yevhen Syrchin
wow, they are really cool. top right looks really interesting for me!
My level 1 attempt! I would love some critiques :)
Jay Fowler
Been sick, but knocked a few out on the couch. This was a great exercise for sure. Level 1.
Patrick Hynes
Level 1. I did two sets of the toga guy because I felt the first one was too samey same. So, I tried to mix it up some more to get some different effects.
Jay Fowler
Nice work. Gives me some good ideas!
Nicole Guz
Im not sure I am doing this right. But I tried without watching demo and knowing about composition😅
Stephen Clark
These look solid to me! Do you mean you actively avoided watching the demo? Try giving it a watch and see how you feel you did after seeing how it was demonstrated.
I did not Want to see that
Completely forgot to submit these! The first ones are level one and the last two are level two. I had made them 2 weeks prior, but I just forgot to actually submit them here aha Are there any points of improvements? I know there are of course, so letting me know what those are helps me out a ton!
Hanna Looye
They look great! The only thing that bugs me is the light on the hat of the level two character. Where is that bright light coming from and why don't I see it on the rest of the figure?
Niklas Nilsson
Not part of the assignment, but I was doing some quick sketch practise in oils and found that the recent work on value composition really helped. I started to think about the different areas of value more intently. Thanks for great lessons. 🫶
Margaret Langston
small value thumbnails, 2b
Margaret Langston
Bigger value sketch with level 2A. This is probably too complicated.
Margaret Langston
Very small thumbnails, level 2A. I didn’t make the bigger sketch
Gannon Beck
Some level 2 studies. This is a good process to turn into a habit. Great lesson!
Hanna Looye
Great work Gannon. I especially love the three on the right. They remind me of black and white movies. Hitchcock.
Shefali Garg
Another interesting assignment, learning so much doing these assignments. Here are my level 1 and 2 assignments
Stephen McLaren
I chose to do some mixed media and value shifting. Negatives are tough. I also noticed my markers bled and expanded some over time.
Tuija Kuismin
Here's my level 1 assignment. My brain persists on drawing everything with outlines, so though I know this is about designing with simple shapes, I struggle to let go of thinking about details. It's like I'm constantly telling myself that this flat, grey blob doesn't have anatomy, so don't do it! Next I do it. It's really annoying. But, for this reason, I find that this is a very good exercise for me and I'm going to make value thumbnails part of my daily routine. I want to start learning concept art and this, I believe, is one essential skill to have.
Melanie Scearce
Great idea to implement the thumbnails into your practice. They're fun and quick -- you can fit them in anywhere, like doing studies of scenes in movies or tv shows you're watching. Your thumbnails remind me of film noir, very cool framing.
level 2 attempt. I chose to work on the option with the tick underneath.
Hanna Looye
Love the left set. Really great and so inventive. Am I right to think you looked at the background as made out of shapes of light and dark?
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are great! Love the dark blue value
My level 1 attempt.
The level 2-a pic was really challenging, had to force myself to avoid overdoing the folds and even then, I still might've over detailed them a bit too much.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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