Complete beginner here, let's learn tgt! I've always believed art is a talent, not a skill — I hope I can prove that wrong to myself one day.
Saw this fanart of Lumine by @zc02461959 and wanted to draw her too, using it as reference. Tried to do the hair on my own and also play around with some experimenting.
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Food images from Genshin Impact really looks good that I just want to give it a shot. They're not completed (hopefully i'll find it in myself to finish it) but I had fun colouring for the first time while playing around with the digital tools in procreate and observing ^^ Adventurer's Breakfast was done around 2 months ago, and the Crepes Suzette around the past week.
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Worked a little more on the crepes, not perfect but i'm really pleased that it turned out better than I expected so i'll take it as a win for the day :D
Warmups! Great way to practice drawing straight lines too. Could definitely tell some angles were a little off as some corners didn't line up right in the x-ray view.
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Hope to do more before the deadline but this is what i managed so far. Did my best eyeballing the rhythm but i'm not sure if i ended up focusing too much on the contours and lost the objective.
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Been really busy with school so i don't really have much time to draw (without getting stressed or guilty about other things). Have done these seals awhile ago and am open to any critiques since i obviously missed the deadline for this one!
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Not sure if i'm approaching this right but here's my assignment for level 1. I think i'm too used trying to find geometric shapes, will attempt this again with organic shapes in mind.
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Had fun sketching the penguin and hand! Too many lines overlapping each other confuses me though, especially when i already have a darkened line that i want to change. Can't really say the same for the robot though and will likely redo it again. Apart from the glaring reminder i'm horrible with proportions — keep ending up with a way larger lower half (legs/shoes) compared to the upper half (head/chest) — i realised i ended up focusing too much on how every line and contour should look exactly like in the reference image.
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Camel and skull attempt before watching the demo. Decided to try level 2 too, thankfully they weren't as scary as the laces in level 1.
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First attempt without looking at the demo. Not going to lie, i pretty much gave up on the shoes as you can see below - the laces and the area around it scared the hell out of me for some reason and got me feeling really doubtful if i could actually do it. I ended up caving and watching the demo for it. It didn't feel right to complete and post the "first attempt" shoes after watching the demo so i'll leave it as it is in this post. Though i'll definitely do the laces separately on my own if just for practice again.
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Attempts after watching the demo. I feel like the snail needs more work as it doesn't seem to have much of a difference between the first attempt, i will have to rewatch the demo again and see how i can do it differently. Did the shoes from scratch and decided to tough it out and do it even though the laces are really daunting. They took way longer than i hoped to finish (some hours with small breaks between) but i'm glad i saw it through.
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Definitely need to practice more on pen pressure and trying to get the exact shape/size i want, but it's still fun doing this little activity.
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Second day of practice, decided to add more variation for more fun
First attempt of the first pear! Not as easy as i thought...especially in the lighter tone areas where i'm not sure if there's values to include or if i'm overthinking it.
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Decided to try the second pear too, this time digitally.
Liza W
Ok, I love Proko, I love his courses and his teaching style but right at this moment in time I am very frustrated and quite frankly disappointed. I purchased premium expecting the course to start in January, which it did, but so far I feel like I should go find another course and come back here six months down the line. We have had five videos, two intro vids pretty much and 3 vids on tools. I get it, you want to provide total beginners with information, fair enough but those vids could of been put into one, and we could now of been starting on actual practice methods. It's fine to just tell us, draw everything, but I came here to learn how to draw, with a structured course, that has assignments and demos and so far I feel like I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for it to actually start. I'm really not a fan of this whole weekly video release thing either, what happened to the days of purchasing a course and having that course available?....I would not mind if we had something to focus on for a whole week but like I said so far we are still waiting, or it feels that way to me. At least with New masters weekly live lessons you get a good hour video to watch and assignments to do through the week. I know that is a different set up but ......yeah just frustrated at the moment. Sorry just needed to vent.
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Glad i'm not the only one who feels the same. I just told myself maybe things would really start picking up once the actual lessons start and to just deal with this for now. In the meantime i've just been watching some basic drawing tutorials on youtube and doodling/sketching (complete beginner here). On top of it, there's a 30 day schedule + exercise video by Marc Brunet i've been following - maybe you can give it a try too!
I wasn't planning to watch this at first as i don't watch podcasts and thought it'll be the standard touch-and-go advice of "just keep drawing" and "everyone progresses differently". But i'm really glad i decided to give this a shot! Very informative and specific that i was attentively listening and watching till the end. Solid advice and inputs...and very much motivating too, thank you! ^^
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