Daily Drawing With Timer Challenge
Gannon Beck
I enjoyed the habit of drawing everyday during the 12 Days of Proko. The timer tool is great and there are lots of professional photos to work from. I took one day off from it and got right back on it. Now the habit is a fixture in my daily routine. I've been posting the images in the two week challenge thread in the Drawing Fundamentals Course, but since a.) this will be a longer habit than two weeks and b.) not everyone on Proko is enrolled in that course, I'm starting a thread here. Anyone inclined, feel free to join in. Use the timer and whatever photos you have packs for, or are freely available. Here are a few two minute sketches from me--mostly from the Viking Volume 2 Pack. 22nd Day of Proko and counting.
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Gannon Beck
227th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute and five minute sketches.
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Gannon Beck
226th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches tonight.
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Joseph Osley
The elegance of your leg lines never cease to amaze me.
Gannon Beck
225th Day of Proko and counting. Busy day and I'm tired, so it's just a couple two minute sketches tonight. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
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Joseph Osley
I appreciate how you continuously give to this habit; even when you’re all tapped out. These look great, too!
Gannon Beck
224th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute and five minute sketches plus one untimed sketch from imagination using the inking brush pack from Proko.
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That last one is from imagination?! Wow. That is something so way beyond my skills, it feels like magic. The man in the portrait really has personality too.
Joseph Osley
Your construction skills are on point as ever. Love the imagined portrait. Has a noble air about them.
Joseph Osley
Still trying to figure this out.
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I like your 1m poses here, they have a nice looseness to them. How are you liking working on a tablet? What's the hardest part for you?
Gannon Beck
223rd Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches tonight.
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Two minute sketches for today. I just realized that I skipped a week and I'm not even sure what happened... life, I guess ;)
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Gannon Beck
You're getting some good forms and foreshortening on a lot of these. Nicely done.
Joseph Osley
These are great! You are really capturing the poses nicely and hand ling the foreshortening and folded limbs nicely ' And life happens to the best of us, haha..
Gannon Beck
222nd Day of Proko and counting. Two and five minute sketches tonight.
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Joseph Osley
I really love these. The back study on the last page is so delicate but yet so dimensional. Really great!
Joseph Osley
5min - So; I bought an iPad. Here are my first attempts at harnessing a wildly new, and overwhelming, medium for drawing. If anyone has any tips on how to get more comfortable drawing digitally, I’d love to hear them!
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I find that I very quickly fall pray to the Command Z / two finger tap trap. It's so easy to just keep undoing and undoing and in the end you're never happy anyway. Traditional drawing has a finality to it that digital doesn't - in a way it's the biggest pro and con. Now that I wrote that, I wonder if there is a setting in Procreate where one can fully disable the undo option.
Gannon Beck
Nice! Welcome to the club. One tip is to find some brushes that you like. I have bought both the inking brushes and charcoal brushes here on Proko and I like them. The one advice on that is to work with each brush for a while before you decide if it's for you or not. I almost don't like any brush when I first try it.
Gannon Beck
221st Day of Proko and counting. Two minute figures for warming up today. The summers are a time management challenge for me, therefore I'm doing a lot of two minute sketches just to keep the habit in place. I'll expand the sessions when I'm on the other side of the busy period. That said, I'm pretty happy with what skills I can reinforce with two minute drawings. It doesn't take much.
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Joseph Osley
Beautiful lines!
Gannon Beck
220th Day of Proko and counting. I did a bunch of figure studies this morning and accidentally delated them. Talk about drawing for the trash can. Here are head studies between two to four minutes each.
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Joseph Osley
These are fantastic! I can actually see you dialing it in. Awesome!
Gannon Beck
219th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute portraits.
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Joseph Osley
Great expressions here! You're nailing those hard angles too.
Gannon Beck
218th Day of Proko and counting. Not quite there yet, but I'm making progress on the portrait front.
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I think what you meant to say was that you are making AWESOME progress on the portrait front! She and I share the same birthday. I knew who it was right away too. Nice job and I dig the colors as well! Keep going don't ever stop ever!!! No matter what!!!
Joseph Osley
I recognized her immediately! That hair always stands out! Looking really good!
Love how you handled the colors
Gannon Beck
217th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches.
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Joseph Osley
There is so much here! The second and third pages have beautiful lines especially. I like how you’re finding the features of the head too.
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double posting here, landmarks assignment from proko figure drawing class. I labeled everything, please let me know if I misrepresented any landmarks or other general remarks, thanks!!
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Joseph Osley
These are wonderful and will make great references going forward. Nicely done!
Great job, Phil!
Gannon Beck
These are great. It looks to me like you remember the names better than I do. A good reminder that I need to revisit the lesson.
Gannon Beck
216th Day of Proko and counting. I started out doing two minute sketches, but hit pause on this one for some reason and spent a bit more time on it. I lost track of exactly how much.
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Joseph Osley
I’m glad you did! The texture of the hair is excellent. I see dimensionality and lighting really popping these forms out of the page. Your use of the gray background is really nice too.
Gannon Beck
Some one minute sketches from this evening.
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Gannon Beck
215th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute portraits.
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Joseph Osley
I can see your proportion and placement really kicking in here. Fantastic, especially for two minutes!
Gannon Beck
Experimenting with supplies a little. I've just started using Arches watercolor paper and I love it so much more than the other papers I've tried. I still need to figure out the best way to approach these little watercolor portraits, but at least I've got a solution for the paper.
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Joseph Osley
Love the texture of this study.
Art Stark
Nice experiment.
Gannon Beck
214th Day of Proko and counting. More two minute heads.
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