Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
The first one is from imagination and I highly doubt if any of these positions are humanely attainable;) The second image is my interpretation of the reference images from the rhythm assignment. I had fun doing this assignment as I love drawing figures and visualising the convergence of boxes became a bit easier for me after doing this exercise. I struggled the most to keep the sizes of my boxes consistent. Would love some feedback.
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Stan, thanks for the intuitive Demo. Yeah. You mention 7 mins in that you didn't use a grid and refered to a previous lesson. Don't beat me up, please, but which lesson was that ?
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Stan uses and shows how to construct the grid in the demo of 1 point perspective level 1
Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Free handed all of them and hence none of them are perfect but I got the idea. What I struggled in was drawing the concentric ellipses near the center of wheels in perspective. Please suggest how to construct the overlapping tyre and axle.
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
First 3 for level 1 and the next 3 for level 2. Toughest one till date but drawing heads in boxes exercise helped a lot to visualise the faces of different fingers. While doing the level 2 exercise, i focussed more on rotating the boxes in space rather than the pose or anatomy (I don’t know much about hand anatomy..learning). For level 2, rotating boxes in perspective approach helped more than imagining the gesture, is that the correct approach? I started with the gesture for level 1 assignment but not for level 2. Any suggestion of improvement is highly welcome.
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
It took me such a long time to figure out the boxes for the head. I had trouble regarding proportions. Had to go back and forth fixing the box after realising the proportions are off while placing the features. Is it the correct approach? Also, as the y axis (height) converges in extreme angles, I was confused about determining the angle of the horizon line (as it is no more exactly perpendicular to y-axis). I have showed my approximation, any feedback or correction is highly appreciated.
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Awwww! This mini television set is the cutest thing I have seen today!
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
7 min basic gesture capturing force and movement
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
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10 min gesture and 40 min drawing on top of the gesture. This is kinda out of my comfort zone but I'm glad I tried. I couldn't really get the face expression where I wanted it, but I'm quite happy with the overall pose and textures. Any critique and suggestions always welcome :)
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Love your line quality
Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
10 min gestures are all I can manage today
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Had so much fun drawing these beautiful poses as mermaids.. allotted 15 minutes each.. It became easier as I didn’t have to draw feet but was having so much trouble drawing the hands… just then proko posted the challenge for day 3 :p
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
not happy with the sloppy lines as i rushed up to submit these today. Just got to know about the challenge an hour earlier.
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Made some imaginary arcade like shapes just to practice extrusion.
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Attempts at the assignments of Level 1 project. I tried to draw the indoors as seen from a3 different perspectives. No photo or real life reference used. It was really a great exercise imagining stuff and drawing those in perspective. Included the impractical sinks in the most weird places possible :D
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
the pose at 7.30 is marked as wrong by Proko and this same pose is explained as the correct one in the earlier bean video. It looks completely correct to me and the explanation is also right. Can anyone help make sense of this? Why suddenly this is marked as incorrect here?
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Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Oops.. i meant the one at 19.30
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