Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Activity Feed
https://youtu.be/HLXPTYfVT9s?si=JZ_ZQz9dzise32sG i found a new favorite artist that draws buildings with personality. Gary Frederick
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Liked it a lot..thanks for sharing
Daniel Lucas Nizari
@Stan, I would suspect with 5, to see more from his left torso side. Or is that my confusion where I focus to much on his muscles?
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Yes, I also interpreted it with more of his left torso showing. To me, even the right shoulder seems to be moving backwards.. I know there can be different interpretations of the same pose, but mine looks too different from Stan’s.. i am not sure if I am making some basic mistake
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Level 2 tree house finished just in time.. With the perspective challenge ending and so many project assignments, it was such a busy week!
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
After watching the gestural perspective lesson, I wanted to try out some dynamic architectural perspective on the prompts of the ongoing perspective challenge. I did the log cabin and the castle using dynamic perspective. Yes, it was difficult and it took me almost 7-8 hours each. I struggled to make everything come together while distorting individual blocks yet maintaining the basic perspective. It was quite hard. I will try the tree house once the challenge is over on 5th.
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
my tree house.. finished just in time
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
I found No. 1 to be the toughest to interpret. It feels like her upper torso is coming towards me and there is a twist along with the bend. So, I did 2 versions of it. With 8, I am not sure if I am seeing the top left side plane. It seems like I have exaggerated the pose in version 1. So, I did a version 2 that looks more right to me. For exaggerating, I chose 4 images and did the normal and exaggerated versions of them. I tried to feel the exaggerated pose and it turns out that the box changes a lot for 17 and 3. I am pretty sure I have messed up many of these and any feedback will be very helpful.
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Johannes Schiehsl
(chess board and *some* pieces) (throne)
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Wow! The lighting makes the piece so attractive! How do you make your lines so flawless? Do you use the pen tool? Or do you freehand it? I am looking at your piece for minutes now..it is mind blowing!
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Finally Done! Thanks to the Proko team for organizing this challenge. I really needed the practice! And congratulations to all who have come this far. Proud of the community we have here! week 4 day 7 : Skull
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
week 4 day 5 : Gaming Console
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Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
week 4 day 4 : Swiss Army Knife
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