Project - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 2

Course In Progress

Project - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 2

Course In Progress

Deadline: Submit your assignment by 12/04/2023 for a chance to be featured in the next critique video!

For this project, we're stepping it up a notch. Instead of just drawing simple boxes, you'll be extruding complex shapes toward the vanishing point.

Watch the Level 1 Project: The instruction in the previous video apply to level 2 too.

Stick to Hard-Edged Shapes: Avoid things like blenders or toilets that have curves since that will lead to complex ellipse issues that we haven't learned yet. We're focusing on straight edges and corners here.
Pick a Theme Like an Arcade Room: This works great because arcade cabinets have different shapes but are generally boxy. Think of cabinets with unique profiles but all going straight back from there.
Use One-Point Perspective: This means all corners of your objects should lead to a single vanishing point.
Be Creative with Your Theme: The arcade room is just a suggestion.
Focus on Structure, Then Add Details: First, get your basic structure right. After that, add in details to make it look more real.
Have Fun and Experiment: The most important part is to enjoy and try out different things.

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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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