It’s time for the level 2 rhythms demos! I’ll be doing more quick figure sketches but this time I’ll be taking them a little bit further with additional large anatomical rhythms.
Tommy Pinedo
Here is my attempt for level 2! I did 5 minutes per pose. I tried the overhand grip and its hard. I am not used to it but I tried in some areas. Mostly did it regular grip. This attempt is before watching the level 2 demo. Any feedback is welcome :)

Sumit Gupta
In demo2 the width of calf is not accurately captured, i am not sure why this decision is made.
Great observation @Sumit Gupta. For the purpose of this exercise, we are more so depicting the rhythmic movements of body than spending time making sure that all anatomical structures are correct. In this demo I noticed Stan made the hands and feet small in comparison to the arm and leg also, and the arm longer. I interpret this as a stylistic choice to emphasize the energy moving down through the arms and the legs and focusing more on the shapes that support that rhythm. The anatomy is important of course and there is a time and place to draw it accurately, but for this exercise, finding the rhythm is king.

attempts based on the video one before and one after the demo I think I need to practice ignoring detail and thinking of the figure as more of an abstract shape. Any critiques are welcomed.

Jack H
Tried drawing with new references, with a time limit of 4 minutes. However, as the reference I used was very muscular, coupled with the time limit, made it hard to capture the proper lines for the drawings. I think I'll put aside time limits for now, and focus on improving line quality and rhythm.
Tony Zhang
From new to old. I've probably done a hundred of these. Does it actually get better as you practice?

Attempt 1. Finding it really challenging working with the charcoal pencil, especially overhand, and also hard to focus on rhythms and not get caught up in contours and anatomy. Need to keep practicing this one.
Stefan Sharkov
These are strong attempts. I felt the same way with charcoal when I first started. I'm not a professional at it yet, but it's a great material for figure drawing. Just keep up the great work, you're on a solid pace.

My attempts.
Stefan Sharkov
I can see a solid progression throughout all of these sketches. If you keep up this pace, your gestures will improve greatly. Nice work.
Vue Thao
Level 1 and Level 2 rhythms.
Stefan Sharkov
Great work. Just watch out for proportions in the future.
Feldarinue R
I made the gesture lines and then added another layer on top. However, this may not be part of the assignment.
Stefan Sharkov
Your second layer adds many strong and accurate details, and your linework is solid. But just for the main assignment, your rhythms are also excellent. Great work.
Oooh perspective. That means… Marshal!? 👀 🥳
maybe a guest conversation. no promises
秀 春
Words can't described how much thankful I am of you Mr. Proko, you're a big help for us self taught artist someday i will be a great artist and i will be able to meet you Mr. Proko, thanks a lottt i downloaded your free ebook rhythm i will study it with my heart and mind...thanks a lot again mr. Proko ‹𝟹
I’m not level 2 yet, but hearing your deductive reasoning as you thought through each “problem” was enlightening. My approach needs to change, think through each part with simplicity. I’m over complicating it and I don’t break it down into digestible parts. My brain needs to slow down and reason through it.

Pedro Branco
Forgot to post these earlier. Skipped doing the ones Stan does in the demo since I want to watch the video and draw along.
Sorry for channeling my inner Rob Liefeld in some of these. I don't pay enough attention to my page space.
Stefan Sharkov
These are strong attempts. All of your poses feel rhythmic, but some tend to lose it with the edition of hard muscle shapes. Just keep an eye out for that, but otherwise great work.

Pedro Branco
Here's my first attempt after watching the lesson. Some stuff isn't quite clear yet, I'll draw these with Stan tomorrow.
Sita Rabeling
Exercising sketches along with Stan and from Mattesi’s book.
Very good! You're using the and applying it.

Stefan Sharkov
Your best attempt here was the pose with the male figure holding the stick above his head. Although not proportionally correct, you can feel the rhythms flowing through the whole body. If you try to replicate that attempt in further exercises, you will really see success with this project. Good work.

onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
Thank you for making this demo. I found that I still tend to focus my attention on details and use erasers too much. It damages the whole rhythm in the end.
you're welcome! Ya, big ideas first. then details.
Mon Barker
Level 2 attempt after watching the demo…not sure if I went too far with structure to detriment of gesture (?)
The smaller rhythms you're putting in to represent the anatomy seem uninformed and so they look more like tattoos. But, you did capture the action of both poses very well!

Memori 0
Interesting structure choices... I'm not that experienced with drawing, but do know some anatomy.
It seems so me that you are trying to switch between the shapes of the muscles and the shapes of the shadow/ light, it gets especially confusing at his upper right leg and forearm (left picture).
Also, it doesn't help that pretty much every line seems to have almost the same lineweight.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.