This! I wish there were more than 24 hrs in a day. I need to take Marshall’s course. So much info packed into 18 minutes in this video.
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I had to keep telling myself the point of this project was to learn one point perspective, not achieve perfection. A lot of wobbly freehand lines (I really do practice straights a lot!), some weirdness with line direction, my pencil going dull at in opportune moments, etc. But I learned one point perspective along the way.
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Thank you Stan for explaining why you included rhythms early and the long term benefits. Helpful. I panicked at first at the unknown. Will practice and fail forward ; )
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I’m not level 2 yet, but hearing your deductive reasoning as you thought through each “problem” was enlightening. My approach needs to change, think through each part with simplicity. I’m over complicating it and I don’t break it down into digestible parts. My brain needs to slow down and reason through it.
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Thank you for the advice on confidence Stan and the mindset. Struggled with this one.
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These are wonderful!
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This course went from beginner to advanced real quick. Very frustrating, and the poses are too advanced and now seals make me cry.
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I would like to ask a beginner level question about line quality. I have been practicing the tapered line and line weight. I need help applying it to gesture. I don’t have the fancy drawing programs. Just me and a pencil and paper. Stupid question about pencil, if there are programs with different ‘brush packs’ should I be handling the sharpness/lead softness- hardness/lead length of my pencil differently to produce a cleaner line? I feel mine just get messy, and hence I erase and my output isn’t clean. Any and all suggestions welcome.
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Thank you Stan, your instruction and speaking your thought process as you draw is extremely helpful. Need to try this again with fresh perspective.
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Dan Stevens
Fun assignment. It’s really challenging to keep the pose and gesture loose and dynamic when you start adding a few details. It’s amazing how rigid the drawings can start to feel. I hope that some of the movement and dynamism was captured in these.
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Love these!
I tried for dynamic and interesting shapes, not exact realism. I feel like I over simplified. I need to work on the sketchy gestural lines, found myself cleaning up my lines. Lots of erasing. But here they are, yes, that first one is tad round ; )
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Animal Portraits Using Basic Shapes (level 1) No realism, basic shapes, No shading or details, 10 or less shapes, line quality. My line quality has a long way to go. Need better balance. I have no idea if what I did was the right approach. Fun project, Simplify!
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Master Line Study: Henri Matisse; Henri De Toulouse Lautrec. I went to the library and did research, I checked out books and studied them. I’m a level one true beginner at age 52 who is here just to enjoy the process of learning and hopefully improve along the way. Self critique: proportions off, smeared lines (left-handed), medium issues, line quality needs a lot of work BUT still proud of what I did.
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julien Gaumet
Hello everyone ! Any other French speaking following th course ? Here is my assignment : 1) Is the hierarchy method, made digitally 2) Is the light & shadow method, made digitally as well 3) Is an attempt with paper and pencil where I have tried to put everything together (confident line, exploring a bit and line weight) I am quite satisfied but at some point, my « lines » are so thick that it almost felt like shading with two values. I don’t know if we were supposed to push it that much but I quite like the result ! Please let me know your feedbacks ! 🙏
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I felt the same about not pushing the thick lines too far because then it would shading. Yours look good!
Exercise #2 light and shadow. Not sure I approached it correctly. Struggled with this one. Looks too similar to my #1 hierarchy. Good exercise though to think through.
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Line weight - hierarchy exercise. I tried to emphasize the importance of the rhino’s feet on the ground to imply weight. And a hefty rump.
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Second try at penguin after watching critique video. Those are so helpful Stan!
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First exercise- pear. Values need work, must learn planes.
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