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Maria Bygrove
added comment inPractice: Section Lines
Asked for help
Ugh, really struggled with the tertiary forms, maybe couldn't see them well on the photo and don't know the anatomy well enough to just know them.
Maria Bygrove
Asked for help
The middle one was kinda tricky until I realized that there are two light sources in this scene (I think) - a stronger warm one coming in from the left and a cool, greenish from the right.
Great studies! With the middle image, the two light sources show up pretty well, though with the rightmost sphere with the darker wood, I think it would benefit from more contrast created by a darker shadow and stronger influence from the colored light sources, due to the surface material appearing more reflective/glossy. But great work capturing the subtleties across all the spheres -- keep it up! :)
Maria Bygrove
After watching the demos, I drew some more planes from memory.
I agree with @Michael Giff , watching real-time demos is both super helpful and a good reality check. I keep falling for the trick of sped-up process videos, and then berate myself that drawing doesn't come easy to me, while it clearly comes so easy to all the amazing artists posting on youtube or instagram ;)
Having said that, I feel like something 'clicked' for me during Marshall's demos and these last drawings came, well, almost easy :D
Maria Bygrove
Drawing along :)
Michael's explanation about how a gesture drawing is an abstraction really hit home for me. I think I was always concentrating too much on getting proportions and likeness correct, and not enough thinking about conveying the idea of the pose or the figure. Can't wait for the next installments.
Btw, in the lecture Micheal mentioned that there are many great books about body language - could anyone recommend anything specific?
Maria Bygrove
Asked for help
Did the drawing by hand and photographed all the four stages. Am I right assuming that in order to do the reflected light (step 3) we need to add core shadow to general shadow group?
Maria Bygrove
Asked for help
In the solution image, I was surprised to see no ambient occlusion where the cone meets the cylinder. Wouldn't the shadow be darker where these two forms meet?
Maria Bygrove
Asked for help
Ugh, this was difficult. I feel like maybe I kept the studies too loose and abstract but I couldn't really get into it.
Maria Bygrove
Playing with the new perspective app - it's brilliant and so generous to provide so much reference for free!
Again and again I find that I struggle with getting the initial angles right. I tried to draw exactly what I saw on the screen and still my box cross ended up both rotated and tilted in relation to the reference. Apparently I'm rubbish at judging angles ;)
Also, while I was at it, I practiced some overlapping forms. I think I've go the hang of crossing cubes but spheres make my brain hurt :(
oh your post reminds me, maybe you have this site or don't need it, but I have it in my bookmarks and I look at it when I want to feel trippy
Maria Bygrove
For this one, I didn't use the blob, instead I put the airplane into a box - this helped with constructing it in perspective but I found it difficult to estimate the position of the box to correspond with the angles of planes in the reference, and so my drawings appear from a slightly different POV. Is there a trick for this or just practice?
Also, in the drawing top right, I messed up something about the placement of the plane in the box because I had to end up drawing the left wing far outside the box to maintain the proportions at all. But I can't figure out where I went wrong. I established center points for the front and back planes of the box to give myself a central axis of the plane and went from there. So how come it ended up being so much off? The more I look, the more I can't see where I went wrong ;)