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https://youtu.be/HLXPTYfVT9s?si=JZ_ZQz9dzise32sG i found a new favorite artist that draws buildings with personality. Gary Frederick
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He does drawings in perspective also
Daniel Lucas Nizari
@Stan, I would suspect with 5, to see more from his left torso side. Or is that my confusion where I focus to much on his muscles?
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I was thinking the same. I think stan exclude deltoid and lats from the box. But on the other side lats seem be included because stan choose to bloat the box there. ( deltoid is the pyramide shaped muscle on the shoulders and lats latisimus dorsi is a big back muscle that make the triangular shape on muscular mens torso/back)
I like how you say hips😀
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Heres my box assignment. This is the hardest excersice i know. I hope for critique its something Ive felt I needed for this excersice for a long while ( done it in the figure course)
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Level 2. My reference Numbers are wrong! I didnt see the numbers that was on the Photos. My nr one is the photo that was first in the downloaded album. And that was apparently no 18. So it should be 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12,11. And I thought it was very hardcore to start with the twist.. I should have understood that it was the last example 😄
Johannes Schiehsl
"Get your Draftsmen ACTIONFIGUREs now! With Stans SKULL for reference and GRANDFATHER CLOCK to know how long you waited for Marshalls Perspective Course. These two put the FUN into FUNDAMENTALS!" Phew, all prompts complete! That was a challenging challenge.
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I Want them both! And Skelly…and Bob Ross.
Fabio Caccavale
level 2 - my fantasy treehouse. There are probably some issues with the solidity of foundation and perspective, but it was fun to draw
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Here is my tree house. In last minute so have no time to clean it up
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Johannes Schiehsl
I guess somebody overdid it with the decoration! (Pirate Ship) (Pineapple) (Colloseum) (Deep sea diver helmet) (Video Camera) (Castle) (Windmill)
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😄 you backlog is much shorter after this drawing
Oh my backlog is getting longer and longer. 2 projects and perpsective challenge. Havent been able to draw for a while because im working on my art setup. Building new table to make art on while sittning in armchair. Made 2 new tables one for messy art stuff like sculpting and one for dry crafting stuff like model kits and lego. And i will make a shelf for the tables so i easily can stift between art projekts with no need to change my setup. (Everything that makes things easier and make it easier to have it tidy is good, especially for me that is chronically ill) Its like a compact art studio. And i am upgrading my drawing table where i allways have my table easel on so it will be as sturdy and good as the new tables. So energy gone to this. Im painting the table today so i will probably finally be able to draw tomorrow 🥳
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I chose a Blue Jay for my character. Way more difficult than I imagined :)
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Love the singing bird !
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