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I guess the reason that i am confused about some of the posts is because I didn't really imagine the plane and was too focused on what I saw in the reference. I am also not sure about what looks good and what does not when making some decisions. Thx Stan. Heading to redo some of them.
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Also bear in mind that there's a certain degree of subjective interpretation with the forms. There's really no fully "right" answer to any of these only degrees of "correct" as body parts such as the upper torso system change shape depending on factors such as musculature and the "stress" of the pose. As long as you interpret the landmarks and the gesture correctly then your torso boxes should be fine.
Sorry for being messy coz i am kind of getting lost in how the form changing Pic 1-2 = lvl 1 and I numbered all of them For no. 1 I am kind of confused about whether the box should be curved on the inside or just bloated for the muscles. I thought curved seemed right. For no. 2 i remade a better one on no. 6 For no. 9 Just confused about the foreshortening plus twisting in a running pose with basketball For no. 17 confused about front blending plus twisting at the same time For lvl 2 with references, I can add personality to the boxes for M and F easier. But kind of confused about how the shoulder plane should look. the arms usually get in the way and try to focus on the chest or the dip in the neck instead, for landmarks. For no.6 I am not sure on showing the curved boxes bloating.
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I recommend drawing some ribbons to help you getting used to tracking your shapes through obstacles.
I like drawing boxes. For those having trouble tracking the shapes, I'd recommend drawing some ribbons as a side exercise.
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Here are my submissions. I wasn't sure when the deadline would end so I decided to cut it short today, been very busy and haven't had much time for art projects. Sadly I won't be able to do all the 28 topics. This was quite fun. Hated the pineapple but it got me into a bit of texturing which is something I'm pretty bad at. The camera gave me so much work even though it's really simple to draw one in theory. Quite proud of the colosseum and the swiss army knife taught me a bit about spirals.
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Hey everyone, here are my submissions. While Stan does mention that we should do a few of these I only managed to do these two. Been quite busy lately and ended up not doing many art project. Funny enough I went in straight to level 2 and ended up with a way blander composition than the level 1 which I just tackled. truth be told I run out of steam really quickly when doing objects. The treehouse in specific, went in with some ideas but when it came to putting texture I just gave up and had no patience for it, I avoided getting back to it for an entire week. Meanwhile I managed to do the first level in one go though and it came out dandy. Critiques welcome, looking forward to the next assignments.
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Hey Stan, thank you for the critiques. I'd like to ask however, could I have some input on what I may be doing wrong with my submissions? A bit more specific feedback if possible. This is a very important topic for what I want to do and when I look at what some of my more competent peers do I feel like it's just a whole other world and I'm missing like 90% of what they're able to do. Anyone is fine I just want to know how to do this well. I know it's selfish and pretentious considering how many study under this course but I really feel like this is something I need to ask.
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Thank you Stan. I quite like doing this exercise, it's been something that I practiced almost since the beginning on my own. This and ribbons is really important to understand movement and to teach you how to think on your construction of an object. On a side not. I haven't received a notification on this lesson and the Ginger Root people critique, was it just me?
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Wow I am late. here are some preliminary submissions. I quite liked the fire hydrant as I decided to do a fish eye perspective and I had no idea how to do it! So I just mcguyver'd the rules and I came out looking decent. I am not using any reference and I'll just post my other submissions here.
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Thank you for the critique Stan.
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Quick submission. I may have gotten a bit too overzealous with the second one. It's hard to come up with shapes in my head. I'll have to look into it. As always I'll be posting more during the week.
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Hope I'm still on time to submit these. Looking forward to the critique.
Been busy with a personal art project so I didn't practice this yesterday but here's today's attempt. I'm still not quite clear on some things, I'll study the video again tomorrow.
Went back to the ogre and adjusted its foot. I noticed yesterday after submitting that the foot was completely off. Tried using models for the assignment but I just can't. I seem to focus too much on drawing what's in front of me. The other characters came out ok though. No.4 looked familiar and sure enough I think it's the same pose as Ryan Benjamin's video that was posted on Proko's Youtube a few weeks ago. I'm still not satisfied with the shapes that I use and I'm at a loss as to how to "learn" more of them.
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