Alright, we're diving into another level 1 critique. I'll check out your 1-point room submissions and talk about perspective accuracy, line quality, and other common mistakes.

In practice I found I need to be more aware of keeping verticals at a right angle to the horizon line especially when rotating the page ,but I feel that will come with practice.
Chauncey Holder
the critique help, im gonna try different angle it seems I awlays gravitate to this werid in distant perspective.

More attempts with free hand, feels very rough and unpleasant , it's quite hard to publish such works since the only possible critique for this is "just do more"


Lazy Nezumi Pro is for Windows only. Is there an equivalent for Mac? Thanks!

Jack H
Did a hospital room this time. Tried drawing a thumbnail before approaching the main picture and it does help a bit. The L-shape sofa was a little difficult as I tried to draw the whole thing at one go. I think I could have broken it into smaller boxes and combined them together.
Alexis VanLandingham
These are two attempts at one point. I didnt realize how difficult flooring patterns would be.! They were a bit more than my skill set could handle but i tried. **original images are from The Shinning and Five Nights at Freddys.**

William Mclean
my visual libary for rooms is real bad. never paid attention to them. im gonna look up refrence and try do room studies

May Berry
My line quality and accuracy has gotten better. Although I'm struggling to draw doors and windows on the side walls.
Still not having fun with this project. It's mostly because my visual library for indoor rooms is pretty low, so I end up drawing the same thing over and over. I will do some 1 point perspective draw alongs and references.
The bench looks off. Try to make your horizontals the same

Alexis VanLandingham
Wow good job
The guy from BluishDot
Great video! I always enjoy watching these.
It’s always really useful to compare the critiques to my own work and see what applies.
Here are also a couple more attempts after checking some of the lines with a colored pencil. (I’m not sure what I was going for with the table in the second one… I wanted to try something “modern” that’s mounted to the wall, but it ended up looking like the back panel from a basketball hoop :D)

Hi y'all, HELP PLEASE 1 point perspective. Here's what I was going for, I like everything except the seats on the right side. I hate them. Any ideas how to fix them so they'll look like seats? Thank yall for your responses, I really appreciate your input
Alexis VanLandingham
This is awesome!!
Thank you for the critique and I should use my ruler to check my lines. Coz I drew these in free hand, my arms just could not draw from certain angles, rotating the page should also be done ... This is the 8 or 9 month since I joined the course, and I just keep doing the line exercise you recommended I guess the the works pay off. And I watched some random youtube video talking about perspective. drawing in general is fun for me but before the course I can only copy instead of trying to understand the reference and the only thing I could draw are just boxes (which I have no idea is right or wrong) from different perspective. I just think it would be weird if the clock is in 1 point instead of 3/2
Lenserd martell
My work came out!! thank you!
I like your sound effect 23:58 😄

Pedro Branco
Thank you Stan for reviewing my work.
I posted more on the lvl 2 section. I've done quite a few perspective exercises in the two years since I started drawing but 1 and 2 point perspective have always been "annoying" for lack of a better word. I often zone out and just start doing lines in other perspectives like how you've seen in this first exercise.
I am happy to say however that I've been making more 1 point exercises and have come to enjoy making rooms like these. Though I still struggle with it a bit and my concentration comes and goes, my mind isn't constantly asking me to do something else or getting distracted.
2 point has been the bane of my mental fortitude when it comes to the simple 3 perspectives and I'm looking forward to changing my attitude towards that.
I would like to ask though, I seem to have a bit of an issue making longer lines straight, they always curve and making this weird "fish eye" lens effect. I've been practicing lines for a while and it doesn't happen as long as I have a guide line or two points but the moment I don't have these, it becomes a problem.
I'd like to avoid using a ruler to frame my drawing. What could I do? Irshad Karim mentions curving the lines on the opposite side to train the arm so I've been doing that. I'll also admit that this may be a bit of a laziness issue since I could slow down while drawing straight lines and get the straight but even then it's not a guarantee and we all know that slowing down while drawing is for nerds >=(
Anyway here's something I doodled while warming up.
loes roos
The dotted paper gives me good vertical and horizontal lines. I had not even realuzed it could be used for isometric perspective... cool.
loes roos
Pronounciation of my dutch name is something like loose but a bit shorter... in spanish you pronounce it like luz... forget about the last name. ; )
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.