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level 2: box torsos from observation I tried adding some overlap lines on some of these to better show the bend/twist, but I'm not sure if I added them correctly.
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1 - upper body is in front of the belly. Yours looks like the belly is in front of the shoulders based on the overlap 3- I'd personally do a flatter angle for the shoulders Didn't find any issues with the rest. Good stuff
Level 1- got some questions 1- I tried to create male and female trosos and I really hard a hard time. If I understand correctly, you bloat the hips for women and the shoulders for men to put it simply. Does 1 look like a female torso? 2- I tried a male torso bending forward. How would I do this. the way I did it looks wrong 3- How do I twist the torso correctly? I sometimes do it correctly by chance but I have to try 20 times. How do I know which way to draw the S-curve? How do I have to place the shoulder plane to hip plane to create overlapping? Feedback would be appreciated
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Here are my level 1 torso boxes. Hopefully I can get the level 2 drawings done in the next day or two.
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box 3 on page one looks strange. I assume you wanted to show a pinch. in box 2 you showed it well but on box 3 it looks flat
I found it really hard to stay in perspective with my boxes. And not to go in the wrong direction while imagining the twisting of the box. As well as seeing and interpreting the planes of the torso. Often, I was not sure if I even interpreted the planes correctly or if I saw the box from below or down. 
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Don't see really any problem with your Level 2. Next time zoom in on the boxes. It's really hard to see
Attached are my attempts at level 2. I did the assignment digitally this time - I had to try each pose multiple times and it was easier to erase this way. I think I got them roughly correct. In number 2 I am not sure if we see the bottom plane. I also think something is wrong with number 10, but I am not sure how to adjust it.
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I would have simplified nr.12 to one single cur to be honest. He is leaning back in the ref. One C-curve in my opinion
This is my attempt to the assignment, i rushed a bit the things to stay in the deadline. In the next days i'll try again drawing from reference
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Sexy Line weight. Don't see anything wrong
I hated this exercise. Still it was useful. I am pretty content with the shapes I drew for the buildings. One big issue I have is that I don't know how to do the details in general. Can any Level 2 boss tell me how to approach details. I know how to do the big shapes but when it comes to details I lose confidence. Also I don't know how I butchered the hotel (first image. last is the ref). Actually went to the library and found the ref. It looks more like a library now ironically. Would appreciate feedback
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Alan Wong
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Chonky house. Good stuff. You could indicate some depth in the windows and the door
First attempt at this project. I hope to try again.
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The trees look way too messy. Do one building per page, so you have more space for each building. You can focus on one building at a time
Hi Stan! Thanks for the assignement. I had real fun imagining a city that makes no sense 😂 Don't know why my lines look so boring tho :(
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Your lines look good. Only thing I might change is the inclusion of more straight lines. The buildings look pretty wobbly like noodles. Add some straights to establish a base for the buildings. But these are just my two cents. Oterwise it looks lovely. Your line quality looks good. I just don't see a clear reason why some lines are light or others are dark. You could e.g. do hierarchy of importance -> make all outlines dark and everything inside lighter
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