Hong Kong
Try to be a comic artist
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Continue to come back and work on some shape and design stuff. Big fan of ig @oleksandr_kayda's cartoon style. Did some study and tried to learn more from the great arts. Please comment and help me out, plz. Design is challenging. Thank you very much
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Asked for help
So this is a picture I did for a friend lately on commission. It kind of represents how far I can push my abilities right now, which isn't that far. Since its my max effort, I was wondering if I could get some feedback on what areas feel like they need to be improved the most. I've gotten some advice from other places but am trying to gather as many thoughts as I can to see what to focus on in the future.
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Hi I am scrolling your page coz I like you design for the animal portrait project. I like the way that you draw clothes, so simple and have great balance of CSI. I am not sure if you intended to do this. I would say the eyes are a bit too close. you could move the right eyes(my POV, left of the girl) slightly to the left or the nose slightly to the right to cover a bit of the left eyes see what version you prefer. And the left forearm(my pov) seems a bit off for the shape. It looks like a tumor, dun know if you intended to exaggerate the shape or not. Hope this helps
I have been reviewing shapes and line sections after the perspective challenge. Thx to the love, courage and confidence that I received from the recent project gestural architecture, I started to do more drawing from imagination and design things. The second pic is some cartoon gesture studies that I got from Disney characters and tried to apply to the character that I created. The final version is the invented post while keeping the study in mind. It would be much appreciated if you give me some comments and critiques or other resources that I could improve much more on the subject. Thank you very much....
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Big goals: Become a pro comic artist who can build up a story to resonate with people in 10 years. Now 2 years passed by Perspective Struggles or things that I wanna learn in this course. 1. Dun knows how to rotate forms and draw the same thing from different angles. Now I am doing it so intuitively that I don't even know if I am doing them right. 2. Want to explore more on different dramatic angles and camera effect 3. Being able to build a scene with depth and with story to improve some storytelling skills 4. Explore and learn more about master drawing from different eras coz I never learned any art history or whatnot. If possible, I really wanna learn the concept of adding personality in perspective and personality of different masters. I kind of get a sense or feeling for it sometimes ,thx to the basic course project, but not always and cannot liberally explain it. If possible please reply this, how do you guys know so many artists from different era? From school, or magazine or random scrolling through internet? Please let me know
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oh also i dun know how to draw the inner side of the wheel
I guess the reason that i am confused about some of the posts is because I didn't really imagine the plane and was too focused on what I saw in the reference. I am also not sure about what looks good and what does not when making some decisions. Thx Stan. Heading to redo some of them.
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I am overall an art baby. Drawing from reference is like 2-3 year old kid. Drawing from imagination is like an almost 1-year-old kid. Designing is like a cell, not even a baby. Designing seems like the biggest and hardest boss to beat in this game. But at least Stan showed that it is beatable and its inspiring to see the process
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I am travelling to other places. This is final version of my trials finished during the time. Other attempts are left in my home. Will post them later. Try to get the vibe of a witch house.
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Reference and trials that I forgot to post when I was back
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
week 4 day 2 : My Drawing Desk
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Great set up, your room is really big for a hong kong dude
Andrea Longo Zuretti
Doing three weeks' drawings in two days is a tough task, but we won't die without trying! Meanwhile, the second week is complete...
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such a deadline fighter, but still looks good. impressive
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Always love how you place these creatures in your drawings. Does it have a name?
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