Let's take a look at your "Simplify to CSI" submissions! I decided to combine both level 1 & 2 students for this critique since I saw very similar mistakes at both levels.
I drew the boots again after watching the demo and critique videos. Very helpful :) (Left before and Right after)


I found it very difficult to simplify forms into basic CSI lines! I just can’t seem to stop myself from refining. I think I need to practice this a lot more in order to internalize the lesson and gain confidence in my line work without concerning myself with measurements and perspective.
Idk how to feel about my line quality, I probably shouldn't worry too much about it.
It’s super clean and fresh! You have a nice style for animation
Attempting a bird using these techniques. I want to improve my line confidence, I guess repetition is the only way to improve that. Luckily I’m really enjoying simplifying these images

I redid the snail and boots. Got stumped on the shoelaces. Critique more than welcome
It looks like you were on to something with the shoe laces in your first attempt. It may be a matter of getting worn out by the time you get to the shoelaces -- if that's the case, maybe try taking a break before you start so you can begin with fresh eyes.
It may help you to try very lightly drawing an "envelope" that encompasses the overall shape of the object. These will be a few light lines meant to help you control the size of the overall drawing so you don't worry about running out of room or changing proportions to make sure the drawing doesn't run off the page. It doesn't have to be exact, just enough get the general proportions accurate. Hope that helps!
The self study point is well taken. I actually traced the boots once, before I drew them, to try to get the feel for laying down the lines without obsessing about the accuracy.

Did the shoes multiple times. Lines definitely looking better than the snail one.
Tony Zhang
Drawing feet literally sucks.
Good lines

Here is the second attempt after watching the video. Please, any feedback is wanted!
Spent a lot of time on this project, was challenging for me. Partly it took a long time because i was scared to start drawing shoelaces... I redrew boots couple of times because was not proud of my line art but at the end my hand got used to putting the lines down and honestly i like the result even though i think i didn't do so great with shoelaces. Would really appreciate some criticism!
Good attempt
You did great! These are super clean drawings. It’s ok to be a little sketchy. Don’t worry about the details too much. As long as it reads, you’re ok.

First version of the snail task. Happy to receive feedback

tried the boots again after watching some crits, found myself getting very frustrated and unable to focus so i rushed a bit. critique appreciated
If you find yourself getting overwhelmed or frustrated, I think it's a good practice to put it down for a bit and take a break. It's like hitting the reset button. When you come back to it refreshed you may notice something that you didn't before. For having rushed I think this looks great! Would like to see those laces finished. Good luck :)
Tommy Pinedo
I attemped the snail, boots, and camel before doing the skull as I left that as the last one. This was my first attempt. I like it, I am not sure if I should redo it. Any feedback?
Tommy Pinedo
I decided I am going to redo it. I can improve on line quality. lol
Dominic Statuto
Attempt one of the snail and boot project, as well as my second attempt on the boots. I feel that my boots improved proportion wise, although my line control for the laces is still pretty terrible.

I attempted lvl 1 and lvl 2 and then loosely repeated whilst following along with the demo (I don’t copy exactly but just try to get a feel for what stan is saying as he goes along) I went a bit too into the details for this but overall am quite happy with these
Tommy Pinedo
I like all of them. Yes I agree on the first attempts there are more details, I did that too and for this exercise we are supposed to simplify it which I see the improvement in simplification on the second attempts! Very well done! :)

watched the first 5 min of this vid and immediately knew i screwed up on the assignment lol (wasn't simplifying enough). tried again with a figure. any critique for my use of CSI?
Maria Gaitan
CSI Practice
Beautiful work!
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.