João Freches
João Freches
João Freches
I find this CSI Lines so hard! Really, I'm very impatient and messy! Gosh!!
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Stan Prokopenko
If you guys want more more my inspirations, I have my @ProkoTV IG account where I frequently post art I like. Lately I've been posting a lot of short videos from lessons, so if you scroll past all that, you'll see a lot more curated art.
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João Freches
Thank You so much Mr Proko!
João Freches
Hello guys! Here's my take on the first CSI lines project! I've always thought my "chicken peck" lines were some kind of my own style... So ignorant of me... I don't know why o one corrected this habit of mine before (I actually attended artschool, shame....), so I'm forcing myself to do the right arm movement, and lines right now. I found the snails more difficult to look good, maybe because of the simplicity of the forms? You gotta (s)nail it! (I didn't say this)...
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João Freches
This is my take on the number 3 pear after the demo and "some" critiques! This time I varied the pencils (limited to what I have of course) I used a B 4B and 5B. I also tried to use the tip of the pencil, fighting against my natural laziness lol.
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João Freches
Here's my first attempt on images 1 and 2 respectively. I just wanna start improving my line quality, I always felt I was too rough on my drawings :'(
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