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Any feedback is welcome.
Did some gesture drawing and i dont know how to feel about this stuff. Its so hard to relax and just do the motion. I am constantly tense and my nervs stand on edge every time i try this. And i just feel like i am just drawing random lines. Are they suppose to be this bad in the begining? I sure hate them and want to throw them all away. But i know i cant because i need to have them to compare and see if i have gotten better with time or not. But back to gesture drawing. I am very new to this stuff and i am not good with timers. it causes me to panic and think "oh god i have to finish it within said seconds oh god oh god oh god!" I will say this now because lets be honest here no one will even look at this let alone give feedback. The only once that get feed back on this site are the people that can already do Leonardo da vinci stuff and then pose "plz give me feed back so that i can stroke my ego". PS. Sry for that last part. just wanted to vent a bit. Tho then again its not like anyone will help me anyway. After all i am not Leonardo da vinci. wink wink.
16 hours ago
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Front Torso Study
As title says, I am doing a front torso anatomy study. Im wondering if I can please get feedback regarding anatomical accuracy, gesture, and/or likeness of my work. Thank you in advance!
2 days ago
Front Torso Study
Front Torso Study
6 months of progress
We are halfway through the year and I feel like I have made a lot of breakthroughs in the fundamentals. I am so proud of my progress. This picture is January vs. June What do you think?
2 weeks ago
6 months of progress
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
These were very fun to draw and I would like more feedback. These are less academic and more so meant to get me used to quickly getting poses down so I can draw them in panels. I drew with a 2b, 0.7 sized mechanical pencil on printer paper
2 weeks ago
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
Most of these are new. maybe a day old.
3 weeks ago
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
Almost all of these are from imagination, save for one or two which I referenced character poses from the manga "Akira". These are drawn in ballpoint pen on an unknown, but slightly rough sketchbook paper. Each pose took under a minute, at most maybe taking me just a few seconds over a minute. They appear messy, and that's likely due to me not really sticking to a method like Loomis or Reilly, and really comes from me trying to pick up David Finch's method of starting a pose.
3 weeks ago
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Hi everyone, I just started anatomy course recently, feedbacks are welcomed.
1 month ago
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Forward, bombard it with critiques!!
Now, show me what you got.
1 month ago
Forward, bombard it with critiques!!
Forward, bombard it with critiques!!
Wich course
Hello, i follow the sample course on youtube from stan about anatomy, i can do gesture to a medium level. I cannot visualize 3d forms and put them on a paper but i know major muscles. I dont know if i need to go on figure draw course by hampton or i can go for an anatomy course by josh black. Do i need to go instead to the course on figure draw by stan? Help me choose the right course please, im stuggling many thanks!
1 month ago
Feedback on livestream drawings
Drew along with one of Josh Black’s livestreams and wanted to see if there is anything to improve upon with my drawings. First time really doing anything in this style, mostly stuck with an anime or comic style up to this point.
1 month ago
Feedback on livestream drawings
Feedback on livestream drawings
Feedback on livestream drawings
morphing to loomis head to better fit diffrent faces
when drawing someone with who's distance between the jaw and the nose is smaller than between the nose and the brow line , am i supposed to move the chin line upward or am i supposed tto make the distance between the brow and the nose taller while shortening the jaw to keep the whole distance between the brow and the chin same as the average loomis head ,
1 month ago
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Hi all, I love drawing however, I struggle with anxiety in trying to make it perfect. That sometimes causes me to not draw. Does anyone else struggle with this? Or how have you all overcome it? Also, here's some hand anatomy stuff, but I used references. Does anyone else struggle with copying and how have you made the transition to drawing from imagination. Thanks everyone!
2 months ago
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
I will start by saying that the last time i posted here i was a massive douch to everyone and for that i apologies. Should not have posted that and hope you can forgive me. But back to the topic. I did these this morning and i also posted on a discord that i am a member of and got some Feedback where they said that i need to study anatomy before i even get in to gesture drawing even tho i could have sworn that gesture is a good place to start learning anatomy and proportions aswell as leveling upp your observational skills. I have a hard time knowing where i should even start when it comes to drawing "outside of the fundementals" But I would really like to know from a true professional if i am just going about this all wrong and i should study anatomy first before going in to gesture or the other way around? I am soo lost on this topic and this is the one thing i want to be good at but i am stuggling and cant seem to find a good "mentor" or "teacher" to really tell me what or where i should start. But enough here's the drawings and the references i used.
2 months ago
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
practicing construction
Hey guys These are this mornings studies. Wanted to focus on the construction aspect (robo bean) think I've learned a bit from these but if you have any feedback id appreciate it
2 months ago
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
Robo bean study, critique needed
Hello, trying to learn the torso landmarks better to build the robo bean in a backview 3/4, could anyone please tell me if I did it correctly? If not I’d appreciate if someone could show me. Thanks
2 months ago
Robo bean study, critique needed
Robo bean study, critique needed
First stages of new piece
Hey guys Just started this piece and would appreciate any feedback you have so far
2 months ago
First stages of new piece
Can anyone critique my work?
I wonder if the ratio between the limbs and torso is correct. How to draw human body with boxes?
2 months ago
Can anyone critique my work?
Can anyone critique my work?
Human skeleton studies
I lately started this anatomy study and started by the bones, take a look! If you have some observation or review, please say, you're welcome!
2 months ago
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Trying to move away from my rendering digitally and more of a graphite/charcoal feel. Still haven't found a brush I really think is great, this one is one of Kyles graphite shaders from the photoshop packs. Also, anatomy thoughts? Working primarily with arms and legs currently. not totally finished, head hands feet and weapons all at various levels of finish but not really what I was studying on this one. Undersketch included Thanks for all critique/feedback
2 months ago
Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Any feedback is welcome.
2 months ago
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
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