If you want to draw buildings, then its best to work on drawing buildings, you can use the head method to help getting use to drawing things from a box but it’s not necessary, hope that helps :)
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maciek szczech
240428. Pelvis practice drawings. Notebook size B6 125x176mm (4.9x6.9"). HB Mechanical pencil.
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Great studies!
I’d agree that you’re right about the proportions, in addition, I’d recommend that you simplify your approach to this figure starting with gestures, then build on top with boxes. The reason I say this is because the bumps and outer contour makes it look stiff
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If possible I’ll try to provide my own example later once I get off from work.
Steve Lenze
Hey @cchapman3, I did a quick sketch to show you the best way to simplify the body into simple shapes. I hope it helps :)
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I appreciate your feedback, if it’s not too much trouble's asking also, does it matter if the legs are in box form like the pelvis and ribcage when it comes to adding the anatomy?
Added one more picture as an update, this is the leg I’m mainly having trouble understanding and because it’s the way it’s angle. It’s giving a twist motion to me which is why simplifying it into a box is harder compared the other leg. It messed with it for a while and got somewhat of an understanding by looking at my own leg. I just wanna make sure I’m on the right track before going back to anatomy
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Feedback needed
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Hello trying to simplify the figure before adding anatomy but having trouble with the right leg on the left side of the picture, could someone correct me if my box figure is wrong. Thanks
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Did a bone drawing for the feet before I move on to the next drawing, would appreciate if I made errors with the talus location and foot design for when it connects to the leg, thanks!
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Tara Dery
The hip joint is too high. You have it going up to the iliac crest. The tibia is medial and forms the medial Malleolus (bump at the ankle). It does not curve around the foot bones. Looks like you may have combined the talus (foot bone) w/ the tibia. It’s difficult to draw but, I attempted it anyway. Hope it will be helpful to you.
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Thank you so much for your help!
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Feedback please, im tryna be someone in life!
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hey could someone help me out and critique my leg study for the bone anatomy, I've been working on this photo already and just wanted to work on the bones then put the anatomy on there.
Merrill Hutchison
It looks like you left out the tibialis anterior and the insertion tendon of the flexor digitorum longus. Some of the adductor muscles are missing and look out of place.
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yeah it feels like that way, ive traced over it multiple times and It still feels like im getting nowhere with this leg especially, could you please show me on the image that hasn't been done where'd you would place the adductor muscles, honestly those and the sartorius are giving me the most trouble
hello this is my first anatomy study and dunno what im doing or if I added anything right but can someone please give some feedback, I put the original image in for example of corrections. thank you so much
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just wanted to wanted to practice values on the torso and I called myself keeping the shapes simple before adding value, I appreciate any feedback on it to see what I can improve thanks! PS, sorry for the multiple postings, still getting use to posting critiques
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Just wanted to wanted to practice values on the torso and I called myself keeping the shapes simple before adding value, I appreciate any feedback on it to see what I can improve thanks!
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Just wanted to wanted to practice values on the torso and I called myself keeping the shapes simple before adding value, I appreciate any feedback on it to see what I can improve thanks!
Steve Lenze
Hey cchapman3, The exercise of doing two value sketches is a good one, it helps us to see values as either shadow or light. Now, if you look at your reference again, and squint down your eyes until they are almost closed, you will see only shadow and light. What you did was add light were there wasn't any. It's common for beginners to get confused by reflected light because they don't squint down enough. I took your first image and did a quick sketch to show you what I mean. Also, pay attention to your proportions, which you can do by doing a structural drawing to make sure everything is correct. I hope this helps :)
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Thank you sir, you were a big help! I will keep improving, and hopefully will get good enough to help others myself!
Critique Welcomed!
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hello first time posting, im doing value studies starting with just two so i can make better simple shadow shapes before I move on to 3, I'd appreciate any feedback so I can improve! Thank you Edited: Sorry still getting use to website!
This is my attempt, need critiques..
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To me, your right pec muscle ( The one on the left side) should curve out a bit more on towards the deltoid in a subtle convex motion. Hope that helps
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