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A few level 1s I did on ipad, references in comments
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Some more level 1s on traditional pencil paper. What helped me was constant tweaking of the curves and shapes until I found something visually interesting and not settling with what was shown in the reference. references in comments
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Level 2 from imagination. Attempted to show twist and opposing pinch.
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Thought I’d put a spin on the traditional portrait. Sentinel head done on ipad. Did more of an eyeball approach here. Fairly happy with it, a few minor issues.
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Second attempt with new reference. Sorry for the poor lighting. Overlay in Krita looked pretty good this time. Face dimensions fairly close. I drew the subject's left eye too high, misjudged the angle. Seems to be a common problem for me to get that eye angle and placement. Any advice on this?
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Here’s mine, will have to do more of these.
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I did an overlay in krita. Looks like for the most part the height from the hat to his chin were fairly close. The Major issue here was my face width. I made the face significantly wider than the reference and that made my eyes and nose off. Nose too far left, eyes too high. Beard too long, chin too wide. left shoulder too high.
Rachel Kellogg
I’ve never studied shape design before and found this assignment to be fun and challenging. Feel like I have a lot of room to grow in this area, and would love feedback. Thanks!
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wahh so cute and creative!
So simple yet so helpful of an exercise. My references in the comments.
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After John Buscema. Surprised myself with this one. Thanks to proko’s demonstration for getting me to use more of the side of the pencil for thicker strokes.
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Hulk by Sal Buscema. Big big fan of John Buscema, didn’t realize he had a brother. I mimiced his line weight and shapes. His hulk is inked with a brush thus his line variation is huge. Used small tapering lines for hatching.
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stacked some boxes to draw from observation. I chose to make the corners of the boxes heavy towards the outside and taper while inside the form. i made the forefront boxes heavy lined while the tissue box in the back quiet. did not use light/shadow since my room had all kinds of distracting light.
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Organized by light and shadow. Tried to make the line almost non existent in some places to show form bathed in light.
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Line weight organized by importance. Used an HB pencil that I constantly sharpened.
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Did the hand this time. More difficult than the vr girl
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Found my own image this time. I should have made my lights even lighter. The midtones are too dark compared to the photo.
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This is my reference image
Chose a velociraptor, always loved dinosaurs.
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These were some of the preliminary sketches
Here are the reference images I used
Will do this one as warmup. On the level 2 exercise I’ll remind myself to leave the searching lines and make it looser overall
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Chose the boots for my first attempt at this assignment. I felt that all the creases, all the laces of the boot would give me a lot of trouble. Although I’m not happy with how I approached most of the shoelaces, I am happy with my choice of lines and curves, to describe the contour and folds of the boots. I also took a little longer laying in the drawing to get proper and accurate proportions. I’m so far very happy with purchasing this course, the well-designed assignments so far have really forced me to think and draw differently.
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Camel for second attempt. Wasn’t as fussy on this one.
Tried my hand at the level 2 assignment. I could have simplified the shapes more. Not sure If I did a good job on separating all 5 values.
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I redid the project and made a much smaller study. Obviously since it was such a small drawing the proportions look a little more accurate. Felt that I was much more intentional in the mid tones and the shadow shapes.
Did this exercise following the video using only hard edges and 5 values. I could have been more intentional on how I designed the shadow shapes, they look pretty wonky. My bounced light value may have been too close to the core shadow value. I was using a 2b mechanical pencil for the core shadow and a B pencil for the bounced light. Next time I should have more separation in softness for those two shadow values. Also having trouble shading large areas and maintaining the same pressure. Perhaps I could also shade in accordance to the contour of the form for more consistency. Here, I mainly just shaded vertical then horizontal.
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