Dudts Draws
Dudts Draws
After years of engineering studies & jobs, I'm learning to draw and paint. All critiques are very appreciated. Let's draw !
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1 minute Gesture 7 & 8. 2 minute Gesture 1
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Dudts Draws
these are the most dynamic drawings you've posted here so far, practice makes perfect ! Longer action lines bring more liveliness. To further enrich your gesture knowledge I suggest you also watch a couple of vilppu's gesture demo videos - it could give you insights into the mindset - ie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa_2rL1K1mg
Dudts Draws
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Hi! I'm Idellia and I'm new here! Honestly, i can't really afford to buy any courses here. I'm learning to draw through YouTube and I still want to held myself accountable for my progress, so, I want to share the sketches I had learn from the basics playlist. Here are my sketches of pear and that one from "Learning to sketch from Imagination". I picked heron because I'm interested at how elegant ant vigilant it was makes me feel. During the process, I struggled at 2 things: - Downsizing the subject onto paper - Keeping it simple as possible Yet I enjoyed at how I managed to give it a shot! So, what do you think are the parts I need to improve here? Critiques are greatly appreciated, thank u!
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Dudts Draws
Hello Idellia, best of luck with your learning. The sketches look cool. The first image looks a bit smudgy but I guess it's because you drew it before learning about shading.
Dudts Draws
25 minutes digital sketch ^^
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Dudts Draws
Hello everyone ! =) So I was scrolling through Instagram and unfortunately my feed is devoid of beginner artists. There is some advanced art content from professional art pages but what I would prefer to see is other artists that are learning and sharing their studies, exercises and progress. I thought is would be motivating and inspiring. So if you do that or know anyone who does please share names or Instagram handles/links 💖🙏 Here's mine : https://www.instagram.com/dudts_draws/ Thanks !
取り わいる 🌈
Okay, so it's the first day after of doing figure drawing/ gesture drawing the correct way! It's really really hard to quit my bad habit of copying the bumps of the body instead of doing everything like I'm supposed to - capturing the pose with simple lines and worrying only about movement rather than detail... It's a control freak's biggest nightmare and it's pretty hard to get used to drawing a figure in just a few spaghetti - like lines... Here are some sketches from to day to not make this thread completely empty... Any comments about how I'm doing so far? Any help would be appreciated!
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Dudts Draws
keep it up, maybe put 2 marks for where your figure drawing 's gonna start and end so it doesnt go outside the page.
I feel like I'm doing a better job at thinking through the anatomy as I draw. Observation alone can be deceptive.
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Dudts Draws
it's a nice figure drawing, but beware of exagerating the anatomy too much, it might look disturbing. Subtler indications can render more beautifully, if that's what's wanted ..
Dudts Draws
Hello there ! My recommendations are the followig: I'd suggest you start by drawing the mannequin several times to get familiar with the shapes and their proportions 👉 You sould copy / study / redraw each of the poses in this plate from the famous artists course : https://bit.ly/3bMt3pH The Practice consists of draw them from the reference plate 3- 4 or 5 times until you understand it and can draw it quickly, like in 30 or 20 minutes. After that, you can try to draw them from imagination, same thing until you're confortable enough them. Then you try drawing the mannequin in different poses from photo references. Later you do the same method of practice but with simplified skeleton, then simplified anatomy plates. Even the you should start practicing with simpler poses than this one.. Anyway, that's how I learned drawing realistic figures and I was impressed at the speed at which I made progress, I also am thankful to feedbacks I got from my art instructor, and from proko Facebook groups (before this forum didnt exist ) which helped me improve quickly. I encourage you to post each of your practices here, I'd be happy to give you feedback (just tag me). With time , you'll also be better at reviewing your own work when comparing it to the reference. Best of luck !
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Howard Chiang
Hi there! I'd appreciate any critique of my "2 min" gesture sketches. Thanks in advance! :)
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Dudts Draws
I'd recommend you focus more on the flow of the figure, Vilppu does it really nicely, it helps to see him draw here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOtVUHgJqQk&ab_channel=NewMastersAcademy
Dudts Draws
Nice to read you =) For me, I'd say my art parents are mainly Frank Frazetta and Gil Elvgren I keep the artworks that inspire me most in this pinterest boar: https://www.pinterest.com/dudtsdodom/art-goals/ that is an evolving board where I add what inspires me most / what I'd like to e able to do .. How about you?
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