Project - Cross Contour on Ginger Root People

Course In Progress

Project - Cross Contour on Ginger Root People

Course In Progress

Cross Contour Project Deadline Extended!

I decided to add in an additional project video to practice cross contour. I'll show you how I turn up the difficulty level on ginger root blobs and turn them into characters.

Deadline: 6-10-2024

Turn the Difficulty Knob

  1. Start with random ginger blobs. Make them humanoid by adding limbs and a head. Focus on mass rather than anatomy and proportions.
  2. Use photos of people in dynamic poses. Ensure the photos have depth (things coming towards you, body twisting, etc..). Avoid static poses.
  3. Create specific characters with pre planned proportions, like a monster ogre with a club. More specific characters add more constraints and chances for errors.

Refine the Drawing

Switch to a black pencil for cleanup. Focus on line weight and clean up your shape design. Adjust cross contours to show depth and volume. Emphasize interesting shapes and avoid symmetry.

Cross Contour on Ginger Root People. I went digital, tried with Blender Grease Pencil.
J. Menriv
Project - Cross Contour on Ginger Root People
it was more fun than I expected - tried without reference
im trying to draw this shark, but I’m having trouble, can someone draw over it so I can better see where the contours should be? Thanks in advance!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Perhaps something like this? You could use the water reflections on the shark’s back as a loose guide for the cross-contours.
One of my ginger root people. The one is blue is the before, the one next to it is the after!
Melanie Scearce
Nice! Your second one has great gesture. It feels a lot looser than the first. Good work 👍
These are my attempts while looking at references and then changing them a bit. I found it hard to construct my own poses out of thin air, and they felt stiff and flat. I guess I am not at that stage in the character design. I tried to ensure that my cross contours actually added something to the form and that they were not just some random lines. I had to go over them a few times to ensure they did not fee flat, finished like a T etc. Having said that, I was not satisfied with some of them and tried to rework them on the side. I tried to strike a balance between more rigid structure, still some sense of flow, and the “organicness” of a ginger root. Looking at other drawings in the comment section, I can see that I could have pushed the organic part a bit more. I also tried to force myself to avoid the snowman effect, it still needs to be a conscious decision, specially when working on blobs. Finally, I tried to have fun for the very last drawing after watching the critiques. It’s departing from a pure Ginger Man and I also realised colouring and cross hatching were something I need to massively learn… :’) Anyway, as usual, any comments or feedback welcome.
Melanie Scearce
You did a great job with the cross contour lines in these, especially in the volleyball figure!
Chris Cernoch
I couldn't resist putting a little watercolor on this guy. So much fun!
did this with a dull pencil cause I didnt want to get up and sharpen my pencil, but I hope you guys can appreciate how ugly this guy is lol I like him
Daniele Olevano
That was fun project
J. Menriv
Project - Cross Contour on Ginger Root People
William Montalvo
Excellent job
Rachel Dawn Owens
This one is cool!
The root on the left was from photo reference with a high angle where the model's head and chest were coming towards the camera, but I think the posing of the two characters breaks that illusion since the right side character doesn't have similar foreshortening. Either way, lessons learned and it was a great opportunity to revisit appealing shapes. Edit: I added a followup I did after watching the critique.
Here is my follow-along and some Ginger-people characters!
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is a great grouping of characters! Nice work
Amu Noor
This was a fun project!
Melanie Scearce
Awesome work! I love Ginger the Witch
Thien Minh Pham
My Attempt at this
Gannon Beck
Good stuff!
I did not Want to see that
Took some time on these, also did some other drawing stuff/self study and since I am almost caught up with the entire course I decided to take my time for this one! I did really like it and this one especially felt like I had alot of creative freedom, however I might be pushing the bounderies of what a ginger root person is with some of these, but I had fun nonetheless! Regarding the ''shading'' I just did it very randomely, just to give them a little more depth. I also drew them individually, so they might look a little weird posed together like that, i like them individually better, but that'd be 4 files to upload, so I just quickly set them up like this! If there is anything wrong with the contours letting me know is again greatly appreciated! I will be doing the rest of the assignments a little quicker than the time I used for this one, since I took a lot of time trying to figure out the designs haha
Dippede Doodle
Wow your form skills have improved drastically! So cool to see how good you become in 3D - good job! I do struggle with form so is there a video you would recommend that help you out with bending and angleing those forms or is it just practice?
finnally back with time for the course. my take on the assignment. On the last one i got a bit lazy with the perspetive need to start the lineart with a good idea where the vanishing point is.
Jim H
this is super - hope I fare as well when I get to that section!
Melanie Scearce
Super dynamic, I especially like the running ginger person. Great job!
Lil FatWombat
I really enjoyed the task! Thinking in three-dimensional space is quite confusing, but with practice it gets easier and easier. I’ll definitely revisit this task in the future. Here are my latest Ginger Root People. The figure in the bottom left is really more like a rabbit on steroids… let’s call him Steve. So, here are three Ginger Root People and Steve.
Melanie Scearce
Haha these are awesome!
Jack H
This assignment probably made me draw more humanoid figures than the past few months...The cross contours really do make them seem more 3D, but I think in my case I wonder if my ginger root people were too much like...people. I found myself drawing the blobs in the shapes close to the anatomical forms they represent. Perhaps it might be better if I had more variety of shapes? I would really appreciate any feedback/critique for this project as the figures seem alright to me, but I'm not sure if I tackled this project correctly.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Your ginger root people look great! If you want to design them to look less human, you could try using even simpler shapes to start. Anatomy details like knees, necks, hips, joints, ect… are not so necessary for an assignment like this. Maybe just a few different parts: body, head, arms, legs, hands and feet are all that is needed to make a body. Try different abstract shapes for the head and body especially. Get weird with it. Your cross contours all look perfect as far as I can tell. What I’m getting into here is character design stuff, which is more advanced, but I think you can handle it. Keep it up!
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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