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Here you go level 2! My sketching from imagination project demo. From studying the reference, to explorations, to final sketch.

Sketch from imagination. Boy, this has always been very difficult for me. In fact, learning to draw from imagination was why I decided to take this course. I did better than I thought, but it still looks like a third grader did it. 🤦♂️ I chose a sloth for my animal for the simplicity; didn’t want to get discouraged by doing something too beyond my range. I think I could have spent more time on the study sketches. First two are the studies and the third is the imagine sketch. Really tried to push it with the reclining pose. Don’t know if it quite worked though. Overall, decently happy with it. But more work is needed.
I got carried away but I like this second attempt more (pre demo).
Tai Porto
After watching the demo, I see that I could've spent more time sketching and thinking of more ideas, so I'm going to try a few more times!

I chose beaver for my second trial after demo!

I tried again.
Stéphane Mor
Hi ! This is my second attempt at this after the demo. It's also day 11 of the two-week challenge.
I chose the bighorn sheep. I did over the course of the whole day. It started very stiff, very close to the reference. I couldn't get loose and relaxed enough to go to imagination at first, but after a while I managed to get the "flow" state of mind, and things got way more fun (drawings on the lower part of the second page). On the third page of drawings I tried some cartoonish / younger versions of it, but I'm not as satisfied with them than with the ones in the second page. I realize once again that darker pencils (2B) are easier for me to get tapered and searching lines flowing, compared to my more traditional 2H sketching pencil.
As always, all feedbacks are welcome !
I chose the red fox. The drawing showing details in the neck and the tail is my final attempt. This is the last image.
Second attempt at this challenge, not that satisfied with the results.. I feel like I haven't reached that coveted looseness yet, I still lean a lot towards that dreadful stiffness.. I'm sure it will get better with time, though.
Thank you and hope you enjoy!
Jens Messmer
wow, nicely done

Hey everybody :) I decided to retry the imagination project after watching the demo. The animal I chose to use was the pangolin because of how cute it is, and also its structure is intriguing to me. I love animals that have some kind of armor on then, I think it’s super neat. However, it can be difficult to draw. I didn't want to get too caught up in each individual armor scale so I tried to mainly focus on the energy and vibe of the pangolin. It was definitely a challenge for me. I started by using some reference pictures and drawing from observation, then moved onto 3 drawings from my imagination. Drawing this way is certainly humbling, but I’m glad I gave it a shot! It makes you have to think in a different way than just drawing what you’re seeing. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this!
Kristen Budovski
I am a level one trying the level two project for fun and dang it is difficult! I have yet to do an imagination sketch because I had a question on how I can better approach these darn feet. Any advice level two'ers?
Kristen Budovski
Well I decided to move on with the imagination portion. I present ladle duck! I see I still have a long way to go in my learning but this was an extremely fun project.

I tried to go for a "cute but angry" kinda look on this one. The first two are studies and the last one with the big head is from imagination
samuel burgos celedon
Stil learning
Donna Swibas
Ionuț Irime Nicolae
This is my 1st attempt, It was pretty cool, what y all thought??
Minerva D
Here's my first attempt of this project. It was pretty fun to do.
Ionuț Irime Nicolae
That left wing is crazy how you capture It
Pretty swans

My third attempt at this exercise. Worked more on my sketchiness. Frogs...
Ionuț Irime Nicolae
Hobo Dios
My drawings are very messy :sob: I feel like the perspective in the one from imagination is kinda off (second picture).

Woah! Cool stuff.
Minty Guy
i should experiment more with the shapes and have more dynamic poses i hope to get more advice on how to improve

Jose Anton
The first 2 drawings were the references to find the shapes and the last was the attempt from imagination. It was fun but I still have a long way to go to be able to simplify shapes and then be able to capture them in the drawing. I will keep trying
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.