Sculpting & 3DImagesRepliesLast activityActivity
Proko 3D - New Sculpting YouTube Channel
We just created a new YouTube channel called Proko 3D! We’re developing so much new content now that it makes sense to create a dedicated channel for traditional and digital sculpting. This Thursday, @Andrew Keith is releasing a course on the basics of figure sculpting in clay. The free content from that course will be available on that YouTube channel, published weekly :) We need your help to make this new channel thrive. If sculpting and 3D modeling interest you at all, please subscribe and share the channel with anyone else you think might benefit from some sculpting lessons. It would really help us out to bring you even more Proko content!
5 months ago
Proko 3D - New Sculpting YouTube Channel
Proko 3D - New Sculpting YouTube Channel
Proko 3D - New Sculpting YouTube Channel
My advancing in drawing using old instructions of mr prokopenko
1 month ago
My advancing in drawing using old instructions of mr prokopenko
My advancing in drawing using old instructions of mr prokopenko
My advancing in drawing using old instructions of mr prokopenko
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Hello Everybody! How are you guys doing? Recently I've been trying to learn 3D in order to deepen my spatial knowledge on drawing, as well as aplying my drawing skills on different medium. and I stumble upon a very educational Youtube Video on how to sculpt a head on Zbrush for begginers, I find it really helpful, and has a lot of the principles that has been taught by Proko in his videos on drawing a head. I'll put the link below: here are some images of the final result of the head I did , I hope you guys like it :) thank you for your time and Happy Hollidays XD
2 months ago
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Learning to Sculpt the Head on Zbrush from a Tutorial
Feedback wanted 👍
I've just gotten into sculpting and would like some criticism for my first tries to know what to work on. Be as harsh as you like!
4 months ago
Feedback wanted 👍
Feedback wanted 👍
Feedback wanted 👍
Feedback wanted 👍
Feedback wanted 👍
Feedback wanted 👍
White Sun Clay - Finishing with Paint? Other Options?
I'm in my second in-person Sculpting class ever and loving working on my female torso 50% scale sculpture here in Australia. The sculpture is using White Sun Clay which our instructor says dries in about 3 weeks and then can be finished with 'paint/spray paint whatever...' Does anyone have images of different finishes they've tried on this kind of clay? We still have 3 sessions to do to finish her but I don't want to paint her in something that looks awful and regret as I don't have the $ to invest in moulding it right now.
5 months ago
White Sun Clay - Finishing with Paint? Other Options?
White Sun Clay - Finishing with Paint? Other Options?
White Sun Clay - Finishing with Paint? Other Options?
White Sun Clay - Finishing with Paint? Other Options?
White Sun Clay - Finishing with Paint? Other Options?
how to harden plasticine
Hi everyone, I made this sculpture with Giotto brand plasticine which was also used in elementary school so to speak. Now I would like to know from the more experts if there is a way to make it harden, and if I have to color it, what kind of colors do you recommend? Thank you all so much and I know that there are better materials for doing these things but my creative and experimental streak started once I saw plasticine XDXDXDXDXDXD
6 months ago
how to harden plasticine
how to harden plasticine
how to harden plasticine
Sculpture study
Must master sculpture
7 months ago
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Recently got it so new to the program and sculpting. Any thoughts?
10 months ago
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Been practicing on nomad sculpt
Reference for Clay portraits
Hi all, can anyone guide where could I get human portrait references in all angles to keep as reference for Clay portrait sculpture. Please suggest. I asked Andrew but no answer till now.
1 year ago
Sculpting Course Review!
If you've benefitted from the Figure Sculpting Fundamentals course or the Portrait Sculpting course I'd love to hear about it! I'm looking for student reviews on the course to use in future marketing. Even if you've only been able to learn from the free lessons and would like to leave a review it would be greatly appreciated!
1 year ago
Sculpting Course Review!
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
I created a DnD inspired Troll from the 1st and second edition tabletop RPG illustrations (Monster Manual). I figured I needed something to add to my portfolio that would be fun to sculpt.
1 year ago
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
DnD 2nd Edition Troll ZBrush sculpt
Caricature Sculpture Challenge
Caricature Sculpture Challenge Submissions HERE! I did this challenge through my Patreon where you can subscribe if you'd like to be a part of future sculpture challenges.
1 year ago
Art class
Hello friends! I have a challenge to teach 400 people at a plastic surgery congress to create a sculpture of the trunk, abs and pecs in clay/putty; could you give me suggestions on how to do this in 20 steps? I thank everyone for the help
1 year ago
Advice From Professional Sculptors Here's a video where some professional sculptors give thoughts and advice on sculpting. Taken during the Figure Sculptors United competitions.
1 year ago
Advice From Professional Sculptors
First Wire Armature
Hello Wai here from Malaysia. My very first wire armature. Took me an hour plus to make it. I know it is not even close to 'good'. Far from it. I do not have anything but 18 gauge to work on. It is 1 1/2 inch to one cranial unit. It is about 17 inch. Have been around most of the hardware stores here at my home city IPOH. Most of the people thought I must be crazy. They only have steel wires. I have long way to go before I start applying the clay. I do not have enough clay to work on either so I will reinforce the armature with aluminum foil. Guess lots of but not too much aluminum foil.
2 years ago
First Wire Armature
Hey I’m reaching out to ask for images of your first sculptures! If you are anything like me they were probably pretty terrible and you probably made some common mistakes that most beginners make. I need references for an upcoming lesson on “top 10 sculpting mistakes” so if you’d like your work featured submit it here! Don’t be self conscious and the worse the better! Haha whether its the face, a feature study, torso, or full figure. If it’s a sculpture and its terrible post images below! (If possible good quality, well lit images) I look forward to seeing your worst work!
2 years ago
about working with woods and marble, in future there are new course?
When I was a child I play with clay, but now I really wont working marble and woods, in future there are some videocourse about this materials?
2 years ago
I made this ear for practice. What do you think about it?
2 years ago
I made this ear for practice. What do you think about it?
I made this ear for practice. What do you think about it?
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
Hi, I have this school assignment but the teacher is negligent, so I have no clue if I'm doing it right. Can you give me feedback? Thanks! Carlos.
2 years ago
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
need feedback for this planes-of-the-head exercise
Pet Dog Halloween Portrait
I did a digital sculpture portrait of my dog disguised as a robot.
2 years ago
Pet Dog Halloween Portrait
Pet Dog Halloween Portrait
Pet Dog Halloween Portrait
Pet Dog Halloween Portrait
Pet Dog Halloween Portrait
about scupting and digital sculpting book
I learn from videos, but a bibliography for all community, what's the books are "must have" , before practice? there are some difference from russian school, american school and italian school or other country sculpture school?
2 years ago
Sculpting materials
People have asked for a list of materials to start collecting for the course. There will be a lesson on materials coming soon but this should be enough to get you started. I’ll be using Chavant medium NSP clay which is an oil based clay. You can use that or monster clay, or other types of plasteline clay also called non-dry modeling clay. (Even the dollar tree and Walmart have some non-drying modeling clay that’s not too bad) I recommend a reusable type of clay. I also recommend some soft aluminum wire that’s between 12-14 gauge of thickness. (For armatures) and some simple tools (a cheap set of wood tools and perhaps a loop tool) the first assignments are coming soon so get your clay, wire, and tools ready!
2 years ago
Sculpting materials
Sculpting materials
Sculpting materials
Sculpting materials
Sculpting materials
Sculpting materials
Sculpting materials
At What Temperature Should I heat Clay?
Hello, so recently I bought some clay, but the seller just said that I needed to warm it once at a high temperature but didn't tell me the details, so I don't really know the exact temperature to warm it up and for how long should I heat it? Thanks!
2 years ago
Sculpting Hair - Help!
As you can see, the hair looks a mess. this is a life sized sculpt using monsterclay and bits of plastic toys etc. for some of the mech parts. Can anyone suggest how I should tackle this? Terminator 2 has short hair, and I've searched how other sculptors have managed short hair, and they usually tackle it by creating hair in a more stylized manner. Should I just stylize the hair? The problem is, the face is not stylized, so may look off. Thanks community
2 years ago
Sculpting Hair - Help!
Sculpting Hair - Help!
Sculpting Hair - Help!
Queen Elizabeth Portrait Sculpt
Just did this two hour portrait sculpture study of Queen Elizabeth II. This is a great exercise to try to capture a likeness in a short amount of time. I uploaded a video of the process to my personal YouTube channel if you're interested. Join the Portrait Sculpting course if you'd like to learn the ins and outs of portrait sculpture!
2 years ago
Queen Elizabeth Portrait Sculpt
Queen Elizabeth Portrait Sculpt
Queen Elizabeth Portrait Sculpt
Voxel Sculpture 01
Hello everyone! These are some of the Voxel Sculptures I do on Magicavoxel.
3 years ago
Voxel Sculpture 01
Voxel Sculpture 01
Voxel Sculpture 01
Voxel Sculpture 01
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
The torso is always a great exercise. I added on the head to this torso because something that's tricky to get right is the size and shape of the head correct in relationship to the neck and torso. If you do any torso sculptures post them below!
3 years ago
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Male Torso Sculpture exercise
Gesture study
I have tried to sculpt a gesture from this picture. I really miss to have the picture in 3 d. But have done my best.
3 years ago
Gesture study
Gesture study
Gesture study
Gesture study
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some diagrams and stuff from my ebook as well as from the portrait sculpting course. Anatomy is interesting and great to learn but knowledge of anatomy won’t make you a great artist. The fundamentals are more important than memorizing muscles.
3 years ago
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Some Head Anatomy stuff
Secondary Form
Here's some images of the simplified head that I sculpted for the upcoming Portrait Sculpting course! Feel free to use these as references for drawing, painting or sculpture. No need for attribution! This was also the donated reward for the Proko Ukraine Fundraiser but it looks like those are out of stock. If you'd like a limited edition cast of this sculpture I did a little kickstarter to make it available. Or better yet sign up for the portrait sculpting course so that you can sculpt your own simplified head sculpture! I hope to see you in the course! (presale ends soon!)
3 years ago
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Secondary Form
Portrait Sculpting Pre-Sale
If you missed it the portrait sculpting course is on presale now. This is going to be a very in depth course that will cover everything from how to block in the Primary forms to anatomy of the head and neck to the facial features and more! You can watch the intro video for the course and download the assignment document for more info! hope to see you in the course!
3 years ago
Portrait Sculpting Pre-Sale
Hand temperature and sculpting
Hi all! I'm new to sculpting and my first prompt of curiosity is the topic of clay 'hardness' in relation to body (hand) temperature. I bought some NSP Medium clay and I'm finding it nicer than the Sculpey Premo to smooth and shape, but quite sticky and soft. Now I'm wondering if I'm finding the clay sticky more-so because I have a quite warm natural body temp (e.g. my hands feel warm most of the time, even on cold days etc)? I'm not in a hot climate either, so I'm wondering what others' experience is with clay and hand temperature. Is it a factor in choosing clay? I couldn't find anything specific about this searching the web... I'm wondering whether I order some NSP hard or try a different clay?
3 years ago
New to the world of sculpting!
Hey all! I've just picked up sculpting and I'm quite keen to see where this rabbit hole goes! I already love drawing and painting insects, but I realised there is a somewhat limited range of insect sculptures and 3D around. Ideally I'd like to be able to sculpt fairly accurate wasp sculptures to paint and maybe one day make available for educational use (as wasps are often so small as to not be able to understand their anatomy well with the naked eye). Anyway, here's my first go after signing up for Andrew's course. Used some tie wire I had lying around (I've ordered some aluminium) for the armature and got some Sculpey primo to start with (I've also ordered some NSP medium). I hope to eventually build insect/wasp armatures to sculpt onto. I like to work small, this figure uses a 1cm cranial unit size. I find the primo polymer clay a bit soft, it's hard to just wrap onto the wire. That's the first lesson I've learned, get harder clay... Feedback appreciated, I'd also like any good info or courses on sculpting small creatures (aside general tabletop miniature sculpting with 'green stuff' I see a lot of - which I'll also probably be interested in)? I'm also maybe picking up 3D with Blender too to help plan sculptures, I really like Eric Keller's work as an (ideal) example! Ref photo:
3 years ago
New to the world of sculpting!
New to the world of sculpting!
New to the world of sculpting!
New to the world of sculpting!
New to the world of sculpting!
Clay finishes
Hi community! Anyone here know about using waterbased clay that can help me? This bust I've used waterbased clay and I've never used it before. I want to fire this, but I have noticed due to shrinkage there are little gaps in the ear and a few uneven surfaces. This is not completely dry, however is very powdery and no longer cold to the touch, so probably close to be ready to fire. Can this be sanded or slightly tooled? or could I potentially ruin it by doing this? It may be hard to match the surface finish if I sand it as i did lightly sponge the surface while it was wet to give a nice finish. What are your thoughts. Thanks
3 years ago
Clay finishes
Clay finishes
Sculpting the skull
What would you like to see in a portrait sculpting course? While lessons are still coming out for the figure sculpting course I’m working hard on the upcoming Portrait Sculpting course! Here’s a look at one of the assignment demos, sculpting a realistic skull! I’m so pumped for this course!
3 years ago
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting the skull
Sculpting Facial Stubble in Chavant clay
Can anyone recommend a good technique to create facial stubble? I have tried a few different ways. One, just scraping various lines using a fine tool, however it just looks like I've scraped the face. So I tried using a fan rake tool thing, seen here. However I think it looks like sort of tight curly African American stubble, and not the Anglo Saxon stubble I'm going for. HELP!
3 years ago
Sculpting Facial Stubble in Chavant clay
Sculpting Facial Stubble in Chavant clay
First attempt. Feedback requested
Hello This is my first attempt at sculpting the head. It would be great to have feedback on proportions. I used air dry clay. I think I’ll use oil based clay next time, as I got dust everywhere.
3 years ago
First attempt. Feedback requested
First attempt. Feedback requested
First attempt. Feedback requested
First attempt. Feedback requested
Secondary forms of head
Little sneak peek at an upcoming project for a NEW PORTRAIT SCULPTING course! I’ve already started filming and hoping to release the course for presale in April and start releasing lessons in May! SUPER EXCITED!
3 years ago
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Secondary forms of head
Where Can I Get a 3d model Which I can rotate the joints?
Hey guys, I don't know anything about 3D but I saw an artist use a 3D figure model for his artwork, and he could rotate any joint he wanted (I attached some pics so you get the idea), including fingers and so on. Do you know where I can get one? Preferably of a woman, thank guys
3 years ago
Where Can I Get a 3d model Which I can rotate the joints?
Where Can I Get a 3d model Which I can rotate the joints?
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Here's some close ups of a male figure sculpture sculpted from life during a recent Figure Sculptors United competition. There may be some opportunities to come sculpt in person in some sculpture workshops so if you're interested in that let me know! and of course if you haven't gotten the figure sculpting fundamentals course yet now is a great time! new lessons will be coming out soon after the holidays!
3 years ago
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Male Figure Sculpture Competition
Hi! I'm interested in getting into sculpting soon and there's just one thing I'm curious about -- what do you guys do with your gesture studies? Is it possible to reuse the clay and armatures from your studies? This is probably a very obvious question but I honestly have no clue about any of this stuff so I'd really appreciate an answer!
3 years ago
Female figure sculpture competition
This was sculpted over 18 hours during the Figure Sculptors United competition that I co-founded in my home state of Utah USA. It was a 24 inch figure sculpted from a live model over three days. I love these types of competitions as it really pushes you to work at your best and it allows me to see how other professional sculptors work and how my work compares to theirs. I haven’t won the competition yet but I hope to one day! Check out the Proko Figure Sculpting Fundamentals if you’d like to learn figure sculpting! We’ll be releasing video lessons again weekly after the holidays.
3 years ago
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Female figure sculpture competition
Eye distance
Does anybody know where this distance comes from?
3 years ago
Eye distance
The good, the bad, the ugly- My Coursework
My assignments from the Sculpture Fundamentals Course by Andrew Joseph Keith. A progress journal for everyone's amusement.
3 years ago
The good, the bad, the ugly- My Coursework
The good, the bad, the ugly- My Coursework
The good, the bad, the ugly- My Coursework
Rotation Photos of Human Head
I want to practice sculpting heads, and I was hoping to find some good references of the same person from multiple angles. Do any of you have recommendations? Posespace seems to work okay, but seems geared more toward figurative work. I just wondered if there were some options that I was missing. In the past I have tried to use celebrities, since it is easy to find lots of photos of them, but something with all the photos gathered together, with photos from all angles would be great. Any thoughts? It seems to me that there could be room for a crowd-sourced collection of free artist reference here (especially if we are just looking at portraits, since people would be more willing to put up their face online than nudes), but I don't know of anything like this. If 20 sculptors took photos of three friends each, we would have a nice start to a collection.
3 years ago
Wire Armaures
Hey if you have any issues with building wire armatures let me know! If you have other methods for building wire armatures for sculpture I’d love to see them too! Post images of issues or other methods for building the armature. Just keep sculpting!
3 years ago
Wire Armaures
Wire Armaures
Gesture studies
Hey here’s a look at a gesture study that I filmed for the VisionX live conference that’s available to watch on the Proko 3D YouTube channel. There will be some gesture study assignments coming up but that video should be able to get you started if you’d like to do some now! Focus on capturing the gesture and motion of the pose without worrying about the details too much.
3 years ago
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture studies
Gesture Study
Hello you wonderful people. Here is my gesture study from the Proko 3D tutorial. Comments and suggestions welcome. Post yours too. I want to see those as well.
4 years ago
Gesture Study
Gesture Study
Gesture Study
Gesture Study
Gesture Study
Gesture Study
Gesture Study
Male Torso
Well, I had every intention is doing the $5 challenge and could not break myself away from the digital (you know...less mess). So, here is the sketch made in Zbrush from the male reclining reference provided for the challenge
4 years ago
Male Torso
Male Torso
Male Torso
Male Torso
Sculpture References Kickstarter
Some people have asked about getting sculpture references of things like the facial features or torso sculptures so I decided to make that happen with this Kickstarter project! The project is to raise funds for a local art school/studio space to film more online lessons too! If you’d like to get some of these sculptures and support the project here’s the link. Discount early bird prices for the first items sold so act soon if you’d like to take advantage of that! Stay creative!
4 years ago
Sculpture References Kickstarter
Sculpture References Kickstarter
Sculpture References Kickstarter
Sculpture References Kickstarter
Sculpture References Kickstarter
Sculpture References Kickstarter
How to stop the sculpture from falling over
4 years ago
How to stop the sculpture from falling over
Is back support necessary for a 12 inch clay sculpture
1:Is it necessary to make a back support for a 12 inch clay sculpture? 2: how thick should the wire be for making a 12 inch clay sculpture?
4 years ago
figure sculpting fundamentals lessons outline
He some people asked about what lessons will be covered in the course and a release schedule. Here are the upcoming topics, some will have multiple lessons or demos so the release dates may depend on that but we will release at least one video per week. This list doesn’t include all of the demo videos and is subject to change but it should give you an idea of what projects and videos are coming down the pipeline! Let me know if you have any questions. Figure sculpting fundamentals course intro (may 27 2021)  Supplies $5 sculpture assignment one sculpture example (Wednesday June 9) Demo male torso Jesse (Wed June 16)  Basic sculpting supplies (free video) Types of clay (premium video) Tools for sculpture making tools (free video) How to build a wire armature for sculpture   (Free video) Building an Armature (Premium Demo) Armature hacks, ways to customize your wire armature (premium lesson) Building Adjustable Armatures Premium Demo How to Build Wire Armature for Hands (free lesson) Wire Armature for Hands, AJK Method (premium lesson) How to build an adjustable stand for your armature Capturing gesture with a wire armature (Free video) Gestures done from master drawings (premium) D Common poses throughout art history (Premium lesson) How to take your own references for sculpture. (Free video) Modifying the sculpture from your references (premium lesson)  Modifying sculpture 12 inch sculpture demo  Sculpture techniques Building out the sculpture (part 1) (Free video) Building out the sculpture (part 2) (premium lesson)  Building figure demo male (Ben 04) Building figure demo videos female (evae 04) How to sculpt the loomis head (Free video) Turning the Loomis head to simplified skill (premium lesson How to sculpt the rib cage (simple egg) (Free video) More accurate rib cage (premium lesson) How to sculpt the pelvis (box of the pelvis) (Free video) How to sculpt the Bucket of the pelvis (anatomy bucket) (premium) Top Ten sculpting mistakes (free)  6 additional mistakes (premium)  Mannequinization (free) Purpose of abstraction (premium)  Study Board for Sculpture (free) Principles of bas relief (premium) Texturing and surface details (free)  How to make texture stamps (premium lesson)  Sculpture exercises to help you master the medium. (Free)  Sculpting drapery (premium lesson)  cheap Mold making technique (2 part torso mold) Relief mold demo (premium) Long sculpture process demo  Closing remarks (premium) 
4 years ago
figure sculpting fundamentals lessons outline
figure sculpting fundamentals lessons outline
figure sculpting fundamentals lessons outline
figure sculpting fundamentals lessons outline
figure sculpting fundamentals lessons outline
Study of facial anatomy (Critiques are welcomed)
This sculpture was made for my universities sculpting class. Took be about 8 hours.
4 years ago
Study of facial anatomy (Critiques are welcomed)
Study of facial anatomy (Critiques are welcomed)
Study of facial anatomy (Critiques are welcomed)
Female figure sneak peek
Here’s a look at this roughed out stage of this female figure sculpture that’s one of the demo sculptures for the Figure Sculpting Fundamentals Course! Come join the course and learn to sculpt the figure!
4 years ago
Female figure sneak peek
Female figure sneak peek
Female figure sneak peek
Should we make an armature for a 2 inch clay sculpture? When should we not make armature?
4 years ago
Nose texturing
question! What is the worst smell in your opinion? I did a demo on texturing in my most recent Patreon video where I took this nose from the rough stage to a more finished stage. Here you can see where the nose started and 50 mins later. People often ask me about texturing and the way I achieve my finished look so that’s what this demo was about. On patreon I do more casual projects where I film the process without cuts and just talk through my approach as I’m working. We do 2 projects each month and the demos usually last around 1 hour. Obviously I recommend first getting the Proko figure sculpting fundamentals course! After you’ve got that if you want even more demos in a less structured environment you might like sculpting along with us on Patreon too. (Access to video demos at $10/month)
4 years ago
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Nose texturing
Figurative abstraction
in your opinion what makes a good figurative abstraction and what makes a bad one? Is it completely subjective?
4 years ago
Figurative abstraction
Figurative abstraction
Female figure sculpture
If you’ve been doing the #cheapsculpturechallenge that is the first assignment for the new Proko sculpture course you might recognize this pose from the references provided for that. Remember that submissions for that assignment must be posted by June 30 which is coming right up so if you’d like a chance to win some of the prizes and be featured in a critique video be sure to get those submissions in!
4 years ago
Female figure sculpture
Female figure sculpture
Female figure sculpture
Female figure sculpture
Female figure sculpture
Female figure sculpture
Female figure sculpture
My first Zbrush Bust!
Hey guys! I've been learning the Zbrush software for two weeks now and I was able to come up with my first bust. In this case, it's my own version of Gandalf. I attached some of the concepts I did as a first aproach to what I wanted to do. Since it was me who sculpted and did the concept I felt free to not stick to any version in particular and I ended up with a slightly different version (Altough I was kind of aiming for bottom right design and hat number 5). All the painting was also done in Zbrush. Any critique, comment or tip is more than welcome!
4 years ago
My first Zbrush Bust!
My first Zbrush Bust!
My first Zbrush Bust!
My first Zbrush Bust!
My first Zbrush Bust!
My first Zbrush Bust!
Wax work
One in Castilene & other in Cx5
4 years ago
Wax work
Wax work
My first portrait sculpture
This year I signed up to participate in the Canadian carving festival. It was long overdue. I had been thinking about it for years and I finally took the plunge. Knowing that I would eventually do this I watched many of Stan's videos to help me better understand the construction of the head. Needless to say I also watched Zoe's demo. It was very helpful. I am very happy with the results of my hard work. I made mistakes and I wish I took better pictures of the process and the final result. A rookie mistake. But ultimately It was a great experience that taught me a lot.
4 years ago
My first portrait sculpture
My first portrait sculpture
My first portrait sculpture
My first portrait sculpture
My first portrait sculpture
My first portrait sculpture
Critiques Needed
Hi everyone, I have no artistic training, but I like to sculpt, and I am trying to improve my skills. I am far more interested in hearing suggestions about how to improve my skills rather than comments that might apply only to this piece, but I imagine my errors in this piece are representative. In any case, I would be happy to hear any comments you have. I would also be interested in hearing what sorts of practices I might take up to improve. Should I just try to sculpt as much as I can? Should I try to watch as many videos by sculptors (or perhaps draftspeople) as I can? Should I seek out regular critiques by sculptors and art teachers? The sculpture in the pictures is in water-based clay and is a little larger than 3/4 of life size.
4 years ago
Critiques Needed
Critiques Needed
Critiques Needed
Hand gesture study
Here’s a fun little hand ✋ sculpture I did for a in person class a while back. There’s still a 20% presale discount for the figure sculpting fundamentals course if you’d like to learn sculpture! Hope to see you over there!
4 years ago
Hand gesture study
Hand gesture study
Hand gesture study
Hand gesture study
Hand gesture study
Hand gesture study
Hand gesture study
Last chance 20% presale
Be sure to order the course today and use discount code “sculpture” for 20% off! Tomorrow the first lesson/assignment/sculpture challenge comes out! If you missed the sale it’s still a great deal with tons of info.
4 years ago
Last chance 20% presale
Sculpture competition
If you can I highly recommend starting an artist’s group competition. I helped start the Intermountain Figure Sculpture Competition in Fall of 2020 in a private studio with several other professional sculptors. It was 3 days, 2x 3 hour sessions each day from a live model, and under $100 for the participation fee. As the youngest I was able to learn a lot from more experienced sculptors and it was just a great environment. These photos are from the second spring 2021 competition we just had.
4 years ago
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Sculpture competition
Nose sculpt
I did this 45 min nose sculpt during an Instagram live video I recently posted. Fun little exercise. I’m thinking the next sculpting course will be on portraiture!
4 years ago
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Nose sculpt
Loomis head
Loomis head sculpture anyone? The loomis head isn’t just for draftsman. It can help establish the primary forms on a sculpture so the details can be built on top. Check out my new sculpture course where we’ll go over this and much much more!
4 years ago
Loomis head
Loomis head
Loomis head
Loomis head
Loomis head
Loomis head
Loomis head
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Just as previous post, I may have boo boo'd posting elsewhere on sight. Sorry, to duplicate here, but it's, seemingly, more relevant with-in this forum.
4 years ago
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Past Work in Super Sculpey
Gesture study from live model
Here’s a 3hr gesture study I did from a live modeling session with some other sculptors. Working from photos is sometimes the only option but whenever possible it’s great to work from life. Have you ever done a live modeling session for sculptors?
4 years ago
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
Gesture study from live model
20 years ago I started with Sculpey Sculpture
It is never easy to draw the head before I learned how to head sculpture. Now with the skills I have more confidence and understand where I need the land mark to put in. I learned sculpture because I love art and at the same time I was attending 3d modelling and animation school. For those wanting to be a better artist, sculpture is a way to go! Bruce Willis is my first sculpture 20 years ago and the drawings were done this week. I putted in my color painting which I have always been struggling with color for years. Glad I came across Marco Bucci color theory and that I never looked back! I don't get paid to promote his work but great artist and teacher are hard to find!
4 years ago
20 years ago I started with Sculpey Sculpture
20 years ago I started with Sculpey Sculpture
20 years ago I started with Sculpey Sculpture
20 years ago I started with Sculpey Sculpture
20 years ago I started with Sculpey Sculpture
1 hr Gesture study
Dark clay is great for focusing on the silhouette or outline or contours (which are much more important than the inside information). A lighter clay is good for seeing delicate surface details. Something to keep in mind when deciding on clay or the finish color for a resin cast. Here’s a gesture study I did today for my patreon patrons. If you’d like to join us over there I do a project twice a month where I record the sculpting process without cuts and I talk you through my thought process. (But of course get the Proko figure sculpting fundamentals course first to support all the great work Stan and his team are doing!)
4 years ago
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
1 hr Gesture study
Female torso sculpture
Here’s a recent female torso study. A great exercise for sculptors at all levels! Be sure to check out the new figure sculpting fundamentals course!
4 years ago
Female torso sculpture
Female torso sculpture
Female torso sculpture
Female torso sculpture
Female torso sculpture
Female torso sculpture
Female torso sculpture
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Been studying some new 3D modeling tools, any suggestions?critiques? what can i do to improve it? i havent put any texture since im just tring to adjust the model and get some shadow and lighting studies.I took the opportunity to study a little bit of Maya,Inca and Aztec archtecture, could add more details later.
4 years ago
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
Archtecture and 3D Modeling
I recently did a 30 day challenge where I sculpted something for an hour a day based on a concept or photo. Decided to take one to a finish. I have most of the process recorded so planning to share that soon. You can check out the 30 day challenge here: Original design by Carlos Huante:
4 years ago
Adam & Eve
This a sculpt that I created in VR using Oculus Medium. I further refined it in Zbrush and have now also 3D printed it.
4 years ago
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Female Torso
Sculpted this in polymer clay, and painted it to look like a bronze.
4 years ago
Female Torso
Female Torso
Female Torso
Female Torso
Working in Zbrush
I posted this elsewhere on the sight, but looks like I should have made this the home for this topic. Thoughts welcome and appreciated.
4 years ago
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Working in Zbrush
Sculpture torso gesture
Here’s a fun small gesture study I did today, I love dramatic poses and trying to make sense of how the forms exist in space.
4 years ago
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Sculpture torso gesture
Raya and the Last Dragon
Practicing digital sculpting with Zbrush as I am fairly new to 3d art work. My goal would be to export the sculpt to Maya to do the fur texture when I am satisfied with the sculpt process.
4 years ago
Raya and the Last Dragon
Raya and the Last Dragon
My First Real Sculpture Attempt
Hey there fellow aspiring artists! Just wanted to jump into the mix here and simply share what I’m working on this morning. Up until this project I’ve merely been dabbling at sculpting here and there not really knowing what to make. Last night I decided to start this bust of an alien creature I found on Pinterest. The original artwork this creature is based on was created by an artist that goes by Pascal Sguera on art station. Ive never watched any content on sculpting or how to sculpt yet but definitely will be diving into what’s available on this site to learn more. As the title of the post says I feel like this is my first real attempt and sculpting. It should be fun to see how it turns out! Here’s a link to the original artwork and artist
4 years ago
My First Real Sculpture Attempt
My First Real Sculpture Attempt
My First Real Sculpture Attempt
My First Real Sculpture Attempt
Female Sculpture
Bydeleted user
Created using Blender, Zbrush and Substance Painter
4 years ago
Female Sculpture
Female Sculpture
Concept sketch
On average, how many concept sketches do you typically do before you move to the final work of art? For a finished stone sculpture I’ll typically do around 3 sketches then a small maquette in clay, then transfer that maquette to the final piece of stone.
4 years ago
Concept sketch
Concept sketch
Concept sketch
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