self teaching art
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level 2 assignment
Carlos Pérez
i liked how you change the mood of the comp utilizing different key set ups
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are awesome. If you want to take it another step further, you could try some different framings. Move the character around the frame. Zoom in or zoom out. Maybe give some horizontal frames. I love the layout of the pages. The value splotches neatly stacked next to the compositions are cool to see. and your drawings look great.
Amani Noor (Amu)
Wow! All these are great!
week 3: hands and feet
Don't even know what to say. I am blown off my feet
Great job!
Holy moly!
Eden Fries
Beautiful 😍
Week 2 gesture challenge About halfway through I realized I was focusing too much on details and losing the gesture, so I switched to a thicker and lighter brush and spent more time finding the large shapes. That definitely made it a lot easier and I think my latter drawings looked more dynamic as a result.
I just the pose with the female warrior. You nailed it. Love the exaggeration on it. Great stuff
level 1 assignment. Struggling to find a good composition for level 2, putting my own comp next to the masters makes it look extra bad XD so I'll take more with this one...
Rachel Dawn Owens
great compositions!
1 min and 5 min gestures for week 1
They look solid
Joseph Osley
Love the volume of these. They all feel solid and weighty. The poses seem spot on to me too. Excellent stuff!
Shayan Shahbazi
Amazing ✨
Asked for help
Level 1 assignment (will attempt lvl 2 later) From top to botton: graphite (2h/hb/2b/4b/6b) ballpoint pen 0.7mm fine liner 0.3mm
level 2 with graphite (2h/2b/6b), I did them in order from darkest to lightest
Dennis Yeary
will this work in procreate on a tablet?
it sorta works if you use a brush with opacity, but due to how layering works in procreate, you won't get a perfectly even tone like you would with graphite. The result is still pretty good though so I do use this technique for quick sketches.
Level 2 assignment, drawing from another angle from memory using different proportions. this was one of the hardest things I had to do for a drawing assignment, but it was well worth it! I had to use everything I've learned so far (including things I learned in figure drawing) and I got a lot out of it!
Patrick Bosworth
Excellent work! Nice characters too! Both characters feel unique, they're consistently on model and well designed in each pose! You hinted at a ground plane with pose 12 which really helps sell the action of pose by giving your figure a solid base to stand on. Pose 5 could use a ground plane, or something to help describe the action. The figure feels out of balance, like he falling to the left. He could be mid-run, changing directions/juking to the left, about to kick a soccer ball coming towards him, but his feet feel disconnected, and the figure unbalanced. Adding a simple ground plane helps connect your figures to the ground giving them a feeling of balance, look for where the pit of the neck lines up between the feet on the ground. It's usually evenly between both legs, or just over the weight bearing leg. Hope this helps, keep up the good work!
level 2: box torsos from observation I tried adding some overlap lines on some of these to better show the bend/twist, but I'm not sure if I added them correctly.
1 - upper body is in front of the belly. Yours looks like the belly is in front of the shoulders based on the overlap 3- I'd personally do a flatter angle for the shoulders Didn't find any issues with the rest. Good stuff
level 2 tree house assignment, tried out a more elaborate design with the help of references.
Looks straight outta a childrens book. love it
I'm curious what class did this assignment come from?
Stan Prokopenko
wow! great!
Brody Bohrn
sooo cool! I love the shapes of the house and the tree
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