Figure Drawing Fundamentals
The Bean
Robo Bean
Figure Drawing Demo
Closing Thoughts
Figure Drawing Critiques - Gesture
Marshall Vandruff joins Stan Prokopenko to critique student gesture drawings.

I've been practicing gesture about every other day. I try to do at least 10, and I've definitely seen improvement since my first one (which I've included here again for reference). The last time I did gesture it felt like I forgot how to see lol, but eventually I warmed back up. Proud of myself for not quitting this time. Here are the gestures I did (with warmup doodles and anatomical studies). All positive feedback/ critique is welcome!
Here is a selection of my gestures from the last 10 days. I pulled out ones that had some aspect that I was happy with. 2 minutes ones at the top of the page and 30 seconds ones at the bottom. I'm still struggling to complete the figure in 30 seconds.
I have noticed a bad tendency to leave pieces "floating on their own" instead of connected to the rest of the figure. This critique video commented on this around the 42 minute mark, so I'm trying to make improvements. Part of the source of this is that once I put down one side of a limb, I struggle a little to know what to do with the other side and I'm often unhappy with the results.
I'm pleased with my growth since the last set of images I posted:
My line quality is better (on average). I'm doing better at drawing the action instead of the contour. I'm starting to use darker (more confident) lines (still needs work).
I would love to hear any criticism on my work and any suggestions on a good pace to focus my efforts for improvement. Encouragement of my strong points is always nice, but I'm especially interested to hear an external perspective on where my weak points are.
Gino Datuin
Hi! I've been doing this course for the last week now and here are my gesture sketches so far. I'm actually on the structure portion of the course now, but I've been going back to gesture here and there in between. The first one is my attempt before watching any of the step by step videos. The rest is after I watched the videos. Most of these are done digitally. The sketches in pencil are done in a small sketchbook, which is why I think the quality of the sketches fall flat on those. I'm very happy with how the latest 2 minute session went, even though I still find myself lagging with the time.
All critiques welcome! :)
Jack Reilly
Looks great! Keep posting - I'd like to see your progress

Seeing Progress! First image is from a month ago. Second is my most recent warmup. I went back and re-watched some of the videos and I’m definitely understanding more. And Proportion being more and more correct the more you do these is so true! Marshal’s tip about not using multiple lines for gesture is def something I think I could work on. Thank you for this video! Helps so much.
Jack Reilly
Nice fluid lines - looks good! Full of movement
Brian Judy
1 minute gesture studies. Any feedback or critique appreciated!

Gibson Gervais
Looks good! Great work.
Brian Judy
Male and Female Studies. Critique appreciated!
Lately, I feel like I'm in a good vibe for getting a good rhythm, stretch, and movement going for observed subjects, but I am having some difficulty carrying this over to my imagination drawings. I seem to do much better at constructing the figures via robo bean, mannequin, etc. than gesturally cranking them out (from imagation), which concerns me. Any crucial steps I'm missing to get that to translate better? Thanks!
Brian Judy
@Michael Hampton your gestural approach seems great for creating poses from imagination, but I'm struggling to connect with it in the same way I have with Proko's approach (sometimes using large sweeps instead of following the skeleton underneath). Looking at my work, do you have any suggestions on how to wed those approaches so I can unlock more imagination stuff?
Brian Judy
these drawings are about 2-3 min each

My examples of gesture drawing include those I did before the demo, following the demo, and after critique. There are some poses I like and others I don’t. I’m wondering if I should try 5- or 6-minute gesture sessions to take more time to analyze my mistakes, understand why my poses feel stiff, and work on improving line quality (since it currently looks messy), or if I should stick to 2- or 3-minute gesture sessions and rely on consistent practice to help me improve.
I can see the improvements already! Your drawings on the second page have more form and flow. It looks like you’re learning exactly what you need to.
1-3 minute drawings are great practice to loosen up your hand and get your mind working right.
When you start getting into 5-10 minute poses, you will start to consider anatomy and lighting more.
All gesture drawing is good practice. Draw whatever you like more to keep up your consistency.
Any quicksketch practice over a long period of time will yield results.
Nice work! Keep it up!
I went over gesture drawing a couple of times, also watched the videos multiple times but I don’t seem to be able to get my drawings to look so dynamic. Either I make itchy scratchy lines or everything seems so … static.
Kevin Patel
Hello I was wondering if anyone could critique my gestures! The things that stick out to me right now are doing single lines instead of "stuttering" and using more c curves for the arms instead of muscle contours.
Abigail G.
I just finished the first assignment for the figure drawing class and wanted to get some feedback on them! It’s been a while since I’ve done any gesture drawing, and I really want to improve. I would really appreciate any feedback/advice you guys might have! Most of these are 30 second-2 minute drawings, though the ones on page 3 are more 3-7 minutes. Also ignore the face on page 3, I got carried away lol
Hi @Abigail G., nice drawings! I'll do my best to help you further :)
- It would help me to know what your art goal is. What type of work do you want to create? Do you have any examples of artists who does that type of work?
- With drawing you communicate ideas. In your next attempt of the shorter poses try to make sure that the idea of the gesture (the action) is completed. In many of your drawings (image 4 for example), you have started to add details before the gesture has been communicated, making the drawings hard to decipher.
-To me it has been very helpful to keep this line in mind: "Do one thing at a time".
So I might start my figure drawing by focusing on the gesture.
When I feel like I've said what I intended to say (the action; what the structure is doing), I might do another pass where I focus on the shapes that the figure is built of, and how they would look in the gesture I've decided on.
When I've communicated the structure of the figure, I might start to think about clothing for example, and how the wrinkles in the clothing could lead the eye.
The exact process wasn't the point here, but the idea of doing one thing at a time, since that creates clarity in your mind and in turn in your drawing.
- I've been taught that a figure drawing needs proportion, balance and rhythm. Proportion (the structure), balance (the sense of weight) and rhythm (a flow that leads your eye through the drawing. Often one side of a part will squash and the other will stretch; all the parts of the body squashing and stretching together creates a rhythm). You need all three.
I try to work on improving in all three areas and on making all three present in my drawings. You might want to try doing that too.
I hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
Filippo Galli
It was nice to be reminded that these are few of hundreds, if not thousands, so it doesn't matter if you get some looking off.
Incredible insight from Marshall as always.
The only way up is through patience and good practice.
In any case, I'm excited to move onto the next part of the course!

I took around 2 minutes with each pose and I used the references from the post below me (Jack Mills' post). I would really appreciate some feedback!
An artist I really look up to is Rembert Montald because of his storytelling through illustrations. I really want to capture the movement in each pose, but I find it difficult when the person isn't actually moving. I know a good way to practice is drawing directly from animations.
I think one of the things I have to improve is my lines. I keep adding new lines to try to "fix" the previous one, so the pose ends up being confusing. Please let me know what you think! I would appreciate a criticism more than a "looks good".
Jack Mills
Here are my gesture drawings from oldest to newest. My drawings are not timed, but I think I'm gonna do more timed drawings from now onward. If you got any feedback that would be most appreciated as I feel my gesture drawing progression is slowing down.
References will be in the comments.
Jack Mills
These are all the references I could find.
Peter Tinkler
I try and do gesture studies as often as I can, as I'm still working my way through the Anatomy course, and don't want to stiffen up. These are mostly gesture, with a sprinkling of some structure. I didn't time these officially, but I'd be surprised if any of them were more than 5 minutes.
Excellent gestures!
These are lovely, thanks for sharing. I really like the page with the two figures kneeling with the canes. If you want to get real loose try some 30 second - 1 minute poses to keep it fresh!
I've been focusing on 30 sec gestures to loosen up my movements, as my first gesture attempts were very stiff. I definitely see improvement, but would like critique/advice on finding more flow
Gannon Beck
I think you're on the right track. Nice flowing lines here.
These are some samples of my attempts after watching the demos and the critiques. I tried to really stay at 5min or below, but sometimes I got carried away ;D !
Any comments or feedback welcome.
Jake Miller
30s in red, 2 min in blue. Didn't realize how awkwardly rusty I was, I would love some real strong criticism, don't be shy. The more it hurts, the more I can learn from it.
Sometimes I have a lot of trouble creating strong flow and lines in my figures. I spend about 30 seconds on each one constructing it in my head before I start.
I think you have great drawings here. If you're feeling awkward and rusty, it could be a symptom of just not practicing enough so I recommend you make a daily practice of it! You could try doing even shorter poses, like 10 seconds, to challenge yourself to quickly find the gesture of a pose. Good luck with your practice :)
Huy Vuong
30sec, and rest is 2 mins, I got rusty with gestures but I'm glad getting back into it
Gannon Beck
Very nice, Huy!
A few of us in this class and other classes are posting in a daily thread if you want some company in making this a habit.
We also do some live calls where we draw together. DM me if your interested in those for the times.

Hi @yoyoy12, nice drawings!
- Your drawings have nice rhythm! Now try to include some more structure. You want you drawings to have rhythm, but also structure. See if you can get both in your drawings. If you already have lines in a leg for example, that lead the rhythm, use the other lines to show the structure. Straight lines often communicate structure.
I hope this helps :)

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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
I Write, I Draw, I Teach