Peter Tinkler
Peter Tinkler
Born in Ireland, but live and work in Birmingham, UK. The big challenge for me is drawing the human figure with greater accuracy and realism.
Activity Feed
Patrick Bosworth
Love a morning skull sketch! This breakdown was super helpful for getting a framework down to work with. I got a lot from this lesson!
Peter Tinkler
Structure looks great. Beautiful, clean line work too.
Wendy de Boer
Here are my attempts at comic book hands. They are from photo reference with the stylizations added by myself. The inspiration for these was the Spawn comic. I will be drawing normal human hands later on.
Peter Tinkler
Really cool work. They look solid yet they have gesture.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/1/11. Good morning everybody. Here’s my assignment for this section. Thanks.
Peter Tinkler
Peter Tinkler
Right, it feels like ages since I last posted. It has been a bit hands-on recently, as I've been immersed in the joy and calm of moving house. Now that's out of the way, and I'm more settled in my new studio, I can get back to making scribbles. In honour of that endeavour, here are two foreshortened hand studies, both charcoal on newsprint.
Melanie Scearce
Welcome back! Your sketches are great, I can tell you have a solid understanding of the construction of the hand. I feel like your shading does a bit of disservice to your ability in some areas - almost wish you had stopped at this stage of this drawing; it's gorgeous! The shading on the index finger makes it look like it's all knuckle. Maybe scaling back on the texture in the areas around the knuckles would help.
Patrick Bosworth
Sketchy ginger dudes! This was a fun little puzzle, I kept my starting gestures/blobs pretty close to some poses I was familiar with but I played with the proportions more in the blob phase, and started to explore different ways to exaggerate the shapes and contrast character types. I think I could have kept them a little more abstract, and root-based, but I found this exercise very freeing!
Peter Tinkler
Ha! Great shape and design.
Peter Tinkler
Here's my latest installment on hand studies. These are all based on my own hands holding things. They are all charcoal on newsprint, with some process pics as well. Really enjoying these, albeit tough to get right.
Patrick Bosworth
Lobstah and gingah!
Peter Tinkler
Lovely clean lines.
Peter Tinkler
Here are my fist studies, which are charcoal on newsprint. I'm really loving these hand exercises, they're a lot of fun. The references are based on my own hand (one from a photo, and one from real life).
Patrick Bosworth
Dude... These look fantastic! Nice work!
Peter Tinkler
I try and do gesture studies as often as I can, as I'm still working my way through the Anatomy course, and don't want to stiffen up. These are mostly gesture, with a sprinkling of some structure. I didn't time these officially, but I'd be surprised if any of them were more than 5 minutes.
Patrick Bosworth
Excellent gestures!
Melanie Scearce
These are lovely, thanks for sharing. I really like the page with the two figures kneeling with the canes. If you want to get real loose try some 30 second - 1 minute poses to keep it fresh!
Peter Tinkler
I really enjoyed having a play with these. They are in charcoal, pen & ink, graphite, and Conte, respectively. It makes it so much easier when you have boxes, triangles and cylinders to use as your foundation layer.
Steve Lenze
These are cool.
Melanie Scearce
Awesome work, Peter!
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