Drawing Caricatures - The Thumbnail Sketch

Drawing Caricatures - The Thumbnail Sketch

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Drawing Caricatures - The Thumbnail Sketch

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To practice what you learned in this video, gather several photos of a subject that interests you. When doing a Google Image Search, restrict your search to only large images. You’ll get higher quality photos to work from. You can also specify if you want color, black and white, or even restrict your search results to photos of just the face. Then fill up a page or two of loose quick thumbnail sketches, exploring the shapes. Make exaggeration your top priority. Each time you do a new thumbnail sketch; try to design a completely different head shape. This is the stage where you can take big risks. Don’t worry about failing or making every sketch great. If you get even one successful thumbnail sketch out of ten, that is a great accomplishment.

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Freelance commercial illustrator and caricature entertainer. He’s done a lot of editorial and product illustration and concept work for film and TV.
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