Sean Ramsey
Sean Ramsey
Artist and video editor.
Activity Feed
Ali Ali
Is It 1 lesson a week?
Sean Ramsey
It's 1-2 lessons a week depending on how stand-alone/connected the lessons are. We're also giving people a little time to do assignments and the goal is to get the critique videos out the week after the assignment is given.
Aritra Das
When can we expect the next lesson?
Sean Ramsey
The next should go out today!
I got admit that I'm disappointed with this second part. I was waiting to see a cohesive release that go in depth about photoshop learning and advanced techniques such as FX effects, fire, lighting, deep materials painting. But, this opinion of mine is at the same time quite uninformed cause I don't have the course in front of me. Let's wait and see
Sean Ramsey
The instructors in this part definitely show off the advanced tools they use in their illustrations but as the lessons release, if you find you're not happy with the material we're covering feel free to hit up our support email and we'll help find a solution!
Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
yeah! I am so hyped. I really want to do my own projects, and I have ideas already- but I am tangled up right now in the anatomy course, this one here, the perspective course and I also got the Drawing Wizardry course to practice anatomy + Charcoal. It feels like I put a lot on my plate, but I am eager to get through these and end up a better artist. One Question: Is there also already a course regarding supporting the 2D art with 3D programs like blender or even more: Venturing into 3D as a 2D artist? That would be a course high on my list. Regards!
Sean Ramsey
Jose Vega has a couple courses that dabble in 3D using Blender that you might be interested in! We're definitely looking to get more 3D content on the site as we flesh out our 2D curriculum as well.
Dennis Yeary
Oh man I love to do this stuff. Thought I’m not sure how to get into it
Sean Ramsey
You're in luck! Bryce is going to deep dive his entire illustration process!
I know this may be a stupid question. But like what's the average time projects like these take ? Like I know there's deadlines usually but sometimes with some Professional work I get no deadlines... and that stress me out more because I'm like how much should I take...
Sean Ramsey
It depends upon the complexity of the piece, but Bryce said he usually averages a piece around 20-30 hours. I don't know if that includes his research drawing time or not though.
when the bryce kho part will come?
Sean Ramsey
Ana Zechmeister
Stick to this course and revisit the lessons again and again, it is really worth it. My portrait drawing skills have gotten so much better thanks to this course. Repetition really is key and if you do that, this is really going to take your drawings to the next level. Patience is key!
Sean Ramsey
Glad to hear it! Yeah Hampton is truly a master at teaching these concepts. I really love how much they teach you and how approachable it feels.
Guille Ibanez
I recently purchased the 'Introduction to Figure Construction' course but haven't started it yet. Looking at this gesture course, it seems logical to complete this course first as there seems to be some overlap with the other one. Is that correct? Thank you!
Sean Ramsey
I spoke with Hampton! They are two separate skills that you could train in either order and you could start with either if you have a preference to learn one over the other first. From his words though: "There's no right or wrong way to begin, however, I agree that starting with the Gesture course is the most logical approach." I hope that helps!
Marius Ludwig
Interested in getting this course but I feel unsure tbh. Is there a schedule for future lessons? Is there more to be published in part 1? What are some alternative courses?
Sean Ramsey
Yes! The Marco Bucci/Jeremy Vickery sections of the course were releasing 1-2 videos a week and now we are getting the Critique videos finished to wrap up part 1. Part 2 of the course will begin in mid-late January (depending on the critique release) and have weekly releases.
Browse the FAQs or our more detailed Documentation. If you still need help or to contact us for any reason, drop us a line and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!