Sean Ramsey
Sean Ramsey
Artist and video editor.
Activity Feed
Patrick Bosworth
A few highlights from the Rockwell exhibit. Seeing the charcoal comps next to the finished pieces was amazing. Loved seeing the globs of impasto used on The Critic's palette and some of the various changes he made to illustrations in the process, such as seeing the original jawline under the chin of the third child in "No Swimming" before he decided to add some weight to the silhouette.
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Sean Ramsey
Wow, these are great! I bet seeing the brush strokes up close was something else.
Maria Luisa Sacchi
Hi, I'm thinking to by the course. I'm a digital artist in the videogame industry but I'm not using a Wacom design, I use an Ipad Pro and as a SW tool Adobe Fresco + Photoshop. Adobe Fresco has for sure some limits and I'd love to have the Wacom 32 inches you show in the video but it's too expensive. IS this course good for me too even if I use Fresco? How long do you think it takes to finish it? @Jon Neimeister
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Sean Ramsey
Jon mostly uses Photoshop as his painting program of choice, but the options/tools that he shows off in the more technical lessons are shared by most other art programs. They just may be in different locations in the menu/UI
Sorry, can you remind me what is step 5?
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Sean Ramsey
These are all the steps! 1) Shape 2) Tilt 3) Jaw 4) Perspective 5) Proportions 6) Side Plane 7) Eye Sockets 8) Nose 9) Mouth 10) Chin 11) Fat
there wil be a video about to shade and colour heads and faces? And there will be a focus on lips nose and eyes as well all the major face muscles?
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Sean Ramsey
There will be a whole section dedicated to the features and major face muscles that you need to know! This course will not focus on shading, as it's more about the planes/construction that you need to do before you begin shading. That said, there will be a lesson on shading later, it just won't be an in depth topic like the construction aspects of the course.
I hope I’m not very late to the course. Will Michael Hampton review the future assignments of this course?
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Sean Ramsey
The second assignment video is supposed to come out tomorrow so if you submit your work to that video's assignment page before the critiques are filmed you'll have a chance to be in the video critique!
Patrick Bosworth
Toy car drawn from life using a matchbox car, and a Chonky Bladerunner Blaster sketched from photos
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Sean Ramsey
"I've drawn things, you people wouldn't believe" :D
i really enjoy Marco bucci's lessions ! been a fan of his teaching for years ! thank you for bringing him on to this course!
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Sean Ramsey
Yeah, he's so good. His way of approaching color has really had me thinking about it in a whole new way.
Kris M
Where are the downloadable references?
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Sean Ramsey
Ok, the images are in the Downloads section now!
Sean Ramsey
Fixing that now!
The more extreme angles are a disaster, easier poses are slowly clicking
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Sean Ramsey
You're in luck! The Extreme Poses video is coming out today!
Is there an option for those who want the full course or does everyone have to go at the same pace and wait for weekly releases?
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Sean Ramsey
Everyone gets the same release schedule when the course launches until the course is completed. While it's in progress you'll be able to submit your drawings for critique in the Assignment videos (which one should come out today).
Browse the FAQs or our more detailed Documentation. If you still need help or to contact us for any reason, drop us a line and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
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