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This is an assignment I personally struggled with for a long time. To simplify the process for me to learn the joints and their functions quicker I decided to indicate beside them their name, along with their range motion in simplified form. Watching Stan's video numerous times and reading the notes I realized that the arm alone consists of all the joints so I focused on the joint. Now after tackling this once I am more than able to explore this exercise with any alternative method. Any suggestions of how t make the visual communication clearer or simpler are most welcome.
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Tomasz Pabin
Inspired by Marshall to draw in less than 5 min. This is my procrastination fight. I hope you like it.:) Sorry for the poor quality ( lack of light )
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Wow, amazing!
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After working on my Conan studies I decided to do a completely different rough sketch which was one I was more satisfied with. From here on I demonstrate all the different stages: 1. Thumbnail sketch 2. Rough Sketch a 3. Rough sketch b 4. Reilly Abstraction 5. Final Drawing 6.Coloured rendering incorporated. Naturally there are things that could be improved like refining the hatching and the application Riley Process better. Think that the nose could be refined to. On the whole though I am generally pleased since least I sense of evolution from one design to another. In the thumbnail sketch I toyed on the idea of a small surfer riding Conan's fringe as it were a wave but then thought that could come across a little too silly and distracting. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thank you for your time.
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Marco Sordi
2021/9/4. Hi everyone. This is my first digital portrait. Well... I did my best (^^;) If u have any comments or advice please leave a comment below. Thanks and have a good day.
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Hello Marco. You managed the proportions and the resemblance, and I like the colour palette you gave her. So well done for that. What I suggest is paying more attention to the skin colour and the contrasts. In the reference her face has more tone warmer tones and you gave her a more cooler lighter tone. Her lips are more saturated. It would interesting to add a little more contrast on the eye lid and the contour division between her face and and hair. Other than that you did a magnificent job.
After watching Court Jones recent live stream of doing Conan O Brian on Procreate decided to take my own take on Conan. He has ver distinct features which call out to be caricatured. These are some of the studies I been exploring at this stage. I found more success with number 1, 5 and 7 for being able to be loose varied in shape design. Any feedback is most welcome. Thank you
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Here are my studies of the Loomis head in various positions: front view, profile and 3/4 view. Followed the books to be as acurate as possinle.
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Here is my first post for this platform. Found it rather challenging as researching various references there are vaious ways of depicting the muscles from simple to the complex. I can identify them easily, Mt difficulty lies in grasping their origins and their point of insertion. Any feedback is appreciated,
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