Hanna Looye
Hanna Looye
Classical art academy, developed a expressive style with watercolor and colorpencil
Activity Feed
Norm Lanting
. Here is my Level 1 and Level 2 assignment. This course is fantastic! Request critique.
Hanna Looye
Great job. You obviously know what you are doing. Only thing I can suggest is go forth and try more stuff. Different borders, different shapes in the back or foreground, more storytelling. Your final one, the man with flaming hands, who is he? Is he good, bad, is is night, is he standing on a small island in a mirror lake? This is beyond the scope of the assignment, but it is fun.
David Bryan
Asked for help
3rd attempt at the first project in The Drawing Basics course using 5 values. Critiques welcome please.
Hanna Looye
You are very good in creating shapes with your values. I liked your first attempt the best. The shapes around the left eye are great. Very architectural. The main problem that I see is that the big shapes are not accurate. The ear for instance is way to small. Is this on purpose? Because it is interesting to look at. If how ever you would like to draw more realistic. The lesson further in the course on measurements would be very useful. But you get there by just following the lessons. Keep up and I am very much looking forward to your progress.
I did not Want to see that
Completely forgot to submit these! The first ones are level one and the last two are level two. I had made them 2 weeks prior, but I just forgot to actually submit them here aha Are there any points of improvements? I know there are of course, so letting me know what those are helps me out a ton!
Hanna Looye
They look great! The only thing that bugs me is the light on the hat of the level two character. Where is that bright light coming from and why don't I see it on the rest of the figure?
level 2 attempt. I chose to work on the option with the tick underneath.
Hanna Looye
Love the left set. Really great and so inventive. Am I right to think you looked at the background as made out of shapes of light and dark?
Gannon Beck
Some level 2 studies. This is a good process to turn into a habit. Great lesson!
Hanna Looye
Great work Gannon. I especially love the three on the right. They remind me of black and white movies. Hitchcock.
Patrick Bosworth
I like this approach. I often get stuck in working from a formulaic knowledge based framework, but this "inside out" observational method was very helpful. I'm going to incorporate more of this style of approach in my study. After looking at this for a bit I feel like I can push the values further, looking forward to tackling this again.
Hanna Looye
Very impressive.love the way you shade forms on the side of the face.
Hanna Looye
Level two. The scared lady I did in watercolor and pen. focused mainly on dark and light in the figure. The man with the light coming from below was a lot of fun. I was inspired by @Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*) who drew tentacles and lighting around the figure, showing that composition of values does not mean that you just draw blobs of value. Thank you Jay. Finally decided to paint Sinbad.
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are really cool. The hatching adds a nice texture.
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice exploration! I love the lighting and effects in the last one, great job!
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Wow! I like each and every one of yours. Glad that I inspired you to try these ones and what an wonderful job you have done! I absolutely adore the 2nd row.. Adding foreground figures and elements is a very clever idea!
Vera Robson
Been procrastinating on this for a long time...
Hanna Looye
Me to. It is too much fun. Great job by the way, so not so much procrastinating as more... a side quest? I thing they are great!
Hanna Looye
@Rachel Dawn Owens showed how she would tackle this assignment and I liked that a lot, so here are my struggles with clarifying notes. Seeing everybody's work is so inspiring, I saw so many inventive variations. You could just make hundreds of these if you wanted to. Which we must not, because we have other things to do... I used Photoshop which made it a lot easier. Ik could just copie the sketch that I made of the reference photo as many times as needed. Knowing how much work it is to make every sketch from scratch I applaud everybody who worked with pencil and marker. Here are four pages, the rest I will post an other day.
Rachel Dawn Owens
These look so awesome! And there’s so many! You limited yourself to just 2 or 3 values but still found so many variations. That’s great! Try a few 5 value ones too. I think that would be the next step.
Amu Noor
Yay! I’m glad to have finally caught up to the current project. This was a challenging assignment. I especially struggled with level 2 b. I tried to design a core shadow on the face, hands and robe but it reads more like a dark stripe than a core shadow. Any advice on how to improve that?
Hanna Looye
They look great! Well done Amu. Love especially your fist two sets
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