Hanna Looye
Classical art academy, developed a expressive style with watercolor and colorpencil
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Hanna Looye
added comment inDemo - Blob to Box
This was so much fun!! And so very important. I am used to sketch my designs in blobs. Which is great if you want to draw movement and dynamic poses. But the advantige of drawing boxes over the blobs is that you get way more acurate with shape and placement. In my blobsketch the placement of the wings is off (too much to the left.) But I only figured that out after I drew the boxes. If there is any other stuff that you can correct me on, I would very much appreciate it.
Hanna Looye
Asked for help
It is a good start and great excercise. Now I want more cars in my live, typical. Ideally I want to be able to make sportscars in the shape of blobs and all kind of steampunk vehicles. Something like the locomotivetank, but then better. Any cars you guys wanna be able to design?
Gannon Beck
26th Day of Proko and counting.
The first two are done using the timer with different packs. The other four are just drawings I did though out the day. I took some vacation time this week, so I had a chance to draw more for fun.
Hanna Looye
Asked for help
I did heads 1 too 5 at the beginner level as a warm up and then head 6, 8, 13 and 9 at the advanced level. I will focus on head nine because that one I found really difficult and any critique on how I drew the box is very welcome.
This is what I think I did wrong: So version one was wrong because I did not tilt the box sideways. It's a small difference in angle, but it is there. And I made the box recede to much at the back.
So version two (which I also drew bigger.) Is correct in that the box has a small tilt and is pretty much the same size at the back as at the front.
The second version is still not correct because I drew the nose and the mouth too small and at in wrong place and misjudged the angle of the jaw and the ear. The way I found my mistakes was by scanning my drawings, trace the reference photo and then layer the trace over my drawing.
I think this is because after I drew the box, I guessed the lines for the eyebrows, nose and mouth and then started to draw ignoring those lines. I think I could have gotten a better likeness if I had first drawn the lines for the eyes, nose and mouth and checked those with the reference photo.
Do you agree or there other things that I overlooked?