Charlie Nicholson
Charlie Nicholson
San Diego
One o' them PROKO peeps... gotta watch out fer them.
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Charlie Nicholson
love the little critters!
Here's a preliminary pass on the assignment. I feel like I'm way too stiff while doing these and it all looks flat. Tomorrow I'll break down my subjects into forms more, I really struggle with it. Any feedback, suggestion or hint is welcome.
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Charlie Nicholson
Love your creature choices for this. Good critters!
Logan H
Fell off the wagon for a few weeks, I realized I was following the course a bit too rigorously, without drawing some stuff I enjoy every now and then. Been drawing cats to get back into the groove of drawing from observation and having a blast, looking forward to level 2 of this lesson!
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Charlie Nicholson
Very pleasing simplifications of form, cute stuff!
Hi @Stan, could we get a rough timeline of when the section on values will be ready? I've been using your drawing basics course for my students and it's been really helpful.
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Charlie Nicholson
The next section of the course is Intuitive Perspective, and Values will follow that. Considering past experience with previous sections, we probably won't finish Intuitive Perspective until mid-summer at the earliest
Lucas Nizari
Interesting topic! Apologies if this had been asked a million times: is there an estimation on when the perspective course will be released? :). I really enjoy the logic/science/magic of it! And Marshall is an inspiring teacher!
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Charlie Nicholson
This year is looking good. Stay tuned for more info!
Christina Unger
My lines still suck and I don't know nearly enough to be able to draw this stuff, but studying line weight is an eye opener! * Carter Goodrich: Note how Gru's eyes and eye brows are much thicker and darker than the rest of the face, and how this underlines his expression. * Dave Malan: In this portrait, line weight adds focus in a really stunning way. * Ryan Woodward: Note especially how the heavy contours are different from the shadow sides. I think he puts weight exactly on those contours that support the dynamics of the pose. I tried to draw this in a few different ways and there is none that works nearly as good. Wow. I need to practice...
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Charlie Nicholson
Your Gru is getting there! The line weight variation helps a lot. There's a bit more variety of lines in the original, and a good deal more hatching. This would be a fun one to revisit later and do another study of.
Realize how rusty and bad I am when not drawing from imagination lol.
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Charlie Nicholson
I like how caricatured these are!
Hello :) Here are my studies from Claire Wendling and Glen Keane.
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Charlie Nicholson
you really captured the life of these drawings! Nice job!
Jason Johnston
The Laces were a Nightmare. still not completely completely happy with them. with that said I think the snail is ok, (i know my straight lines could use work; the wood)
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Charlie Nicholson
Not bad! One tip is to lightly ghost the lines of forms that are behind other elements so you can do them in one go- right now the lines of the wood the snail rests on feel disconnected from one side to the next
Perfect timing for this line master study, as I just got this collaboration book with art by Kim Jung Gi and Katsuya Terada. They have pretty amazing line drawings so I decided to practice from there. I only used a fountain pen and a brush pen for each drawing, as I think that's how each master drew them. I did notice while attempting to replicate the lines, that you need to have a flow, momentum, and confidence to get some of the lines.
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Charlie Nicholson
Good choice! What book is that?
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Charlie Nicholson
That would be the clavicle bone
Here's my first follow along attempt of Minecraft -Steve. Thanks again
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Charlie Nicholson
Nice draw-along! I will say that the head looks a little longer than it is wide, making it not a perfect cube, and it's probably due to the chin overhang jutting out too far (the head might need to be slightly taller too?) But overall looks great!
10 minute mermaids. Really liking the timer so far!
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Charlie Nicholson
These are great! Love the energy and flow of the lines
Hello everyone! I did 5 layins 10 minutes each.
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Charlie Nicholson
I like what you did with these
Attempt before demo. Starting from zero.
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Charlie Nicholson
that's looking nice! The biggest issue I see is that the shadow side of the pear is the same value as the shadow on the ground plane, causing them to bleed together. But I love the shapes you chose for your values in the pear!
Bryce Gay
Heya! Here's my attempt at the assignment feedback would be great. And also sorry for reposting my drawings again I just really wanted get critique
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Charlie Nicholson
Hi Bryce! The primary thing I'm getting is that it seems like you are committing to your lines too early- the goal of the assignment is to be more loose and sketchy to feel out the flow and energy of the drawings, but it looks like you're going right for the contours without exploring much. I'd recommend watching the critique video for this assignment if you haven't yet. You did a good job capturing the proportions though! Also, try and capture photos with more even lighting. Having big shadows cut across the images makes it more difficult to critique. Good work!
Charlie Nicholson
Nice! I think you could use another transitional tone. Right now, the harsh separation makes the bottom left bulge look like it's jutting out too far, a transitional tone will help smooth that out a bit, and also the reflected light in the shadows is too light of a tone on yours currently. Hope that helps!
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My drawings from imagination. Feel free to critique!
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Charlie Nicholson
I love these! There's so much life and expression to them. My favorite is the top left
Was unsure at first with the penguin, but I liked how the hand turned out - criticism appreciated. I definitely found I had to leave the idea of copying s just getting an impression/ elements I liked.
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Charlie Nicholson
I think your exploratory lines capture the penguin fairly well, the main issue is that the lines where the lower beak and neck intersect give the impression that the beak is behind the neck, because so much more emphasis was given to the line of the neck. If you reworked that area, it would improve the whole piece. The hand looks fantastic!
Divya Kumar
Did the importance method, the proportions are off, slipped my mind that we were supposed trace the image 🥲 Need some critiques on this one
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Charlie Nicholson
Looks good! I think the "hierarchy of importance" leaves a lot of room for interpretation, so this looks fine to me! There is one line that I would probably have chosen to emphasize more based on the choices you made for the rest, which I've attached. And as far as the proportions go, I actually like the exaggerated look you gave the rhino. He's more squat, which makes him look more heavy, and he's a more triangular composition with the legs being the point from where the body juts out making it look pretty dynamic.
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