Divya Kumar
Divya Kumar
Activity Feed
Divya Kumar
Log Cabin, Musical Instrument and Play ground
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Divya Kumar
Day 2 and 3, seems like I’ve lost my creativity these days 🥲
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Divya Kumar
A little late to the challenge, my day 1 submission.
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Divya Kumar
After weeks of struggling I think I'm finally getting it, although it still takes me 4-5 minutes for each pose. Bridgman and Michael Hampton's books were a big help! Also, finally understood the overhand grip and how much of a difference it can make! Thanks a lot Stan! Your courses are amazing!
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Divya Kumar
My submission After leaning 3 point perspective using two point feels wrong even though it looks like a 2 point. Also, i curved some of the lines to add some rhythm to the figure. Please share your critiques. It is sometimes difficult to imagine the position of the pelvis when the figure in a seated pose with the pelvis hidden behind the legs. Any tips?
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Divya Kumar
Level 1 submission, working on level 2. Hope i get that done before the deadline. This was a tough one. Perspectives are fun but too many lines going through make it very confusing and messy. Had to erase some of the lines to keep it clean, still i can see a lot of smudged lines sadly.
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Divya Kumar
Level 2 project. I wanted to add extra drama to the hand, so i chose a somewhat extreme angle for the first one. Need critiques!
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Divya Kumar
Level 1 project I assumed the joints to be a separate flexible part from the boxes. The thumbs were rather confusing, had to redraw several times, not sure if I still got it right or not. Any critique is much appreciated. Thanks!
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Divya Kumar
This assignment was quite challenging! I was very confused in judging the plane changes and the angle of the head. I have no experience with perspective so had a hard time understanding the execution part of it. I had to alter the box several times to match the proportion of the portrait. For the number 4, I could see the bottom plane of the nose so i figured we were seeing the portrait from below, but the top curve of the head made me question this! Also, are the ears part of the box or not? i tried to keep it as clean as possible but i guess my initial lines were too dark in some cases. Please help! Any kind of feedback is highly appreciated.
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Divya Kumar
These are after watching the demo, the first one is from reference and the second from imagination. I struggled a bit with the imagination part. If anyone has any tips, please do share! Any feedback is much appreciated.
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