Logan H
Logan H
Logan H
Finished up my three assignments for the rhino. I really liked the breakdown on how line weight can be used to tell a story. I’m looking forward to trying some from observation.
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Logan H
This is my second attempt after rewatching the video and demo. I lost sight of doing a loose sketch and instead focused too much on a character last time. Doing it with a loose sketch and exaggeration led to this one being much funner to do, and took much less time. Definitely going to keep all the demo tips in mind, it helped a ton!
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Logan H
I definitely had a tough time with this one. It was fun trying to problem solve my way through it with anatomy in mind. That being said, I really struggled with the arms and figuring out where to pose them. First photo is finished product, then reference, then WIP pics.
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Logan H
After watching the demo, I realized that since i took a bit of a break from the course, i forgot the point of the exercise being sketchy lines. Im looking forward to tackling this project again with another animal.
Logan H
Fell off the wagon for a few weeks, I realized I was following the course a bit too rigorously, without drawing some stuff I enjoy every now and then. Been drawing cats to get back into the groove of drawing from observation and having a blast, looking forward to level 2 of this lesson!
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Logan H
I enjoyed going for the looser sketching technique, it really removes a lot of the hesitancy that comes along with making that first line on a clean page. I’m fairly pleased with the hand and penguin, but man that VR girl was a struggle for me for some reason.
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Logan H
Here is the hand and penguin in traditional as well
Did these before the demos, was more under the impression it was about breaking down the shapes VS getting good clean lines with the arm so I was cleaning up my lines as I went along. I should've left them alone, but I feel like they were mostly clean anyway.
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Logan H
These look great! You can tell there’s a lot of confidence in your line quality
Logan H
Continued practice with some other photos. The tip on viewing things as being in an “envelope” helped a lot.
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Logan H
Pre demo boots. Not sure if I may have skirted the rules by combining the types of CSI lines. Should I push to simplify my lines more?
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Logan H
Finished up the rest of level 1 and 2. I think the one I struggled with the most was the camel, which in my mind I figured would be on the easier side. These are all pre-demo, so I am interested to see how Stan goes about tackling these. I definitely got a bit lazy towards the end on the skeleton. I also tried to make pen size smaller, as I think the larger size was hiding some of my line quality mistakes. Finding that sweet spot between oversimplifying and too much detail is much more difficult than I imagined.
Logan H
Just now getting back into drawing after several years. Went in order of left to right, with one pear taking notes post demo viewing. I feel my biggest issue for now is sticking to 5 shades and not simplifying my shapes enough. Was curious if there were any other critiques I might be missing. Thanks in advance!
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Logan H
After watching the demo video, I definitely see that i need to spend much more time blocking out the general shapes of the face, and then first splitting up values by shadows and half tones before going into adding my values.
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